Top Ten Favorite Movies & TV Shows

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is Let’s talk about other types of stories! Top Ten Favorite Movies or TV Shows! (can break it down to top ten favorite romance movies or comedy shows etc. etc.)”

This is a little hard, because I am not a big movie person, and TV for me has been lacking lately, so I am going to break it up: 5 movies; 5 TV shows, of all time. 


1. Catching Fire. Yes, this movie was epic. Catching Fire was my favorite of the books, so I was hoping that the movie would live up to it. And my goodness, it did

2. The Hunger Games. I loved the books so, so much, I was worried about the movies, honestly, like a lot of readers are when a beloved book becomes a movie. No need to worry here though. While it wasn’t as good as Catching Fire, I didn’t know that yet, so it was amazing! 

3. The Fault in Our Stars. Another book favorite, of course. I was sure there was no way this would work on screen. I had no faith in Shailene as Hazel, I didn’t think the feelings could be portrayed, etc etc. I was so wrong. Not that she knows or cares, but Shailene, I am eating my words. This movie was amazing.

4. Mean Girls. I think this might have been when I fell completely in love with Tina Fey. This movie never, ever gets old. I could probably watch it on repeat for a week straight and laugh every time

5. Remember the Titans. Gerry Bertier. Honestly, could he have a sadder, yet more uplifting story? Dude is responsible for so many crying jags had by me that I couldn’t even begin to count. This is one hell of a movie, made even better that it was a true, actual story. Which means that this kind of awesome does exist in the world. 


1. The Real World/Road Rules Challenge (and now, just The Challenge). Listen, this might make me a complete dork, but this is kind of my all-time favorite show. I have been watching it since it first appeared (1998) and have been through more cast changes than I could count. There is simply nothing like watching a bunch of reality show quasi-has-beens competing for money, and the chance to extend their 15 minutes. I freaking love it.

2. Friends. If you don’t like Friends, I kind of don’t know what to tell you. This show hit some kind of casting and writing jackpot that will likely never be replicated. It’s funny, heartwarming, and appeals to, you know, everyone. I watch this every night, as I read usually.

3. Roseanne. Watching Roseanne makes you feel like maybe you are more normal than you’d thought. She was funny, sometimes crass, loving, and complex. The cast was spot on, and real. I still watch this show basically every day.

4. Full House. Oy, here I go aging myself again: I grew up on this. Remember TGIF on ABC? No? Then you’re probably under the age of 25. This show was what everyone thought their family should be like (except for the deceased mom of course). Everyone wanted an Uncle Jesse (because John Stamos, obviously) and a Joey, and some little girl saying cute catchphrases. Nauseatingly wholesome, but you couldn’t help but love it anyway. 

5. Scrubs. In an era when hospital dramas were all over the place, Scrubs was such a breath of fresh air. Hilarious deadpanning, ridiculous relationships, and overall spot-on comedic genius. The fact that The Janitor improved almost the whole show? Epic. 

So, that’s my list! Would any of these make your cut? Which shows/movies do you adore that I have neglected? 

Posted July 15, 2014 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Top Ten Tuesday / 27 Comments


27 responses to “Top Ten Favorite Movies & TV Shows

    • I loved that show! And the best part is, the ending doesn’t disappoint, which seems to be rare;) I almost included How I Met Your Mother, but the last episode made me so mad that I refused on principle.

  1. I found this list really tricky, so I put my own little spin on it. I’m not a massive movie/TV fan. I do like Mean Girls though. I could probably quote a lot of that movie! Great list!

  2. Friends made my list too, and I had Full House but took it off because I was one over. Definite nostalgia factor. And is it just me or does Uncle Jesse just keep getting hotter?

    • YES! Seriously, I usually prefer guys on the younger end, but holy crap, he looks better now than he did then. And he looked good then! Somehow, it doesn’t seem fair 😉

  3. Friends is a show that will forever remain awesome. It’s one of those shows that never dies, where you can watching re-runs of the same eps over and over and it just doesn’t get old. Plus, SO MANY QUOTES. I still quote Friends with my mates lol. In fact, I was doing it on Twitter the other day with Siiri and Lily haha

    • Yes! We will all seriously be watching it in 50 years, I have no doubt. It stands the test of time for sure. Like, you barely even notice that it started 20 years ago, even watching now! I quote it all the time too 🙂

  4. Catching Fire is on my list too! I love that movie so so much. I loved the first, but I was scared and worried about the changes they’d made. All the changes in #2 were brilliant and perfect and I’m SO excited for Mockingjay. I mean excited as in: yeah hey I’m ready to have my feels broken to smithereens.
    Mean Girls will always be applicable and awesome. xD
    My TTT!

    • Mockingjay may kill us all. Seriously. I mean, if the feels don’t do us in, the fact that it will be OVER will. I can’t. I just keep pretending it isn’t happening. And how are we going to cope with seeing it, getting what I am SURE will be the Peeta-choking-Katniss cliffhanger ending, and then have to wait a YEAR for closure? I can’t.

  5. Yep, I think they did hit the jackpot with casting FRIENDS. That show was phenomenal. I love the Hunger Games movies and CATCHING FIRE is my favorite. I’ve seen stills of Mockinjay Part 1 and I’m so excited! 🙂

    My TTT

    • Seriously, I hope the casting director was handsomely rewarded 😉 And I cannot wait for Mockingjay. How is it that it seems like it may be even better than Catching Fire? How can anything top Catching Fire? I have no idea, but I need it NOW!

    • Hahha! My cousin, who is 21, told me a few years ago that he found “this great new show”. It was Full House 😉 He and all his friends thought there was some awesome new show on lol. So now, I just see myself as super old when I talk about it.

    • LOL! How awkward! Poor kid didn’t know what was good TV back in the day C:
      The classics are awesome. Wish they’d start making shows like they used to C:

  6. YES to the Hunger Games! And also to TFIOS! I thought they were amazing book to movie adaptations!! I also watched a couple episodes of Scrubs, but not enough to have an opinion on it.

    • They really were. I usually don’t love book-to-movies (we all end up disappointed, usually!) but these just hit the mark like I have never seen before!

  7. I just got tickled looking at this list and comparing your twitter name. The “miz” part of it after seeing the Real World/Road Rules Challenge made me think of…The Miz! Man, he was so full of himself. Loved it! He’s one that seemed to just keep showing up constantly on those challenges.

    • Lisa, I was CONVINCED that he and I were destined to be married because our last names were similar and we’d had the same nickname! I am SO glad that someone else remembers him on these challenges 🙂

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