Welcome to the September monthly link-up for the 2024 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
I do not want to talk about summer being over and school starting and all that jazz. Instead, feed me some discussions, yeah? Thanks!
- If you don’t know what this challenge is all about or haven’t signed up yet (but want to), head on over to the challenge sign-up page to learn more!
- Even if you’d rather not join, we hope you’ll stop by occasionally to check out the MANY discussion posts that are being linked up here – there are lots of great discussions going on!
- Looking for even more inspiration, or want to see some discussion posts as an example? Check out the discussion posts on Feed Your Fiction Addiction or It Starts at Midnight!
Like last year, instead of doing a monthly giveaway, we’re going to do a year-long giveaway, but with multiple winners! They’ll be the following:
Two (2) random challenge participants, chosen from Rafflecopter just like our monthly giveaways had been
One (1) The one participant who has posted the most discussions throughout the challenge (info will be collected from the monthly Linkys
One (1) participant who has commented on others’ posts (we’ll collect this info via Rafflecopter also- it will be random, but the more you comment, the more chances you’ll have!)
The giveaways will, as always, be international, and each winner will be able to chose any book of their choice of $20US or under.
Make sure to link up all of your September discussion posts here. This linky will be open until October 7th (to give people a little extra time to link up – just in case you’re disorganized like we are). If, by some chance, you forget to link up a post this month, you can add it to next month’s linky (but no duplicates, please).
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