We’re All Book Nerds Here!


Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is: Ten Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds (love reading, are writers, work at a bookstore, etc.)

This is a hard prompt, not because these characters don’t exist, but because it is kind of a smaller detail in the grand scheme of a story most times, and one I am kind of likely to forget. Oops? So it makes sense that some of these are from my most recent reads! The pictures link to Goodreads, if you are so inclined 🙂

Sidenote: Pretty sure I fail, because I could only come up with nine. I tried, I really did!

bw6One of Emerson’s biggest end-of-the-world bummers? There’s an author signing scheduled, but the bookstore won’t be open on account of the apocalypse.  And she specifically mentioned The Hunger Games, which means she is awesome automatically.

“No, I like books. In fact, I love books.”

“Okay, how about a super suspenseful one? You know, the kind where you can’t turn the pages fast enough because you have to find out what happens.” She pauses a moment. “Like The Hunger Games, I read that book in a single day. “

bw2 Maddy was a huge reader (as you are when you’re stuck in your house forever). Some other cute bookish things happen, but you have to read the book to find out 😉

bw5Homegirl is kind of obsessed with that book, wouldn’t you say?

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”


I enjoy my suffragettes-in-the-making with a side of Dracula, okay?


“She had spent years locked in a tower, unable to see anything of the world but the scarp of forest beyond her window, but stories had provided her escape. New books, old books, dramas and histories and fantastical adventures, stories of ordinary lives, stories of dragons and demons, murders and mysteries and myths from long ago. A hundred possible worlds, more true to her than her own, more compelling than a life of staring at the same walls and same trees, waiting for the day when the lock would click and she would finally be allowed to be free. A story could not hurt her.”


Skyler loves to read, and then she must sacrifice to read even more incredible things.

bw7 I dare say her TBR probably looks like mine! She loves a good book, even in the midst of assassin-ing.

“Libraries were full of ideas–perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.”


All Rachel wanted was to curl up with a good book. All Rachel’s father wanted her to do is mindlessly obey and procreate. The struggle is real.


 “Often, when I am able to check out a book, I read it a dozen times before returning it, desperate to remain lost in the magic of someone else’s story.”

So, can you think of more? Because I can’t and it is kind of driving me insane. I am sure they’re out there though!

Posted July 28, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Top Ten Tuesday / 71 Comments


71 responses to “We’re All Book Nerds Here!

  1. Darn, Hazel, Olivia and Ivy would have completed my list! I tried so hard but could only think of 7 and I knew I was leaving out some easy ones from books I loved. I still need to read a few of these books, though. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle’s Minions

  2. Brilliant list, Shannon! I would have added Maddy from Everything Everything if I had read it back when I sorted this list. She’s wonderfully bookish and not ashamed!

  3. I’m reading ‘Everything, Everything’, and Madeline is most DEFINITELY a reader. I won’t be surprised if she whips out her Goodreads app. 😉

  4. This makes me want to try The Book of Ivy EVEN MORE. Gahhhhh. I needs it. Oh oh but we used the same quote for Throne of Glass so OBVIOUSLY = best quote ever. XDXD I love Celaena’s love of books…and I adore how much fangirling went down in TFIOS. :’)

    • The Book of Ivy is FABULOUS! It’s a dystopian, but FAR from typical. And YAY that is because we are both geniuses, and had to use the same epic quote 😉

      The Fangirling in TFIOS may have bordered on obsession, but eh, who am I to judge?

  5. Yes! I love your list. Maddy, Aurora, Celaena, and Ivy would make my list too (if only I had not misunderstood the directions, doh!). I can’t think of any more. I might of tried Every Day, but now I am not sure, isn’t he A a reader? Pretty Baby as well but I don’t know if you read that one.

  6. I have Ivy in my list too! I loved that book so much, I can’t wait for the next one in November! I really want to read Everything, Everything, I’ve been hearing great things about it 😀

  7. Okay, the fact that a character from All We Have Is Now mentions The Hunger Games makes me want to read it even more. That is still my favorite dystopian series. I could only come up with nine too. So I cheated and added a TV character for my tenth one. Ha

  8. WOW I’m impressed, Shannon. The fact that you included QUOTES totally makes up for the fact that you only have nine. I was a failure and didn’t post anything. The only two I could really think of was Katy from the Lux Series and Celaena from Throne of Glass. Now that I am seeing everyone’s posts, I realize there are so many that I completely forgot about. XD

  9. Upon re-reading Outlander, I realized how much of a bookworm Claire is. She spends much of her time in Castle Leoch in Colum’s library.

    Ink & Bone by Rachel Caine (a newer release) features Jess. He is obsessed with books and is often sneaking off to read.

    Issac in Jim C. Hines’s Magic Ex Libris series is a librarian and has a unique relationship with books the plays a key role in the series that makes me wish magic was real.

  10. Hazel rocks!!!! I totally forgot about Celaena…massive oops!!!!! D: Needed it to be a top twenty this week really haha. Some of these I haven’t heard of so I’m going to check them out 🙂 thank you for sharing!

    Here’s my TTT if you would like to check it out 🙂 Have a great day!

    Emma @ Emma’s Bookery

  11. I totally forgot about Hazel. I was trying so hard to think of characters for my own post that I know I missed a ton. I haven’t read most of these books, so I’ll have to check them out! I did have Celaena as one of mine, but the rest of my characters were different. Hermione Granger and Liesel Meminger to name a couple 🙂

  12. I’m impressed with how many you came up with! I skipped on today’s prompt because #1-time constraints and #2-I knew there was no way I could come up with a decent list. Only Cath from Fangirl came to mind. LOL (Yeah, the contemporary girl could only think of a contemporary. Imagine that.) Celaena is a perfect one!

    • Aw thanks! I almost skipped it too, honestly! I want to skip next week’s kind of, but I am DEFINITELY skipping the week after so… I kind of wanted to do it for that reason. And I haven’t even read Fangirl, though I almost wanted to add her just because I KNEW she was one 😉

  13. Love seeing Aurora on your list! I adore that girl and I can’t believe that I actually forgot her. (After all, I knew I’d forget someone. Actually, several someones, but I hate that I forgot HER.)

  14. HERMIONE!!!! HERMIONE IS THE GREATEST BOOKWORM EVEEER 😛 How could you have forgotten her?! Unless you haven’t read the Harry Potter books, in which I will say GAAAASSSSP WHYYY!! Also, that girl from Fangirl – heck she writes fanfics about her fictional ships 😛

    • Uuummmmmmm. I read the first one? And (okay Faye please don’t kill me) uhhh didn’t really like it. SORRRY. Please still speak to me!

      I haven’t read Fangirl yet either (ducks and runs for cover). Seriously, this topic could be my blogging downfall 😉

  15. It’s so hard to find fellow booknerds in books but you’ve listed some popular ones like Celaena, which is great! I haven’t read a lot of these books on the list so I got some great insight from you about it 🙂

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