Stacking the Shelves (12) And a Poll!

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It gives us a chance to share with readers what we bought, borrowed, swapped, won or got for review each week. This was not too bad of a week. I spent $0. That is the good part. And I even got a few books, so even better! 

Physical Book

Won from Goodreads. Thanks to Harper Teen! 

Kindle Books: For Review
Kindle Books I Bought (with gift card, yay!)

So, that is it for me this week! But, I have just won a gift card thanks to the lovely ladies at Band of Dystopian Authors and Fans, and since I still have some of another card remaining, I can basically afford two books. But, since I am an indecisive mess, I don’t know which two to buy! So, I am leaving it your hands: Which books should I buy? The two with the most votes are being purchased, so thanks in advance for helping me make up my mind 🙂 

So, dear readers, what treasures did YOU get this week? 

Posted June 14, 2014 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Uncategorized / 26 Comments


26 responses to “Stacking the Shelves (12) And a Poll!

  1. Ooh The Vanishing Season has such a gorgeous cover. I got a smaller haul this week, but it was much needed, my TBR pile is way too big. I hope you enjoy your books this week 🙂

  2. I’ve been curious about The Vanishing Season for a while now, but I’m waiting to read more reviews before deciding! How awesome it it that you won it on a GR giveaway?! 😀
    Enjoy your lovelies this week!

    Nick – My Haul

    • I was waiting to read more, but then I won it! I have heard such mixed things, so I am not sure what to expect, but luckily it isn’t a super long book either way! Thanks 🙂

  3. I liked The Vanishing Season! Although I read it as The Memory Collector (so so confusing how it has two titles!) The ending is mind blowing! I hope you enjoy it. 😉
    My StS!

    • Ohh I am glad you liked it! I keep hearing such varied things, I am feeling better though that I am hearing more positive ones. And knowing that the end is good helps! And seriously, I get SO confused when books are released in different English-speaking countries with different titles! I can never remember that it is the same book, or which book is the one I am supposed to be looking up to buy!

  4. Haha, I love that We Were Liars is winning (as it should, seriously. You HAVE to buy it.) Congrats on winning The Vanishing Season, the UK version is The Moment Collector (for a while I thought she had two books out this year, until I saw the double covers on goodreads, haha.) so can’t wait to read it either. Paradigm was on one of your WoW’s, right? Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    Here’s mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    • That settles it, We Were Liars is officially getting purchased! Of course, the decision on hardcover vs ebook remains.. Also, yes, Paradigm was one of my WoWs, you have a pretty fantastic memory!

  5. Great haul, I hope you enjoy them all. I would highly recommend We Were Liars, that book was AMAZING! I got a free eARC but ended up loving it so much that I bought myself the hardback in the end. Have a great week! 🙂 Here’s mine.

    • Thanks!! I am definitely going with We Were Liars- too many people loved it! I was waffling between the hardcover and the ebook, but I think you convinced me to go with the hardcover 🙂

    • Following back! (Based on your StS, I knew we had VERY similar book tastes 😉 ) And thank you! I’d had a layout that was driving me mad, and that was exactly what I was going for- simple, but still nice to look at. So you’ve kind of made my day by saying that!!

    • Thanks! I am so excited for We Were Liars to get here tomorrow! I am thinking that The Murder Complex will end up in second, but I entered like, ALL the giveaways for it, so I want to wait a few days to see if I win any before buying 😉

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