Welcome to my stop on the FFBC Blog Tour for The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring! I am so excited to share with you my thoughts on the book, and a chance to win a copy of this lovely book!
The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring
Published by Imprint on September 24, 2019
Pages: 464
Source:Copy provided by publisher for review

Simmering in Patagonian myth, The Tenth Girl is a gothic psychological thriller with a haunting twist.

At the very southern tip of South America looms an isolated finishing school. Legend has it that the land will curse those who settle there. But for Mavi—a bold Buenos Aires native fleeing the military regime that took her mother—it offers an escape to a new life as a young teacher to Argentina’s elite girls.

Mavi tries to embrace the strangeness of the imposing house—despite warnings not to roam at night, threats from an enigmatic young man, and rumors of mysterious Others. But one of Mavi’s ten students is missing, and when students and teachers alike begin to behave as if possessed, the forces haunting this unholy cliff will no longer be ignored.

One of these spirits holds a secret that could unravel Mavi's existence. In order to survive she must solve a cosmic mystery—and then fight for her life.

An Imprint Book

The Tenth Girl is a super atmospheric book with some stunning twists based on some really intriguing folklore. So, I shall break down all my feelings for you, as one does.

What I Loved:

  • Holy incredible atmosphere! Right from the start of the story, the tone is set by the setting and how well the author develops the entire vibe. From the first page, the reader feels like they are legitimately in this Argentinian boarding school, isolated from the rest of the world, shrouded in secrets and mystery. But at the same time, it’s clear to see the allure of the place, why Mavi didn’t just get the hell out of there. It’s peaceful at first glance, and a seemingly perfect place for a fresh start.
  • The twists were pretty epic. I admit, I saw none of this coming, and for that I must applaud the author. And I liked the twists. A lot. So if you’re looking for surprises and jaw drops, this book delivers.
  • The characters were quite well developed and I was really interested in all of their stories. Even the most minor character seemed to have some kind of backstory to explore, and I loved that. Especially since the setting was so mysterious, it increased my yearning to learn more about all the things.
  • Gorgeous writing. It was beautiful and painted such perfect pictures. I will definitely be reading whatever the author does next!

What I Didn’t Quite:

  • So there’s really only one thing I didn’t like: it was draggy at times. I admit, I almost DNFed a time or seven. The beginning felt like a bit of a slog, albeit an atmospheric slog. The twist, for me, definitely made the last bit of the book fly by, but I know not everyone will love where it goes (when I looked at reviews upon finishing, the end is… polarizing, to say the least). Regardless, the pacing is definitely slower, just something worth mentioning.

Bottom Line: Haunting and full of surprises, this will appeal to fans of a slower, more poetic journey.

About Sara Faring

Born in Los Angeles, Sara Faring is a multi-lingual Argentine-American fascinated by literary puzzles. After working in investment banking at J.P. Morgan, she worked at Penguin Random House. She holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania in International Studies and from the Wharton School in Business. She currently resides in New York City. 

Her first novel, The Tenth Girl, will be released by Macmillan/Imprint on September 24, 2019. Sara is represented by Sarah Bedingfield at Levine Greenberg Rostan Agency.

Win a copy of THE TENTH GIRL by Sara Faring (US Only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

‘Fess up: Would you attend the eerie, isolated boarding school? (I’d probably not tbh!)

And, don’t forget to enter to win another copy of the book right here

Posted September 21, 2019 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Tour, Giveaway, Review / 10 Comments


10 responses to “The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring: Review & Giveaway!

  1. Haha! “…a time or seven” made me laugh out loud. I’ve been curious about this book, but this is the first review I’ve seen! I’m happy to see you enjoyed it overall. It’s good to know that I should stick with it even when it feels slow! Lovely review!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ?

  2. This book looks so suitably creepy, and I am totally feeling this vibe this time of year! The two things I really want in a book is unpredictable (but well-founded) twists and great characters, and this sounds like it delivers on both! The only problem is I struggle SO MUCH with slow books, so I appreciate that warning. D: I still think I might check this one out, though, and see how it goes. :3 Thanks for the review!

  3. Alexandria Rose Rivera

    wow i cant wait to read the tenth girl ! i love mystery and suspense books this one sounds great just in time for october autumn reading ! have a great day !!

  4. Beth W

    I added this one as soon as I heard about it- I love a creepy atmospheric read, I love the Patagonian inspiration, and that’s an area of the world I’ve heard a lot about from my Dad. I’m pretty fully on board. Would I decide teaching at an isolated island all-girls school near some of the world’s best fly fishing was a good idea? YES. Would I be wrong? Probably. 😀

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