Blogger Anxiety: How to Deal?

No seriously, how do I deal? This is not at all a post with helpful guidance. No, this is a post that will mainly be me confessing that I am a mess, and perhaps some of you will be able to nod your heads and commiserate with me about blogging anxiety (which, by the way, should be a “thing”).

I started this blog right before my son was born, which in hindsight, was incredibly stupid. Seriously, my first post was October 8, 2013. Sam was born on the 9th. So when I say right before, I mean right before. Add to that his NICU stay, well, suffice it to say this endeavour did not get off to a raging start. I didn’t even have a clue what I was doing, how to make my reviews look more “legit”, I knew nothing. I just knew that I loved reading, and I loved to talk about reading. So for awhile, this was all just fun and games. But then, I got into it. Really into it.

Now, I want my blog to look good. I want to read all the books and write all the reviews. I want to read all the other blogs. I want to participate in stuff, connect with other bloggers, give away stuff every chance I get, respond to every comment, basically, I want to be all in. That is kind of how I am in general, once I’m in it, I am in.

But the days… the days only have twenty-four hours, no matter how you shake it. My kids are on such insanely different schedules, that I feel like one of them is awake at all times (though this is a bit melodramatic, considering they are both sleeping now).  And as I am sure you all know, life just plain gets in the way of the things we’d like to do.

The question is though, how can we shake the nagging guilt we feel when sometimes things simply can’t get done as we’d like? I had a meltdown on Monday night when I could not for the life of me figure out what to write about for Top Ten Tuesday. Yep, I was near tears. Over a blogging meme. And in the time I was freaking out about it, maybe I could have actually done it. Plus, no one, I repeat no one knows or cares if I miss some random post.

I constantly fret about not posting every day, not reviewing enough, making sure I am commenting back to the awesome bloggers who comment here. Obviously, I want to be reading books, both for reviews and for my own enjoyment. I want to read other blogs, because that was what got me interested in blogging to begin with: I love reading about other people’s takes on books I love or hate or want to read. I want to be on Twitter while people are actually awake, but I am usually the bleary-eyed weirdo posting stuff at 3:00am.

And since I am still pretty new at this, I am still learning. Every day, I feel I learn something new about the book blogging world. I feel like I need to keep making progress: Keep learning more about writing reviews, connecting with others, designing and updating the look of things. And in the back of my head, I just keep thinking that maybe it just will never be enough.  And while that is daunting, I am vowing to look at it differently: Maybe, just maybe, it is a good thing that it will never be perfect. What fun would it be if I had no progress to make, nothing new to learn from it all?

Some blogger guilt may be healthy after all. But, I think we all need to remember that our own biggest critic is most likely ourselves.

Do you suffer from Blogger Anxiety? Any tricks or tips that work for you? I’d love to know! 

Posted May 22, 2014 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Uncategorized / 5 Comments


5 responses to “Blogger Anxiety: How to Deal?

  1. I have found myself speed reading through a novel just to get a review out for my blog and I just realized that if that’s what I have to do to continue blogging then I don’t want to do it. Now a days, when I can’t get at least one review out a week I’m actually OK with it. Life gets in the way and I’ve learned to deal with that. When I don’t have a review out that week I explain what happened and promise a review the next week C:

    Life is too short to rush through books just for a review =]
    I learned that the hard way!

    Good luck! xD

    In case your wondering I blog over at

    • Yes, that is the thing: I don’t want it to become a chore at all. I started it because I love it, I certainly don’t want to end up resenting it! I totally learned my lesson too when I basically said yes to the first few authors who contacted me about reviews, even though it wasn’t in my genre or interest. Of course, I had to follow through, but now I am more realistic.

  2. I have the same anxiety as you. “What if I don’t post today? I’ll lose my followers!” I hate feeling so anxious about my blog, but I love at other blogs and I think “why am I not as good as they are?”. I feel like I’m just trying (but failing) to fit in.
    More lately than not, I’ve decided to just take things as they come. I now just decide to read as much as I want, whenever I want. Now my ideas come better and I don’t feel the horrible pressure I used to.

    Sometimes we can’t help it! My blog is my baby, I WANT it to be succcesful. xD

    Great post!

    Marianne @ Boricuan Bookworms.

    • Yes! I feel the exact same way- that these other bloggers just seem to have it all together, that their content is far superior, etc. And I get so worried about the follower thing too! You hit the nail on the head with the blog being your “baby”. I would be so sad if it failed, that I am extra hard on myself, so then I can’t think of stuff to write, and it becomes this vicious cycle. Time to calm down I guess!

  3. Maybe redefine what “success” and “failure” is? Keep blogging for YOU, keeping your fans in mind of course, but keep it fun for YOU. I blog for me, if I think of something to write about, I write it, if not, oh well. I see my blog as a success because I still find it fun and my following is slowly growing. I can’t expect to become a blogger that has a UMV of 10K or a FB following of 20K overnight. I’m just going to try to relate to my readers/fans as much as possible but continue to be true to myself. My family always comes first so if a post doesn’t get out because I’m playing with my kid, oh well. And I think fans can appreciate that and relate.

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