Pest Control 101: A Bookish Squishing Guide


Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is: Top Ten Books That Would Be On Your Syllabus If You Taught X 101 (examples: YA fantasy 101, feminist literature 101, magic in YA 101, classic YA lit 101, world-building 101)

So, I have had this particular list in my head for ages, waiting for the most perfect Top Ten for it. And when I saw the topic for this week, I just knew it was time. I present to you…


And don’t worry- I checked, each of these is considered a pest in some area or another! 

Pictures link to Goodreads!




I feel pretty certain that I forgot some, so tell me which blatantly obvious choices I missed! Can’t wait to see your topics!!

Posted August 25, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Top Ten Tuesday / 70 Comments


70 responses to “Pest Control 101: A Bookish Squishing Guide

  1. Great list I love Grasshopper Jungle and In the Shadow of Blackbirds and I think it’d be so fun to take a course where you can discuss them!!! Great other picks as well. I am especially curious about The Year of The Rat- never heard of that book! Thanks for sharing your (fake) syllabus with us!

  2. I absolutely love your topic. It’s so creative!

    The Raven Boys is probably one of my favorite series ever. And I can’t wait to read Six of Crows. But I got some new recommendations from your post too! I’m very curious about The Serpent King, I’ve never heard of it. And I really want to read The Scorpion Rules too.

  3. This is a brilliant list idea—it made me laugh so much when I saw it on my Bloglovin’ feed. I love The Raven Boys, and I don’t know but maybe The Scorpio Races could count for list too? Clearly Maggie Stiefvater really likes pests!

    • Aww thank you!! I am glad it brought some laughs 🙂 I was considering looking up more info about The Scorpio races (because I admit I haven’t read it yet and wasn’t sure in what context “Scorpio” was!) but then I realized I’d had ten already haha. She DOES seem to like her pests!

  4. I’m envious of your topic, Shannon. It’s so unique :D. I actually haven’t read any of these books. Some obviously because they haven’t been released yet. I think I’ve been telling myself I am going to read The Raven Boys for months now, and have yet to get around to doing it.

  5. Oh wow. This is so funny, I like this post it’s super unique XD I’ve only read Lord of the Flies and Of Mice and Men for school. The rest I haven’t at all, but I might try Year of the Rat and Raven Boys soon. I’ve been hearing a lot about Six of Crows and Scorpion Rules. Have you read them And if so what did you think? 🙂

    • Aww thanks! I read those for school too 😉 I didn;t really love either of them. The Raven Boys was really good, and I have heard nothing but AMAZING things about Six of Crows! Scorpion Rules was okay, but not my favorite- not terrible though either. And while I haven’t had a chance to read In the Shadow of Blackbirds, I will blindly endorse anything written by Cat Winters, she is amazing!

  6. Haha, like I said before, this makes so much more sense now that I’ve seen the books you chose for this. 🙂 I love it! Especially the graphics.

  7. I’ve seen a lot of TTT this week and this one is the most unique by far, BUT I AM A BIT CREEPED OUT, I’m not gonna lie. Australia has a ton of creepy crawlies and now I am nervously looking over my shoulder after seeing this list, haha!

    • Hahhah thanks! Sorry for creeping you out 😉 I feel like Australia has meaner and bigger creepy crawlies than here in the northeastern US. So you have every right to look over your shoulder! And for maybe not reading these books right now!

  8. I’m probably strange but I just got super excited over your inclusion of both Lord of the Flies and Of Mice and Men. Two of my favorites from high school that I’ve been meaning to reread! <3

  9. *LOVE* your take on this week’s TTT, Shannon! So funny and clever. Side note: The cover of In the Shadows of Blackbirds has always freaked me out!

  10. This is a very creative way to keep an interesting book list handy. It must have taken a little bit of time or a lot of inspiration to get this “pesty” book list together.

  11. Also… The Grasshopper Jungle cover is so simple it could almost use the additional bug images you added. And you have a wide range of titles here, from classics to modern.

  12. Hey
    It is always creepy to have pests around. Pest control services will enforce the most effective pest prevention schemes into your home, they will alert you to the valuable information you need to know, and if you do have any pest problems at the current time, they will exterminate them for you.
    Thank you for sharing a great post.

  13. Your statement about cockroaches is completely true. They could survive a nuclear fallout and the baking soda-sugar mixture is a unique way to address it.

  14. Holly Evans

    I think you’ve got the most well-known titles there. Lord of the Flies and Of Mice and Men are both classics, and two of my most favourite reads. I actually really wanted to read The Serpent King when it first came out, you’ve just reminded me I need to put it on my list!

    I don’t think I could read a book that has rat in the title. We’ve just had a really bad rat problem at home (we live in London, and there’s lots of them about!), and had to call out these pest controllers to handle the problem, because we had heard they were the best in our area for dealing with rats.

    Thanks for this great list of good reads!

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