Welcome to the March Of Books Giveaway Hop, which I co-host with Lonna @ FLYLēF!

I will be giving away a pack of March 2019 books!  US only I’m afraid, because money sucks. (Unless you want to pay the extra shipping, that’s up to you!) 

 Please be sure to check the terms and conditions :) 

Ends March 31, 2019 at 11:59pm EDT
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now hop along to all the other blogs, and thanks for entering! Good luck :)

Posted March 1, 2019 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Giveaway / 34 Comments


34 responses to “March 2019 Of Books Giveaway Hop

  1. John Smith

    “I am in desperate need of a vacation, so let’s talk wanderlust! Where is somewhere you have always wanted to visit?” I think Reykjavik would be very nice to visit!

  2. I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland. I lived there for about a year when I was little, but now that I’m older I want to go back and experience it again. It’s been a goal for the past three years, hopefully it happens soon. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Emily @ Emily’s Crammed Bookshelf

  3. Carl

    It seems that a few of us would like to visit Italy. I think that’s the next place on my list too. Thanks!

  4. Danielle Hammelef

    So many places on my vacay wish list! HI, Japan, Australia, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Iceland, Ireland, England…

  5. Inkling

    My best friend and I have wanted to go to Egypt since we were in 4th grade. We finally went a couple of years ago. It was amazing, but the Pharaoh Phatigue is real! Make sure to plan half days or a day or two for just bumming around. The trip was brilliant!

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