Welcome to February’s Monthly Minutes at Midnight!
Here’s the deal: I’ll share the books I’ve obtained, posts of interest from others, giveaways I have happening, and just general random shenanigans. You know I love a shenanigan.
The Books
For Review:
Arena and Gauntlet by Holly Jennings
Island of Exiles by Erica Cameron
Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser
Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios
In Some Other Life by Jessica Brody
Thanks to Ace, Entangled, Abrams, Bloomsbury, Macmillan, and Little, Brown!!
via Edelweiss, thanks to HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster; via Netgalley, thanks to Simon & Schuster, Little, Brown, and Sourcebooks (Yes, I realize there are 5 mentioned, that is because I requested Blacksouls on both NG and EW because I clearly have a problem, okay?)
Don’t judge.
Thanks to Angie @ The Bookish Feels, author Mindy McGinnis, and Jaime @ Fiction Fare!
Val has released more books back into my custody, YAY! Thanks, Val! (Technically, the last of them arrived today, so she has released them all, but that will be in March’s recap 😉 )
Shenanigans Since Last Time:
I read 13 books. Which frankly, I am impressed with since February is so short!
This was so… confusing. The books I thought I’d love for sure I didn’t as much, and the ones I was on the fence about I did like, and I don’t even know. I linked to the ones I reviewed, Goodreads linked to the rest, but reviews are coming soon!
Giveaways: Click Here, or on Sidebar
Blogosphere Bulletin
Here are some of the loveliest/most entertaining/super helpful/just plain interesting posts I found this month!
- AJ @ Read All the Things! Wants to know where the asexual rep in YA is
- Rashika @ Xpresso Reads shares a list of books about immigrant/first gen experiences
- Greg @ Book Haven asks if the impact of a book is diluted over time
- Brittany @ Please Feed the Bookworm is now… Brittersweet Reads!!
- Krysta @ Unbound Pages discusses some of the Unwritten Rules of book blogging
- Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction wonders if she is the only one without an OTP and also shares a guide to bookish slang and acronyms!
- Holly @ The Fox’s Hideaway asks where you would want to go in a time travel book!
- Bee @ Quite the Novel Idea explains why we need more awesome parents in YA (agreed, Bee!)
- Wendy @ Falconer’s Library asks if literary canon should be taught
- Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books shares the tropes that have her yelling NO to books. And then, shares what makes her say YES!
- Laura @ Boats Against the Current offers some suggestions for finding time to read
- Nereyda @ Nick and Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist shares what makes her read a book… and what makes her not read a book!
- Zeee @ I Heart Romance & YA asks how some bloggers seem to do it ALL
- Jeann, Jenna, and Aila @ Happy Indulgences share a list of their all-time favorite OTPs
- Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction is celebrating both her birthday and blogoversary!
- Kristen @ Moonlight and Metaphors did the “NSFW Book Tag” and she made me laugh- and cringe in a good way!
- Anissa @ Of Wonderland shares some reading hacks!
- Cait @ Paper Fury explains why books are like human children
- Krysta @ Unbound Pages explains why we needn’t be afraid of MG (even though I am, tbh)
- Jess @ Curiouser and Curiouser shares LGBT+ recs!
- Terri @ Second Reviews discusses cutting back on social media
- Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook shares tips for coming up with blog post ideas
- Lauren @ Bookmark Lit asks about DNFing & Reading Challenges
- Tanya @ Girlxoxo wants to know if guessing a plot twist changes your feelings about a book.
- Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog tells us why she hates to start new books
- Wren @ Of Wonderland shares some random “holidays” that would make excellent book celebrations!
Random Musings:
I don’t even know what happened this month. Nothing did, maybe? I feel boring, but I have very little to offer you in the way of entertainment. I don’t have fun pictures, or stories. Maybe I’ll have something to share next month 😉
Fancy & New Since Last I Saw You!
I love looking at pretty covers! So here are some new ones that I have fallen in love with since our last update!
Fine, maybe I just added American Gods to the cover because I miss Ricky Whittle, okay? Shh.
Things we need to talk about at this juncture:
- The 100 is in full swing! I am giddy excited obviously. Next week is an off week though, and those make me mad. Catch up here, if you have missed episodes/saw them and want to chat!
- I need to see Before I Fall. Has anyone seen it/planning to? Do share!
- Anyone do anything fun in February? I feel… like I need to live vicariously through you, okay? So share.
You are a ninja. How do you compile so many great posts? Wow. In awe. Also: let me know how you like the Scarecrow Queen, because I am going to read the other two books in this trilogy soon. They have the BEST covers. *Stuffs self in a jar, and uses swirly things around*
I am a fan of your blog.
