Welcome to  the October 2015 New Release Giveaway Hop hosted by Librarian Lavender and you know, yours truly!

I will be giving away any October 2015 new release of your choice, up to $17. The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!) Oh, and if you are a US winner, I will most likely ship from Amazon- because it will be there for you sooner!) If you prefer, I will send a Kindle edition via Amazon gift. (Please note: You may only chose ONE of these options!)

And now, the books! October is a good month for books, no? 

 I have read 10 of these. I enjoyed most of those. 😉  And I am excited about the others!

Enter here to win whichever of these or any other October release your heart desires! Please be sure to check the terms and conditions :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now hop along to all the other blogs, and thanks for entering! Good luck :)

Posted October 14, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Giveaway / 106 Comments


106 responses to “October New Release Giveaway Hop!

  1. Cali W.

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love Halloween and Halloween inspired books like The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury. 🙂

  2. Ahhhhh!!!! I love your picks! And the only scary book I read was on Wattpad and I cannot remember the name. It was a long time ago. For creepy, I’d go with Velvet by Temple West and Redeemed by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast. I know that Christy from Novel Ink found The Dead House scary so that says a lot!

  3. Omg, October is an INSANELY good month for releases!! And November too! EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING AT THE END OF THE YEAR, OMG. XD I don’t really read Halloween books…it’s just not much of a thing here in Oz? The shops try to convince us it is, but gee, it kind of centres on harvest and all that and we’re in SPRING! 😀 XD

  4. October is proving to be a great reading month for me because three different series I read have new books coming out! One of them is out this Friday, and I already know I’m going to hate myself when I can hardly keep my eyes open the next day. Thanks for the giveaway! I’m glad your enjoying your October books so far 🙂

  5. Sam

    I am not a big Halloween fan (long story, bad experience as a child), however, I understand why it appeals to others. Stephen King is just a scary guy, and so are his books.

  6. I hate to sound bah-humbug but Halloween is kind of a non-holiday to me. LOL I think it’s very much meant for kids (I have none – by choice) so it’s fun to see them enjoy it… but otherwise it pretty much passes me by. And I very rarely read scary books. Eeek!

  7. Raphaela P.

    so in my country we don’t really celebrate Halloween.but i enjoy watching the movies on tv or read some good ghost books
    i am not one for horror/ scary books.
    and after “It”, i just stay away from anything Stephen King has ever written T^T

  8. Suz Reads

    I like Halloween because I like to see all of the cute costumes! Anything by Stephen King is awesome and scary! Thanks for this giveaway – I would love to win!

  9. Karin

    I don’t celebrate Halloween however I do love creepy books, especially Anna dressed in blood and The Amityville Horror

  10. EEEK THIS LINEUP LOOKS FABULOUS. I’m particularly excited for A Madness So Discreet — THAT COVER and also all the fab reviews. Also for WOLF FOR WOLF, because my favourite author said it was good on Twitter. EEEK. But seriously, not enough scary books there for Halloween ;P

  11. Anita Sandor // AniTiger //

    I really enjoy Halloween, but in my country we don’t celebrate Halloween. But every year we make a H-day costume party for us friends and thats what I enjoy. 😀
    My favourite Halloween themed book is The Haunted Mask by R. L. Stine! 😀

  12. I love Halloween! I love the fall season in general! I’m currently reading Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett and I think it is a perfect book for the Halloween season! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Tammy V.

    I used to when my kids were younger. Now that I have a grandchild I will probably get back into Halloween again. As to scary movies and books I watch and read them all year long.

  14. Red

    Halloween is my all time favorite time of year. The whole month of October is just amazing. The decorations, the weather, the colors. I just love it all. I haven’t really read any scary books, but I do enjoy scary movies. Thank you so much!

  15. MJ

    I actually don’t celebrate Halloween… DEMON DENTIST! It’s middle grade book but is absolutely terrifying! (And I’m not a child)

  16. So many great books are coming out, once again! I recently read a ghost story by an Icelandic author called I Remember You. It scared the crap out of me! If you like horror at all, I highly recommend it. To be honest, though, I haven’t really liked Halloween since I graduated from high school. It was a lot more fun back then. 😀

  17. I LOVE HALLOWEEN!! I recommend anything by Stephen King. Also, this might be a little twisted, but every year at Christmas time, I read NOS4A2 by Joe Hill (Stephen Kings son) and it’s delightfully scary!

  18. Halloween is actually my least favorite holiday(?), I always gets scared sooo easily, so as you can see, Halloween and I don’t mix. Book recommendations…hmmm, Anna Dressed in Blood, maybe?

  19. Halloween! Always such a fun time of year! You get to dress up however you want and no one can judge you. It’s so much fun! Of course, the candy is always wonderful, too. :p Definitely trick-or-treat’ed’ every year in high school. Heh. No one seemed to care in my neighborhood. Yay me!
    Scary book recommends? Sadly, no… I haven’t read much in the genre, but I do always love me a dark tale by the Brothers Grimm. ^.^ Does that count? :p

  20. Maricris Patrimonio Dimla

    I love Hallooween! I love being spooked and all those scary ghost stories. I recommend any book of Stephen King. Thank you for the chance!! 🙂

  21. stacy

    I love Halloween, I love decorating and dressing up and seeing everyone else all dressed up. It is just such a fun holiday! I don’t really read a lot of scary stories, but my favorite has always been Stephen King.

