Books I’m Never Going to Review: Part Three

I’ve done this before (here and here, if you’re so inclined) but this is basically just books that I don’t really feel like reviewing, for reasons. Mostly those reasons are “laziness” and “exhaustion”. Basically this:tumblr_mg81fmpQEK1qzgecuo1_250



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Series: The Half Bad Trilogy #1

Paperback, 432 pages

Published January 13th 2015 by Speak

Source: Big Honcho Media/Penguin

“Highly entertaining and dangerously addictive”— Timemagazine

“A bewitching new thriller.” — The Wall Street Journal
In modern-day England, witches live alongside humans: White witches, who are good; Black witches, who are evil; and sixteen-year-old Nathan, who is both. Nathan’s father is the world’s most powerful and cruel Black witch, and his mother is dead. He is hunted from all sides. Trapped in a cage, beaten and handcuffed, Nathan must escape before his seventeenth birthday, at which point he will receive three gifts from his father and come into his own as a witch—or else he will die. But how can Nathan find his father when his every action is tracked, when there is no one safe to trust—not even family, not even the girl he loves?

In the tradition of Patrick Ness and Markus Zusak, Half Bad is a gripping tale of alienation and the indomitable will to survive, a story that will grab hold of you and not let go until the very last page.

Short Version: I liked it, but I wasn’t blown away. I was mad, because these are some really awful characters. I mean, “Half” Bad sounds like an outright lie. Go with Almost Exclusively Bad, and you’ve got a truthful title. I just needed some good guys, a few brighter moments. I am looking forward to Half Wild though!


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Series: Loop #1

Hardcover, 336 pages

Published October 21st 2014 by St. Martin’s Griffin

Source: Purchased

At a school where Quantum Paradox 101 is a required course and history field trips are literal, sixteen year-old time traveler Bree Bennis excels…at screwing up.

After Bree botches a solo midterm to the 21st century by accidentally taking a boy hostage (a teensy snafu), she stands to lose her scholarship. But when Bree sneaks back to talk the kid into keeping his yap shut, she doesn’t go back far enough. The boy, Finn, now three years older and hot as a solar flare, is convinced he’s in love with Bree, or rather, a future version of her that doesn’t think he’s a complete pain in the arse. To make matters worse, she inadvertently transports him back to the 23rd century with her.

Once home, Bree discovers that a recent rash of accidents at her school are anything but accidental. Someone is attacking time travelers. As Bree and her temporal tagalong uncover seemingly unconnected clues—a broken bracelet, a missing data file, the art heist of the millennium—that lead to the person responsible, she alone has the knowledge to piece the puzzle together. Knowledge only one other person has. Her future self.

But when those closest to her become the next victims, Bree realizes the attacker is willing to do anything to stop her. In the past, present, or future.

Short Version: A book that is both fun and full of feels? Absolutely! And time travel with history stuff and a big old mystery? Sign me up! Then add some fantastic characters and time travel somehow feeling totally plausible, and I could not put this one down. Oh, and throw in an adorable romance, and please, I am hooked. Good thing I am currently reading Twist!


Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

Hardcover, 336 pages

Published September 23rd 2014 by Margaret K. McElderry Books

Source: Won

In a future world of dust and ruin, fourteen-year-old Querry Genn struggles to recover the lost memory that might save the human race.

Querry is a member of Survival Colony Nine, one of the small, roving groups of people who outlived the wars and environmental catastrophes that destroyed the old world. The commander of Survival Colony Nine is his father, Laman Genn, who runs the camp with an iron will. He has to–because heat, dust, and starvation aren’t the only threats in this ruined world.

There are also the Skaldi.

Monsters with the ability to infect and mimic human hosts, the Skaldi appeared on the planet shortly after the wars of destruction. No one knows where they came from or what they are. But if they’re not stopped, it might mean the end of humanity.

Six months ago, Querry had an encounter with the Skaldi–and now he can’t remember anything that happened before then. If he can recall his past, he might be able to find the key to defeat the Skaldi.

If he can’t, he’s their next victim.