Well, every time I see one, I put it in a Google doc! I used to bookmark them, but then Emma @ MissPrint suggested I format as I find them, and voila, time saver! I still have to read The Sleeping Prince, but I will DEFINITELY be sure to let you know!!
And THANK YOU, you are so sweet! ♥♥
Ooh Long Way To A small Angry Planet (yes!!) Fabulous haul. And I’m super curious about shadow Run.
Thanks for the link! And for all the links- awesome roundup. I see at least 5 I need to go read ASAP lol.
Oh my gosh those new covers. Last Star Burning, The Knowing and A Map for Wrecked Girls are all amazing. I don’t care what they are about, I want ’em.
I won’t even mention The 100.
Thanks! I… have mixed feelings about Shadow Run. I need to review it soon before it vanishes from my mind for good. I didn’t dislike it, but I also wasn’t as excited as I thought I would be, sadly. And seriously, I will buy ANY of those books, just for the covers. Luckily, they were all already on my TBR. Well, except for American Gods, I saw it on Ricky’s Twitter 😉
This is a mix of helpful, pure envy, and love. I love how you compile the lists of posts. I am totally envious of how many books you got to read. And I love seeing all of them!
Awww thanks so much! ♥♥
Those are very lovely stacks of books. I see so many I would love to read.
Aw thanks! I agree, I am like, overwhelmed this month hahah!
Ah so many great books you got!! I spy In Some Other Life and can’t wait to see what you think!!! Great reading month too. Thanks for sharing my post 🙂 I really want to see Before I Fall. WIll I actually get out to see it – probably not but i want to. Hope you have a great March lady!
*pleading eyes* I would like to borrow from your library, Miz Shannon. *big eyelash blink*
The cover love is strong! It cannot be denied. Seriously, is there a cure for this? lol
My February was…rough. The best thing I did was The Man taking me to a big “special occasions” restaurant in Gruene…and I did not get my watermelon wine at the winery, so we have to go back! 😀 Oh, and my brother chunked deuces to his wife and moved back home with my parents. It will be interesting to see how that goes.
Awesome post and so many pretty books to look at. I love the cover of The Curses and saw my first preview for American Gods just this week. I really should read it before watching.
Wow, you got a lot of books. I also had a boring February. I was trying to come up with something to say in my wrap up, but I had nothing. I hope you have a great March!
I just started The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, and I’m loving it so far.
How on earth do you read all those books???
Yay for 13 books I had a disappointing month sadly 🙁 but there’s always March. I have heard great things about The long way to a small angry planet. I love book covers as we and you picked some great ones especially into the bright unknown. Have a great reading month.
I saw a picture of The Serpent King and I’ve been attacked by feels, once again. XD I really need to get me a copy of that book for my bookshelf! *_*
I’m so excited to read Done Dirt Cheap – IT LOOKS AMAZING.
I love Ricky Whittle, but what’s kind of funny about that is I only know him from a UK soap opera that I’m obsessed with. I love that he’s in American Gods though and getting more known! 🙂
I really need to do a February post…I’m actually kind of glad that it went fast because I’m ready for the spring, but I did do some fun things like a Galentine’s Day event at the library.
Whoa, you got a lot of books. Time for a new bookshelf?
I’m actually surprised by how good Before I Fall looks. I’ll probably wait until it’s out on video to watch it, but please write a review if you do end up seeing it!
*adds all these books to TBR because of cover love alone* THANKS FOR THAT SHANNON.
Also soooo many books. SO MANY! EEEP. THAT’S WONDERFUL AND EXCITING!! And I’m super excited for Black Souls too but I feel like I need to buy it so I can hold the piratey goodness in my actual clammy paws, so I haven’t requested it.? And ajfdksald The Pearl Thief!! I hope it’s excellent. Also The Serpent King is A+ and will destroy you. So read it ASAP.
I barely even blogged in February.? I feel like I did nothing but write and talk about eating cake and accidentally double my tBR pile despite reading waaaay less lately than usual. WHAT EVEN IS THIS LIFE. (Ok fine. I don’t complain because a life full of books is the best kind of life.)
SO JEALOUS OF YOUR ARC COLLECTION! ? Excuse me while I stare at it forever.
Also, you beat me out by three books. ? I wanted to read 12 this month, but completely failed, so there went that. I’m hoping to do better in March. ?
AND SO MANY INTETERESTING POSTS; definitely bookmarked a few of them for later viewing! ?