  22. Emily Crowell

    I LOVE Halloween, because it’s so festive and I love to dress up in costumes and eat inordinate amounts of sugar! But I hate scary anything… my idea of scary is the woods scene in Snow White where Snow White is getting chased by trees with eyes and sharp limbs lol. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. jen7waters

    The Woman in Black by Susan Hill is pretty scary. (We don’t really celebrate Halloween in my country, I do enjoy it though.)

  24. Trix

    I like the costumes and jack o’lanterns, but get sick of answering the door. I usually avoid scary books, but Evan Gilbert’s BROWN-EYED DEVIL was one that held my interest…

  25. Lotus

    We enjoy watching the trick-or-treaters come! I’d recommend the classic Stephen King “The Shining” as a scary book!

  26. Summer

    I love seeing how creative people are with their costumes at Halloween, and the candy is a nice bonus, too. As for scary books, I don’t think I’ve really read any, I should change that since I do like to read a variety, that would be something different to add to the mix.

  27. Victoria

    Honestly, I just veg out on the couch with halloween candy, passing it out to trick-or-treaters while watching zombie movies! I haven’t read anything spooky but I’ve heard Miss Peregrine’s and Anna Dressed in Blood are pretty good 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway! fingers crossed…

  28. I love the looks of a lot of the books coming out this month. Some of them are so good – like A Madness So Discreet. I would love to read Illuminae, because everyone seems to be loving that one.

  29. Cindy Jameson

    I love halloween. It has been a long time since I have read a scary book. I loved them as a teenager though. Stephen King was a favorite, and I still love the movies made from his books. I no longer can watch Pet Cemetery or Children From the Corn, since having my own child. Just can’t do it.

  30. Anna Weimer

    Hmm I never seem to read scary creepy books. Or maybe they don’t stick in my mind ?. I need to find a good October read.

  31. I love Halloween, but it’s not until recently until I’ve been a huge participant in the Halloween time. I’ve been reading scarier reads this month and I’m currently reading The Ocean at the End of the Lane which is a perfect read for the October month. There are some scenes that are just so creepy that they left me with chills!

  32. oriana

    here in Chile we dont celebrate too much, but i like scary books and movies
    The best are IT, Anna dressed in blood

  33. Mai Balaibo

    I loove Halloween. Scary books to recommend are This Monstrous Thing (Frankenstein retelling), Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series, and Alice in Zombieland series and any of Katie Alender’s books 🙂

  34. Alwssa

    Thanks for the giveaway! We don’t celebrate Halloween in Romania but I would like to dress up and enjoy Halloween!

  35. Now, in my old age, I love it more for the candy than anything else! I love scary books, and the scary movie marathons too! I think when I have a little one, and finally have an excuse to dress up again, I will like it more for what it is!

  36. Wow those Book look interesting, anyway we don’t celebrate Halloween in my country but I always look forward to see what it looks like any way thanks

  37. Danielle D.

    I love Halloween, it’s one of my favorite holidays! As for a creepy book, Shutter by Courtney Alameda is amazing!

  38. Ingvild G

    I enjoy Halloween, being out with friends, staying up late and watching some movies. I really enjoy it. Unfortunately, I have none recommendation on any scary book. :/

  39. Megan C.

    I like the festivities surrounding Halloween (pumpkin carving, decorating, baking), but I’m a wimp when it comes to getting scared. But Mara Dyer is a good psychological thrill that I loved! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  40. Janie McGaugh

    I enjoy Halloween, but it’s mostly for the cute little kids in their costumes. I don’t do scary books or movies.

  41. Isa

    I don’t really have much of an opinion on Halloween. The Exorcist by by William Peter Blatty was pretty good. Thank you, enjoy your day. 🙂

  42. Leah Shumack

    I don’t have any scary book recommendations but very much love Halloween! Love seeing what all the kids are dressed up as!

  43. Linda Kish

    No scary book recommendations. I like seeing the kids dressed up and I like candy but that’s about it for me and Halloween.

  44. Yess! I think Halloween is a lot of fun~ Everyone gets an excuse to dress up, not just the kids 😉 For a spooky read, I’d recommend the Anna Dressed in Blood duology! I really enjoyed it 😀

  45. _Sandra_

    The Shining/Doctor Sleep by Stephen King and Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist.
    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  46. I do love Halloween! I think it’s festive to dress up whatever you want to be. Although I’m scared, it’s still a fun time to have with friends or family. I haven’t read scary books to recommend. Thank you for this amazing chance! 🙂

  47. Piroska

    I love seeing all the little ones in their great costumes! My favourite part of Halloween.
    Scariest book: The Shining.

  48. techeditor

    I enjoy that I now live in the boonies where no trick-or-treaters come and interrupt my reading. Stephen King’s books are good scary books, at least most of them.

  49. I do enjoy Halloween, though we don’t actually celebrate it here where I live. I’ve recently read Slasher Girls and Monster Boys and I enjoyed so I could recommend you that.

  50. sarah s

    It’s been a couple of years since I’ve read the series but I remember it being one of the more creepy/scary ones that I’ve read and at least with the first book it takes place around Halloween it’s The Devouring by Simon Holt. I haven’t really done anything for halloween since I was around maybe 10, I will say I check out the clearance halloween candy, once they still had the good kind 90% off I might have gone overboard that year:)

  51. Katarzyna

    Halloween isn’t really celebrated here where I live but I love seeing pictures of all the costumes 🙂 and as for a scary read I can only recommend Stephen King

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