Blogger Survey Results, Part One!


First, a big thank you to all of you who participated! I really appreciate it, and it was fun gathering all the results! True story, I was a tiny bit worried that I would be wrong, and what I’d expected the outcome to be wouldn’t be the case. But as it turns out, you’ve proven my theory, which is kind of twofold:

1. We all blog differently, but it works for us!

2. We may all be different, but we do kind of worry about the same stuff, so you’re never, ever alone.

So, the results! And of course, I will answer my own questions, so you know how I’d answer too. The next groups of posts will be more discussion oriented but since the point of this part was basically showing you what everyone said… well, I’ll mostly just let you all speak for yourselves!


Lots of variety here! So no matter how long (or short!) you’ve been blogging, you’re in good company! I fit, for another month, in the 1-1.5 year category. But then I am movin’ on up!


Again, quite a variety! I usually end up in the 4-6 range, but have been known to end up in the 7+ from time to time.


First, I am very glad to see so many people happy with the amount they post! I agree, I am good with mine. Sometimes I even want to tell myself to post less, because I am tired or whatever, but usually I end up listening to myself.  Those of you who did want to post more cited life circumstances getting in the way (I feel you!) and (my favorite answer) just plain loving blogging and wanting to do it more. That is kind of perfect, and I agree!


The next time you think that you “shouldn’t” post a specific type of post…. take a look at this, because everyone posts all kinds of posts! This is probably my favorite result, because it irks me when I see anyone feeling bad about their content. I have done all of these, and quite a few of you have too! The “other” category was challenges, which I kind of can’t believe I forgot, since I um, kind of co-host one. Oopsie?


I need to have a serious talk with the 3 of you who steal from little old ladies. Basically, I want tips. Also, I am kind of impressed by how many of you win a lot of books! That is awesome! This also shows you that no matter how many ARCs go out, bloggers are always going to keep buying books. I mean, it’s a (not really) scientific fact of my (not at all) super serious survey.

Oh, my answer? I do pretty much all of these, except the library. I know, bad bookish person!


And for the question “On a Scale from 1-10, how organized do you feel about your blogging?”, there was such a wide range! From 0 (hey now, that is outside the limit! But um, I feel you.) all the way to 9, and everywhere in between, the struggle is real. I find myself to be equally frustrated by most of this stuff, for the record. Mean-Girls-GIF-Cady-Heron-Lindsay-Lohan-Mathletes-The-Limit-Does-Not-Exist

And in response to this question “Do you have any organizational tips to make blogging easier for others?”, I have some of the following suggestions from your fellow bloggers:

  • Some of you wanted to know the tips (me too!)
  • Calendars, planners, and spreadsheets were big! (I do love a planner/calendar, personally!)
  • Sticking to a routine
  • And this was just too good of a plan not to include in whole: “Do little things everyday. If you want to fix your blog design or post more frequently, break it down into smaller parts. Try to tweak one aspect of your blog design every week. Your blog will gradually become more organized and you will be able to keep your sanity. Also, slowly build up to posting more frequently. Try every week, twice a week, or every other day until you find something that works for you.”
  • Some other great advice: Just do you! As long as you’re happy, you’re good!


Ohh another diverse one! I am stressed about pretty much all of these, but I am just stressed by nature. Some of you weren’t stressed by any (which, as a chronic worrier, I didn’t even consider the possibility of! I need to remember that not everyone is as ridiculous as I am!) and some were stressed about no one seeing their content (oh, yes, me too!)


I also want a makeover now. Soon, it is happening soon. I don’t hate it, but I need a professional. I am really glad that most of you seem to like yours, because I haven’t really come across one that I didn’t like! I love seeing your personalities play out in your design elements!

Extreme Makeover: Blogger Edition is coming to help! What is the biggest thing you’d change about your blog?

You guys want a redesign. You want professionals too. One of you wants me to be the actual Extreme Makeover Ty Pennington-esque person (but I assume less douchey?) and I mean, sure!


Thank you, Seth Meyers, for making this everything I need to know about Ty Pennington.

Now the Blog Fairy is coming and will grant you THREE blog wishes. What are they?