I don’t even know what Before I Fall is about. All I know is that it is Amber’s face. Except that it’s not because that’s a different book. By another author that I get confused with Lauren Oliver. Oh well.
I have RELEASED ALL THE BOOKS. ONTO YOUR FACE. You owe me a brownie sundae when I come visit.
I only read like….a couple books in february. At least it was more than January, and AT LEAST I HAVE ALREADY COMPLETED MY GR CHALLENGE.
I won an advanced screening to Before I Fall and it was…. meh! Sure I haven’t read the book but I was just unimpressed. I feel like it was mean girls minus the mean part.. *shurgs* I kept comparing it to If I Stay which was infinitely better…. but if you loved the book, it might be worth a see. Glad I saw it for free though… 🙂
Also Defy the Stars!! I can’t wait for this book to be out!!! SUPER jealous!!!!
I really hope you enjoy your new books! I’ve been meaning to read The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet for ages, so I’m interested to see what you think of it 🙂
Thanks for mentioning my post! 🙂
OMG SHANNON SO MANY GREAT NEW BOOKS! ? I hope you enjoy all of them – they sound absolutely fantastic. Dreamfall and The Pearl Thief are two of my most anticipated titles of 2017 so I cannot wait to see what you think of both of them. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous recap! <3
Thaaaaankyou for sharing my post! 😀 Also SO many books and so many pretties but ACKKK I need Blacksouls. xD
My bookish jealousy is insaneee over Katie Cotugno and Jessica Brody’s latest, but OMG HOW EXCITED AM I THAT YOU’RE FINALLY READING STARFLIGHT?? I seriously hope you love it because it’s so, so good. I wanted to see Before I Fall because it’s one of my favorite YAS EVER, but I keep watching clips online and it’s killing . The actors’ portrayal is slightly corny-looking, but Diego Boneta, who is super cute and playing Diamler is in it, so I’m contemplating it. Hee.
My favorite part of this post is this: “Val has released more books back into my custody.” I’m glad they’ve returned to you safe and sound. 🙂
Wow, you’ve been busy! I am so envious — one day you need to do a time planning post!
Omg this is so wonderful Shannon! I have been a silent reader of your blog since so looong, I am proud that I finally commented! You got so many books! And that cover of the Laura Eve book is soooo gorgeous, although I admit I liked The Graces one better! I am really excited for the new Becky Albertalli book, and seeing it here got me flailing. I have one doubt, sorry if I am irritating you or anything, but what does ALAMW stand for?
Great post as always!!
So many amazing books! I don’t know when you will get to all of them, but can’t wait to read your thoughts! 😀
It looks like you got a lot of great new books to read!! I love the spine of In Some Other Life I will need to check that one out. I am glad you got the rest of your books back! Have a great March and Happy Reading!!
Now THAT is a lot of books!! I don’t even know what to comment on first! I am DYING to read Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios– and that Jessica Brody book is so pretty!! At least the spine is!! AND your ALA haul is the bomb dot com. Too many exciting books to comment on. Thanks for including me in your roundup BTW!! That’s super cool of you and I’m about to read a bunch of the other ones you linked because I obviously missed some cool posts!! Now, those covers!! I don’t know what Dare Mighty Things is, but I’m about to find out!!!! And The Knowing and The Curses are AWESOME sequel covers! I am obsessed!!!!!
YESSS I CAN SEE YOU’VE GOT STRANGE THE DREAMER. Omgggg it is sooo good definitely one of my fav books I’ve read this year! I also got a copy of Defy the Stars too, although that cover is kind of blinding. I’m super happy that you have a copy of The Long Way! It was one of my fav reads last year. Great book haul Shannon, I hope you enjoy! Also thank you for sharing our post!
HOW ARE THERE ALWAYS SO MANY BOOKS IN THESE POSTS! It’s amazing how many new books end up on your shelves every month! They look like they will be a lot of fun to read though 😀 I also really like the looks of Hellworld, which is one we have in common. The majority of them I know very little about though…
Thirteen books in Feb is amazing! And Stange the Dreamer which is my most anticipated read this year. I can’t find your review.. what did you think?
13 books! Wow! I see Returned in your purchased stack–this is one I need to get soon as I love this series (and Kimberley is so sweet too!!). Happy reading month in March and I look forward to your posts every week.
Oh my goodness, looks like you had a wonderful February. I also got an ARC of The Traitor’s Kiss and I’m just starting it today. Starflight is one of my favourite books, I hope you enjoy it when you read it 🙂
Happy March Shannon.
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