Welcome to the October 2016 New Release Giveaway Hop! Which, incidentally, I host now. 

I will be giving away any October 2016 new release of your choice, up to $17. The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!) Oh, and if you are a US winner, I will most likely ship from Amazon- because it will be there for you sooner!) If you prefer, I will send a Kindle edition via Amazon gift. (Please note: You may only chose ONE of these options!)

And now, the books! Such a good book month this month, eep! 

Quite a few of these are on my TBR- and I have also read a lot of them! Reviews are coming, if you haven’t seen them yet- but I can vouch for really enjoying The Weight of Zero, Fear the Drowning Deep DisruptionIron Cast, The Daemoniac, Blood Red Snow White, and A Darkly Beating Heart! 

And if I don’t get to a few of these soon, I may explode with anticipation!

Enter here to win whichever of these or any other October release your heart desires! Please be sure to check the terms and conditions :) 

Ends October 31, 2016 at 11:59pm EDT
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now hop along to all the other blogs, and thanks for entering! Good luck :)

Posted October 13, 2016 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Giveaway / 96 Comments


96 responses to “October New Release Giveaway Hop!

  1. Lily M.

    For the past couple of years I’ve been going trick or treating with my niece, its fun, I get to dress up, I stopped trick or treating w hen I was like 10 so its fun to get to do it again. I haven’t done a book themed costume, I didn’t think of that, i’ll have to keep that in mind, thank you so much for this opportunity

  2. Diana Dimovska

    In our country people don’t celebrate Halloween… but I do, wholeheartedly! 😀 This year I’ll just decorate my home with pumpkins and make/eat a lot of pumpkin-related food. 😀 Most importantly, I already started reading for my “spooky marathon”. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  3. Tanya Guthrie

    We will be taking the boys around the neighborhood. The last time we dressed up with the kids we were Poison Ivy and The Joker. The kids got a kick out of it!

  4. Oh geez, I am going to totally bomb this question because #1 I don’t do anything for Halloween (no kids and actually even as a kid I never really got into it) and #2 I don’t have a fave candy because I have no sweet tooth. How’s that for a totally boring answer? But I can tell you that my favorite rootbeer is IBC. Does that count for anything? Bahaha.

  5. Yay Halloween! We’re allowed to dress up at work, which is awesome, because I’m going to go as a Ghost Writer (you know, white makeup on face, white sheet over body, quill pen. 🙂

  6. Tammy V

    No, I don’t dress up. I have fun going with my kids in the past and then passing out candy. Now I will go with my granddaughter so I am looking forward to that. Favorite candy are those candy cigarettes. I know they are bad for you but I love how they melt in your mouth.

  7. My daughter wants to go as Luna Lovegood this year, so we are currently negotiating how much we will buy vs. make/improvise. Of course, it’s hard to do HP costumes without focusing on the movie images instead of the book…

  8. Sylvia M.

    I’m not into Halloween, but I do like some candy. Reece’s Peanut Butter cups are probably my favorite. So good.


  9. This Halloween, I’ll be manning the door for trick-or-treaters! Our neighborhood was crawling with kids last year and we ran out of candy really early, so I’ll be prepared this year! My boys are still babies, so we’ll probably dress them up to greet people too! Thanks for the giveaway! 😀

  10. Kara S

    I’m thinking of going as Anne Boleyn this year; that’s somewhat bookish, especially since the costume will glamorize more of a historical fiction character conglomerate than the actual historical personage inasmuch as I know about her. 😉 Cheers, Kara S

  11. Anything that contains chocolate is good! Halloween is very low key in South Africa, but I’m going to pick up a scary book… was thinking about Malice which I saw in a bookshop yesturday and being on buying book ban this month I left it there, but havent stopped thinking about it. ?

  12. Anne C

    I love Kit Kat or any chocolate bar. I love it during Halloween because my nieces and nephews share theirs with me and I love it, too, all year round. 🙂

  13. Stacy

    We are allowed to dress up at work and I have had a few bookish costumes. One year I dressed as Katniss but nobody knew who I was. Another year I dressed as a Slytherin student. I am not sure what I want to dress up as this year yet.

