Welcome to July’s Monthly Minutes at Midnight!

 Here’s the deal: I’ll share the books I’ve obtained, posts of interest from others, giveaways I have happening, and just general random shenanigans. You know I love a shenanigan.  Also, covers all link to Goodreads, because I am awesome. As always, I link up with the Wrap Up Round Up, too! 

The Books

For Review/From Publishers: 

Drown Me With Dreams by Gabi Burton ♦ It’s Only a Game by Kelsea Yu ♦ At the End of the River Styx by Michelle Kulwicki

Thanks to the publishers for these amazing books- so many most anticipated here, friends! 


Huge thanks to the publishers for these lovelies! This is what we refer to as “progress”. See also: “Temporary”.


All the Dead Shall WeepHeir, ApparentlySorry for the InconvenienceEarthflownThe Darkness Within Us.

It would be less offensive if I ever actually read any of the books I bought, wouldn’t it?

Kindle on the Cheap:

Won/Gifted/No Idea But It Showed Up at My House:

Huge Thanks to the publisher for these!

Shenanigans Since Last Time:

I read 21 books this month. Whew. Nicely done, me. A new record, and I am finally caught up! 

I think Saga 11 was the first non-review book I have read this year, so that is terrible. But these books were not- pretty good batch, this! 

Giveaways: Click Here, or on Sidebar

Blogosphere Bulletin

Here are some of the loveliest/most entertaining/super helpful/just plain interesting posts I found this month! 

Fancy & New Since Last I Saw You!

I love looking at pretty covers! So here are some new ones that I have fallen in love with since our last update!

Pretty covers are pretty.

Things we need to talk about at this juncture:

  • July went by wayy too fast. Like- I don’t think anything really crazy happened, it was just gone in the blink of an eye! And now there are only like, 3 weeks of summer and I want to cry, can we slow it down!? But it was just nice to like, exist. And read again. And watch shows again. I’ll have a new post soon-ish, since I have finished a few! 
  • Also, July was insane. I saw a tweet from a Canadian fellow who said “wow this season of America is really crazy” and yep. Yep it is. I feel like I am too tired to come up with words, but we should definitely discuss in the comments! What do you think? 
  • The Olympics are underway! Because Sammy is pretty obsessed, I have been watching more than usual, too. And man, I love how inspiring it is! Best of humanity and all that jazz. And Paris! Also, thanks to all my buds for doing the Olympic Book Tag! I may change it up in 2028, add some new events, what have you. Or, I will be frazzled and lazy and it will look exactly the same because some things never change. Have you been watching?

Have a great August, loves! Let me know how your month was! Looking forward to anything coming up?

Posted July 31, 2024 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Recaps / 8 Comments


8 responses to “Monthly Minutes at Midnight: July 2024

  1. Congratulations on being caught up! That’s fantastic- long may it stay that way.
    I’m also watching more of the Olympics than usual. I don’t care which teams win what, I just get so impressed by the athleticism, grace, power, and grit of the competitors. It gives me awe, which is a feeling I love.

    As for Hellscape America, it feels like the shit hit the fan and is now accelerating exponentially to worst scenario things. I’ve got a thimble if hope, with Harris in the race now, but almost everything else is just….doomy doom doom doom.

  2. I have an eARC of Last Hour, but I was denied access to Blue Hour LOL. Good job on being caught up with ARCs!

    Frankly, the sooner summer ends, the better for me. The heat is making me FERAL, I only do the bare minimum around the house, live on cold cuts and salads ant stuffed tomatoes and pre-packaged stuff that only needs to be heated…It’s been almost a whole month, and I can’t take it anymore (plus I cave to play caregiver). I get where you’re coming from though, given your line of work.

    I found it funny that it was necessary for Biden to step down to Harris in order to revitalise the Presidential race…like, without her, people would have chosen Trump or not bother to vote? knowing what’s at stake? Anyhow, if that’s what it takes, i hope it works…

  3. The summer is going fast! It’s not really a thing for me since I work all year long and it’s been hot, so I am not sad. But I understand it from your POV. Back to the grind soon with school and activities. I didn’t realize AS King has a new book coming out. I have to look into that.

  4. Wow, 21 books! That’s awesome! I agree that July went by super fast. Probably because it is the only time I had off of school. I’m ready for the heat to go away though. Just came in from taking my dogs out and said out loud that I was ready for winter weather, lol. And yes, the US season is crazy right now.

  5. “This season of America” lmao. Watching everything unfold from Europe and crossing my fingers very, very tightly. I’m glad you had some time to wind down in July and hopefully, you’ll have a nice August as well!

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