Welcome to September’s Monthly Minutes at Midnight!

 Here’s the deal: I’ll share the books I’ve obtained, posts of interest from others, giveaways I have happening, and just general random shenanigans. You know I love a shenanigan.  Also, covers all link to Goodreads, because I am awesome. As always, I link up with the Wrap Up Round Up, too! 

The Books

For Review/From Publishers: 

I Loved You In Another Life by David Arnold ♦ Night Hunt by Alexandra Christo

Huge thanks to the publishers for these! 


Huge thanks to the publishers for these lovelies! And okay maybe I was a tiny bit ridiculous this month? 🤷‍♀️


Not too bad, right? Prophet, Last Ones Left Alive, Your Mind is a Terrible Thing

And technically, I got LOLA because I had its sequel for review without knowing it was its sequel so that one is not even actually my fault. 


Thanks to the publishers for this one! 

Shenanigans Since Last Time:

I read 10 books this month. Ooof. I don’t recall when the last time I read so few books was. But alas, time is my enemy. 

At least they were pretty awesome? 

Giveaways: Click Here, or on Sidebar

Blogosphere Bulletin

Here are some of the loveliest/most entertaining/super helpful/just plain interesting posts I found this month! 

Fancy & New Since Last I Saw You!

I love looking at pretty covers! So here are some new ones that I have fallen in love with since our last update!

Pretty covers are pretty.  Also holy covers, Batman! I had to double dip with Ocean’s Gadori, because it is just that gorgeous. And thanks to Tammy’s post for putting Calypso on my radar! 

Things we need to talk about at this juncture:

I don’t know if I have the energy to write a recap!  I mean here’s the current breakdown. I am simultaneously: 

  •  Student teaching and full time actual teaching all at once. Which is like being thrown into the ocean at your first swim lesson. Without a life jacket. It’s a third grade learning support class, and it is a lot. But I am also learning more than I could ever have from textbooks (or even regular old student teaching, if I am being honest) so it’s very worth it. It’s just also crazy overwhelming and exhausting, too!  
  • Taking three more classes. Which is 3 hours 3 days a week, and then all the homework and assignments that come with it. 
  • Juggling kid appointments, sports, friends, and just their general upkeep which in itself is a full time gig. And like, all the chores of a house which is fun. 
  • Still somehow reading (not enough, but alas), and reviewing (not enough, but alas), blogging/visiting your blogs (not enough, but alas), and trying to fit in a show every now and then but that often falls by the wayside. 

So I don’t really have time for anything fun or exciting to mention, but maybe you have done something fun or exciting you want to share with the class? 

Have a great October, loves! Let me know how your month was! Looking forward to anything coming up?

Posted September 30, 2023 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Recaps / 22 Comments


22 responses to “Monthly Minutes at Midnight: September 2023

  1. I only had one class a week when I was student teaching and that was hard enough. We are cheering for you. And I am amazed you read 10 books with all that going on.

  2. Gorgous mix of covers as usual. Floating hotel need to go on my list. Meet Me In Fourth Dimension looks like a me kinda book too.

    You are super busy. wow, 3 classes?

  3. You’ve been SO busy and yet read 10 books, I admire you so much. I hope all of your classes (teaching and learning!) are going well and wishing you all the best with these this upcoming month!! <3
    I always love your little compilation of book covers, they look so good. I'm eager to read The King & The Crash, loved that first book! 🙂
    I hope October will be kind to you! xx

  4. Lol how did you manage to find Grief in the Fourth Dimension and Meet Me in the Fourth Dimension? What are the odds?? Wow, you sound way too busy. I hope you get down time every now and then? I’m so excited to read Earth Retrograde!

  5. You just put A Step Past Darkness on my radar! I have eARCs of Floating Hotel and Three Eight One, and I’ve already read the one I got of You’re Breaking My Heart, which I liked! I didn’t get Beholder, but of course I’ll buy a copy, because I love La Sala.

    I’m impressed by your ability to juggle ALL THE THINGS, especially studying and teaching at the same time. OK, I’m *cough* older than you, but I can’t imagine muster the energy to do that, plus single-parenting and everything else 👏👏👏.

    • Dude. I was just like “ohh what’s Three Eight One, that sounds good!” until I realized it was a book I already had. Wow. WOW. 😂 That is where I am I guess bwhaha.

      It is… well look, I didn’t even remember that book was a thing, so that is how I am doing! After this round of classes, I will only have one class until February, so if I can make it through I might not die? Fingers crossed!

  6. I have no idea how you’re doing all of that! I know when I was working on my library master’s they wouldn’t let me do my internship/student teaching in the library at the same school where I was teaching at the time so I had to do summer school. I need to check out your review of Beholder, because even though I loved the author’s other books I’ve read, I’m struggling with that one a bit. Hope your October goes well and you get some time to rest!!!

    • Dude me either! Yeah so, they used to not let you do that, but since everywhere is so desperate for teachers, I think they are making a LOT of accommodations just to get classrooms staffed. I’ll take it! I am sorry you are struggling with Beholder! I quite liked it, even though I hadn’t liked the first book I read of his. I’ll be curious to hear your full thoughts about it!

  7. OK, so teaching would be about 8 hours, day, plus 3 hours every day for class & homework, plus 2 hours every day running the kids around, plus 2 hours every day preparing and eating food, plus 2 hours a day with house chores you can’t put off, plus an hour a day to get ready for all this stuff, plus 6 hours a day for sleep….so you basically read 10 books in a month, despite being occupied literally 24 hours/day. I’d say that’s pretty good- you’re bending time to read, and I sure hope it’s bringing you actual joy and isn’t just another commitment to be slave to, because you deserve time for yourself. <3

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