  14. I’ve never done a bookish costume…I usually just do the regulars! Last year my daughters and I all dressed up as bumble bees, though, haha. I still have no idea what we’re doing this year, but then again, I’ve always been one of those last minute people!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  15. Penny Olson

    We have decked out the house with spooky, lurid Halloween decorations and we will be going trick or treating and handing out candy. I wish they had adult trick or treating where people handed out books.

  16. I’m not a big Halloween guy. I loved getting candy of course… but I hated dressing up. I was also the kid who would trade my chocolate for the other kid’s raisins. I hate chocolate and I love raisins 😛

  17. Ellen Stafford

    I don’t do Halloween but I do buy treats for the local kids (and then eat the left over ones myself).

  18. Lara M.

    Sadly Halloween is not really a thing here in Europe :/ but some clubs might have a themed parties so I might go to one of those!

  19. Amber Terry

    I love Halloween so much, but I probably won’t really be doing anything other than watching a lot of horror movies 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  20. Rima

    I live in Australia and we don’t celebrate Halloween here, which is really annoying coz it seems like an awesome tradition! Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  21. I don’t dress up anymore, but back in high school I always dressed up in a Lord of the Rings dress! Now, though, I try to avoid people on Halloween. XD

  22. Samantha Deen

    I am in China and I work at a english after school center. So at work we are all decorating the classrooms in Halloweens stuff!! Idk what I will be for Halloween yet, but thats what I plan doing for the hoilday!

  23. Rebecca

    I’ve never done a bookish costume, but I’d love to do that one day. I don’t know who I’d choose though because my fave books are contemporary and no one would have any clue who I was dressed as.

  24. Hey! Thanks for the great giveaway. I have done a few bookish costumes, and the year I have made a bookish costume for my granbaby. Little Red Riding Hood.

  25. Ana M

    I think this will be the first time I’ll have a Halloween costume 🙂 I’ll be Alice from Alice in Wonderland

  26. Janie McGaugh

    I don’t have any specific plans for Halloween beyond going to see my grandkids get ready to go Trick-or-Treating.

  27. Actually, my birthday is on Halloween!! I use it as bragging rights lol. unfortunately, since I live in Jamaica we don’t celebrate it. this year it falls on a Monday (ughh) but I’ll be going to my first Halloween party the Friday before called “Rave to the Grave” and I’m going as Wednesday Addams.

  28. I don’t actually celebrate Halloween, so no costume for me 🙁 But thanks so much for the giveaway! I want to read Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven so bad because I just loved All the Bright Places <3

  29. Jan Lee

    No plans for Halloween except to watch scary movies on television. My favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in any shape or size 🙂

  30. Christina Carolin

    I love Helloween, but this year I won’t dress up, instead I will spend the evening reading The Creeping by Alexandra Sirowy and hand out candy. But last year I went as The Wicked Witch of the East and when I was in primary school I dressed up as Hermione Granger quite often.

  31. Anne

    Going to Chipotle in costume after 3 p.m. to get a $3 entree then home to hand out candy. Hopefully, I’ll actually get some trick or treaters this year.

  32. KateS

    We don’t celebrate Halloween where I live, but I’ve always wanted to try pumpkin carving! Maybe some day 🙂

  33. Ada

    My favorite Halloween candy is M&Ms. I don’t have any plans this year except to turn off the lights and hide from the trick-or-treaters since I’ve been so busy at work and Halloween is my only day off in a long while!!! Thanks for the chance to win a new book!

  34. Cynthia R

    My sisteronce drew a cover of a VC Andrews book and that was her costume. I just passed out candy, didn’t dress up.

  35. Ann

    I did do a bookish costume! It was pretty long ago, though– when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. 🙂
    It wasn’t a Halloween/trick-or-treating costume, but for some kind of event (with contests and prizes!) at my school. (My memory is a bit foggy, and I don’t remember if it was for Halloween or not.) Our task was to dress up as a favorite character from a book. I chose to dress up as Violet from “The Boxcar Children.” And… I won! 🙂

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