Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by That Artsy Reader GirlThis week’s topic is: Most Anticipated Book Releases for the First Half of 2023

And now… books! 

Fun fact: I copied this as a draft from last year’s post, which was copied from that last year’s post, which was copied from the year before that, and so on as one does. Look, I could pretend to be sorry, but I am not. At all.  So I am taking the easy way out, I barely changed definitely did not even change this paragraph!  I’ll still link all the books and such, because I am awesome. If you want to see all the 2023 books I added to my TBR, here they are!

I also only used books with covers, because apparently I am superficial like that. Even four years later, when I first said that. Also, obviously some of these fit in more than one category, so I just… picked one.  Also I absolutely forgot some.

The YA Debuts

The Adult Debuts

The Sequels/Prequels/Companions

The New Series

The YA Standalones (includes books that might be series but I am not a psychic, so 🤷)

The Adult Standalones

The Ones I’ve Read (and loved!) Do you guys see all these? This is how you start a year! 

(Reviews for all these- and more early 2023 books- coming soon!) 

So let’s talk about 2023! What are some things you’re hoping to do? Books you’re longing to read, shows to watch, etc?

Posted January 10, 2023 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Top Ten Tuesday , / 25 Comments


25 responses to “Books To Explode Your 2023 TBR!

  1. Oooh The Chaperone looks interesting. I read World Running Down last week and it is adorable. There’s lots here to go look into and I spy some I have on my radar that didn’t make my list.

  2. You have read a lot of new releases already. Gold star! I thought I wasn’t going to have any of your books on my TBR, but I actually have an ARC for The Other Side of Infinity. I hope these are all hits!

  3. Shannon, you’re killing me! There are a bunch here I didn’t even know about, and I am supposed to know ALL the books, lol. I literally just requested a few on NetGalley and within a minute or two was approved for Not Alone. AWESOME list😁

  4. I love when you do these type of posts. You find some of the best sounding (and looking) books. And I’m glad to see you liked Retro as that’s one I’m curious about. I follow the authors on TikTok too and they’re great.

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