One of you is trying to steal the ARC Fairy, and that is not right. She is shared very evenly. Basically you want the following:

  • More Time
  • More Followers
  • New Design
  • ALL the books
  • To make some money
  • To find other blog/book friends

Yes to all of these! I want those things too. Since I invented the Blog Fairy, can I have all those wishes? No? Fine. But these are the things that were mentioned by lots of you. Not surprisingly, given the chance, we’d all like these things. Some of you were insanely selfless and said that you’re doing well and want to share the Fairy! So sweet of you. And you know, a few of you want cake. As do I.

So, what do you think of these results? Were they more or less what you’d imagined? Stay tuned for next week because… we talk ARCs! 

Posted February 19, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Discussion, Discussion Challenge / 25 Comments


25 responses to “Blogger Survey Results, Part One!

  1. LOOL aw this survey! I liked the stealing from old ladies answer, I’m with those who want to change some things about their blog design. Mine looks so plain at the moment 🙁 Loved reading the answers 🙂

    • I am with all of you, I am dying for a redesign! If I don’t let someone professionally handle it, I end up messing with it myself. Which would be fine, but I end up spending WAY too much time playing with it!

  2. Wow, this was really an awesome post! I was able to find out more about my fellow bloggers. I’m so relieved that I’m not the only one having a hard time thinking of discussion posts. I sporadically post discussions because I feel like everything has been said and I’m just going to parrot everybody else (which is ironic because I’ve told many people to not mind if it has been posted already; what’s important is YOUR opinion, but I’m very insecure in this regard…) and yes! It’s such a struggle for me to schedule posts, too! I get distracted easily and I get lazy 🙁 I mean, I’m trying, but it’s still a long ways ahead of me.

    • Aw thank you! I agree, I worry SO much that if I post a topic, someone will have already posted it (which, they may have since there are only a finite number of topics!), even though it’s FINE because I have my own opinions. And I’m with you, I am far, far away from organized 😉

  3. I love your post Shannon! They always make me giggle since they are infused with hilarity. I wish I could write as cleverly as you do. I think I might have stolen books from old ladies and it all about the surprise attack …snatch & grab. (J/k)
    ❤️ Britt @ please feed the bookworm

  4. I fit in the 101.5 year category for another 4 months yet. 🙁 But seriously, those who’ve been blogging for over three years, congratulations for surviving this long. I don’t go to the library either (mainly because my library kind of sucks, which I’m a total traitor, but the last time I went in there last year they had nothing that I would read, hardly any YA, and they all looked icky and now my library has closed down anyway, and it’s like an 1 1/2 to the next one, so nope.)


    Love that mostly the feedback is positive about everything blogging, I mean, there are negatives that go with it, and we worry about all sort of things, but I think that generally lessens the more you blog, so maybe when we’re in the 3+ years everything will just be good? (We can wish.) But, the good way outweighs the bad.

    • I agree, 3 years is such an amazing feat! My library is the worst too, sadly. And YES- why do the books look so damn GROSS? Like, what were those people doing with that book!? It’s horrifyinG!

      And that is definitely the best part of all this- seeing how positive everyone really is about the book community! I totally agree that the positive FAR outweighs the bad, which is why we all notice those few negative moments- because they ARE so rare!

  5. This was a really in depth survey and so fascinating – it’s a bummer I missed it! 🙁 I thought it was also kind of funny – and I too want tips from stealing books from little old ladies. LOL! That one was a good one. 😀 For some reason, this post reminded me I have a tag from another blogger I need to work on. Whoops. 😛

  6. Great results, and I’m also happy to see bloggers are comfortable with how often they post, and post a variety of stuffs. I agree organization and style are becoming very prominent now and everyone is trying to figure it all out to fit in and look good.

  7. I think it’s really interesting to see how diverse al these results are and how much variety there is. I was a bit surprised to see how many bloggers still buy books, but like you said no matter how many boosk we get for review we will still buy books as well. I love seeing stats like this, it’s so fun and interesting.

  8. I really enjoyed reading through all of these answers! It’s lovely to see that most people are good with how often they post. I ticked that box too iirc, and I mostly am, but when I’m gone too long I do get itchy. I also love that there are so many different answers to the how long have you been blogging question!

  9. Thanks for putting this together for us! It’s nice to look at the results and see that I’m not alone in the wide world of blogging. 🙂 If you ever need a survey taker again, I’m game. 🙂

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