Short Version: I was so sure this was going to be an absolute favorite. It wasn’t bad, but it didn’t blow me away as I’d hoped. It gets points for being insanely unique though. I enjoyed the story itself, but I don’t really know the point. It was almost a brief glimpse into this hellish world, and then we’re all done here. If there was a sequel, more to the story (including how the hell this all came to be) I would probably rate much higher. But for now, I am conflicted.

**UPDATE: After this post, I found out there would be a sequel- so rating, you get an extra clock!!** 

So, my dears: Have you read any of these? Are there any books you don’t plan on fully reviewing, for whatever reason?

Posted February 11, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Quasi-Review, Review / 27 Comments


27 responses to “Books I’m Never Going to Review: Part Three

  1. Loop sounds great! I love feels & I love time traveling. Adding to my tbr list!

    Oh, I’ve been pretty lazy on writing reviews lately. Have to write them someday though :/ Book I don’t plan on reviewing soon is Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover. I adored the book, but I somehow didn’t feel like writing about it.

    • Loop is really fun! And I am reading Twist now, which is getting so very excited!

      And I know what you mean, sometimes you just do not have the motivation to write anything! I hope you get around to them soon 🙂

  2. oooh! Loop looks really interersting, and I’m going to head over to Goodreads in a minute and add it to my TBR list! I’m glad you liked it too.

    There are some books that I would like to semi review that I read over a year ago before I started blogging, so hopefully I will get around to that soon:)

  3. I don’t have any that I don’t plan on reviewing. After I read a book, I review it right away. I get some that I dread reading for one reason or another. I guess that is whole different story isn’t it.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOO! HALF BAD. 🙁 I loved it (but I really like my bad characters, so that’s probably why) but Half Wild is so good (and there are happier moments, and some paybacks a bitch, so hopefully you’ll like it a lot more) 😀

    I NEED to read Loop already. Not just because of the cover (but I really want the cover), haha.
    I read the first Percy Jackson not so long ago, and haven’t reviewed that, and almost finished with I Hunt Killers right now and it’s amazing but I don’t feel like reviewing that either. :/ Or if I do it’ll be more a mini one, or maybe I should do something like this sometime, (obviously I’d give you credit) would you mind?

    • I liked it! It just isn’t going to be on my favorites list 😉 Half Wild DOES sound like it is going to be more up my alley! Yay, now I am excited for it!

      And feel free! They’re so easy to do, and then you get your thoughts out, but don’t have to be all… wordy haha. And Loop is gooood! It’s fun, but still exciting and emotional.

  5. I really want to read Loop SO I’M GLAD THAT GOT ON YOUR GOOD SIDE. Half Bad, hmm, I don’t know if I’ll ever get to it, but I’ll keep in mind that it’s pretty good 🙂 GOOD REVIEWS SHANNON! PROCRASTINATION IS THE WAY TO GO 😀

  6. I haven’t read any of these, but I really want to read Half Bad even if it’s full of mostly evil-like characters. =D

    Loop sounds interesting and I love feels but I’m not big on time travel, most the time I kind of just get bored with it!

    Great mini non-reviews! I can’t think of anything I’ve read recently that I’m not going to review besides Ask Again Later which I really enjoyed, it’s a fun fluffy contemporary, but I don’t feel like I really have anything much to say about it.

  7. I probably would have scrolled right past a review of Loop. It doesn’t look like a book that I would enjoy and I probably would not be bothered to read a whole review to convince me to read it. Still, your little “review” intrigued me enough to actually check it out and it does sound like a good read 😀 I am probably guilty of judging a book by its cover…

  8. I still haven’t read Half Bad! I did just order it from BookOutlet (yes I lied to myself when I said I wouldn’t order again) Sounds like a pretty horrible world though.

    I’d written Loop off as overly romantic, but I like time travel. (even if I am picky about it)

    That’s weird about Survival that it felt like a start and there is no more.

    I love these mini reviews! 🙂 I usually only do minis for sequels, because I never know what to say without spoilers.

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