Welcome to May’s Monthly Minutes at Midnight!

 Here’s the deal: I’ll share the books I’ve obtained, posts of interest from others, giveaways I have happening, and just general random shenanigans. You know I love a shenanigan.  Also, covers all link to Goodreads, because I am awesome. As always, I link up with the Wrap Up Round Up, too! 

The Books

For Review/From Publishers: 

The Stars Too Fondly by Emily Hamilton ♦ The Word by Mary G. Thompson ♦ It’s Only a Game by Kelsea YuMalica by Steven dos Santos ♦ Drown Me With Dreams by Gabi Burton ♦ Hearts of Fire and Snow by David Bowles & Guadalupe Garcia McCall

Thanks to the publishers for these amazing books- so many most anticipated here, friends! 


Huge thanks to the publishers for these lovelies! Look who’s back on her bullshit! 🙈


Murray Out of WaterYou Like It DarkerThe Last Murder at the End of the World

Welp, I’ve been worse, eh?


Huge thanks to author KA Cobell for Looking for Smoke and The Agathas! Thanks to the publisher for Devils Kill Devils

Shenanigans Since Last Time:

I read 9 books this month.  Big oof. This is why I am woefully behind.

At least they were good?

Giveaways: Click Here, or on Sidebar

Blogosphere Bulletin

Here are some of the loveliest/most entertaining/super helpful/just plain interesting posts I found this month! 

Fancy & New Since Last I Saw You!

I love looking at pretty covers! So here are some new ones that I have fallen in love with since our last update!

Pretty covers are pretty. Junie and Water Moon may be two of my favorite covers of all time, tbh.

Things we need to talk about at this juncture:

  • Another hell of a month, May. I need someone with far better juju than me to throw something up to the universe, yeah? On a positive note, I finally finished school! Now, if someone could again send the aforementioned juju that I get a job, we’d be set. Kidding, I would just be… a tiny bit less stressed? It is hard when so many things are out of our control, you know? Loved ones being sick (not flu-sick, bad-sick), things breaking, life not cutting you a break, etc. The kids had a good month at least! Sam got his Brown 2 Belt, Lena has been playing softball, won an award for an essay on the importance of voting, and was in her school play (you can’t see her outfit with the pic of her and my mom and Sam, but she was Mrs. Teavee!) Beth sent me some lovely flowers when I really needed a pick me up. I spent most of the month finishing school, apparently starting grad school if I can ever find someone to loan me money, having my (only) bathtub decide to unalive itself, work- lots of work, including three field trips. Two were fun- bowling and the coal mine- but the other was a baseball game in 95 degree weather with literally 60 other schools. No thanks, 0/10 do not recommend. Alas, the school year is almost over. I will really miss the kids, but not the long ride! Here are some May antics for you:

Have a great June, loves! Let me know how your month was! Looking forward to anything coming up?

Posted May 31, 2024 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Recaps / 7 Comments


7 responses to “Monthly Minutes at Midnight: May 2024

  1. I love how you say you read 9 books this month as if it’s a downfall, when 9 books a month for me is pretty much my norm (and it’s sometimes less). LOL Big congrats on finishing school! Fingers crossed on the job search. A baseball field trip in the heat with a zillion kids… that kinda sounds like a punishment. Ha! I hope June brings lots more good than bad.

  2. I am sorry about any of the terrible things that have come your way. Sending good vibes. May a fantastic job come your way, and CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! You mommed, worked, and finished school. You should be proud of yourself. I am glad the kids had a good month.

  3. What a crazy month, but I’m glad you finished school! I hope the perfect job comes along. SO many pretty covers, I’m drooling. I didn’t know Edward Ashton had a new book coming out! Looking forward to comparing notes on Fiasco and The Stardust Grail😁

  4. UGH this endless school/job struggle. I’m so frustrated on your behalf about it! And now your house is struggling? WTF, Universe. She’s supposed to get a break, not have things break ON her. I hope you at least get time off from having so so many obligations.

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