The 100 Episode 5×06: Exit Wounds

Just a reminder, spoilers galore!! Like ALL the spoilers- proceed with caution! 

I think it’s safe to say that this one isn’t going to make most people’s “Best Episodes” list. But nor do I think it a bad episode? Look, they can’t all be epic, right? Plus, I think this one being sandwiched by two breaks makes it extra hard (and of course, it was out of the hands of any creative forces- I strongly assume this wouldn’t have been their pick), plus throw in the Becho that no one’s too keen on and… well let’s just dive right in! 

Wonkru: Still Being Extra

Things are tough when Indra, the only seemingly logical member of Wonkru still alive (and on the side of Wonkru) is incapacitated. For it means we get an extra dose of Kara, and wow do I hate me some Kara. And I am not alone- any time Clarke or a Spacekru member sees her, I feel like they’re rolling their eyes too. Bad enough dealing with friends who have lost their damn minds, to deal with randos? Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Octavia is less worried about the fact that she’s running out of food for her people, and more that her people are getting restless and might take off. Our more reasonable friends try to make these points, but we all know how much Octavia likes outside advice. Anyway, she takes a stroll outside to see the status of her people (read: find new folks to kill) when she gets into a bit of a tiff with Bellamy and Echo. More on that later. Suddenly, the horn blows, because Diyoza’s in town!

Only she doesn’t want to hurt O- not directly, anyway. She comes bearing gifts (or what we can only assume is the literal fruit of Clarke and Madi’s labor) by sending down parachutes filled with fresh food.

Girl’s read The Hunger Games, she’s not falling for that nonsense. 

So now she’s on a mission to decimate anyone who decides to take up Diyoza on her offer of sanctuary for Wonkru defectors. And she’s willing to make amends with Echo if Echo’s willing to use her spidey senses to spy on any would-be defectors. And of course there are defectors, because who wouldn’t want to get the hell out of Polis? (And, if you ask me, the hell away from Wonkru in general?) But Echo developed a pretty severe case of The Morals while she was in space, so she just can’t let O kill the little Louwoda Kliron couple. Which… okay fine Echo, I respect and agree with your decision. I daresay if she’d get her face away from Bellamy, we could be friends.

But wait! Monty has been trying to find a way to hack the Prisonkru camera! Only womp womp, he’s no Raven Reyes, so he can’t. From Polis. He can, however, if someone helps him out from inside. Sure Monty, that’s helpful. So now, Echo can go ahead and defect if she wants- as long as she’ll play along and be their inside guy. She’s game, because again, someone’s trying reaalllly hard for me to like her, so off she goes to do something with a flash drive, and I am not convinced of this plan but okay.

“We’re the only thing that can defeat us.”

I mean, it’s a pretty good point. Look, I have no idea how Diyoza got herself shackled with this band of murdering misfits, but wow is she too smart for their bullshit. She must feel like she’s babysitting a bunch of really violent toddlers. “No no McCreary, take the gun away from the nice man’s head.” Though I can’t help but wonder if her statement could be foreshadowing? Will her group’s infighting be their demise? Time will tell I suppose.

Meanwhile, Diyoza’s brunching with Kane, sharing mimosas and the hottest goss. Can you see the chemistry seething off of these two? Because I can. And so can McCreary, which is why he’s extra murdery today. He’s now decided that he needs to kill Murphy ASAP, because murder. But Diyoza’s busy with her new right hand man, getting all the details on Octavia and planning her next move, so McCreary and his little band of bullies is ready to go get Murphy as soon as he pops out of a cave.

And pop out he does, but only because he and Emori have plans. They’re going to obviously get rid of the shock collar but also they end up blowing up some shit and capturing McCreary which is either going to be hilarious, or kill them, or hell maybe both.

Good news or bad news, it has to be entertaining! 

Blood Family versus Chosen Family

One of the biggest themes this week, really: What defines a family? What “type” of family holds more weight? The first duo to struggle with their old family in relation to their new one is Bellamy and Octavia. Obviously these two have probably grown the farthest apart than anyone during the six years. And of course, Octavia is none too happy that Bellamy is bringing back her literal archnemesis not only into the group, but into his bed. (Don’t worry O, neither are we.) First, she re-banishes Echo. Then she comes around a bit, but only because she figures that Echo has some use to her cause. Though in honesty, I think had it been anyone other than Bellamy asking, Echo would have been dead by now, so it does go to show that she is still hanging onto that relationship and the girl she once was.

But then it’s time for Sibling Fight Club! I love this, because we get to see O say all the things that pretty much the whole fandom wants to say. Namely, “do you remember all the people this bitch killed/tried to kill, including me?” And you know, fair point.


Our other familial unit struggling this week is Clarke and Madi. See, Clarke is in the role of Mama Bear, willing to do just about anything to protect her cub. Including lying to everyone she’s ever known about how Madi became a Natblida. I guess O accepts the lie, but Niylah doesn’t. That’s right, Niylah’s back! But she’s not looking great. Wonkru seems to have destroyed Niylah’s spirit (and props to Jessica Harmon for really killing that scene- the look in her eyes was downright haunting). So much so that she’s willing to turn in a child for the sake of Wonkru.

Well then. Thanks O, this is why we can’t have nice things.

But wait, Gaia’s not over the flame just yet! I was sure she was a kool-aid consuming member of Wonkru, but it looks like nope! She warns Clarke that Niylah’s not to be trusted and tells her to get the hell out of dodge. And once Clarke has a hot second to think about it, she agrees, telling Madi to get her shit together. But Madi…. Madi has other plans.

The Defection

Ah, Bellamy is salty that Echo’s going to be fighting the Big Bad Diyoza on her own. Look Bellamy, she’s more qualified than any of you losers, so calm down. Echo and Monty share the cutest little goodbye, and I’ll be damned but I really like Echo, just not with Bellamy. Because they have the chemistry of a pair of cousins.

This, I need more of this. And less of the cousin sex.

But they do have all the sex before Echo leaves, and Clarke sees… well, not that, but she wasn’t born yesterday so she knows what was going down when Echo exits, and frankly her face is all our faces. But before she can get too mopey, she realizes that Madi has left. And she was trying to actually hitch a ride with Echo and the defectors out of there, but her ride is leaving!

Where’s Madi? Ah, yes, joining Wonkru and confessing her Natblida roots to Octavia, as you do. Here’s what I don’t get about this: Madi was so distrusting of Clarke at first sight that she nearly killed her. Now, her guardian of six years is telling her straight up that bitch be crazy, and Madi runs right to her? Is this supposed to be the dumbest teenage rebellion ever? Because if so…. nailing it?

Awesome life choices, Madi.

And as Echo and the rest of the Wonkru defectors run for the ship, the shooting begins. Hold up, shouts everyone who isn’t Wonkru. Didn’t O say she’d let them go? Ah, but no, Octavia only said she’d let Echo go, and Kara has apparently not shot Echo so everyone should be happy. And I will grudgingly admit that O does have a point about Diyoza not buying it if O hadn’t tried to attack. But… did she have to shoot down the adorable couple who just wanted to start a little family? Score though, because the bullet wound of the female made a super hidey hole for the flash drive. Smart thinking Echo. Though… does blood not ruin that sort of thing? ::Shrugs::

I envy none of the people in this situation.

Anyway, Diyoza’s not planning to be as hospitable as she made herself out to be. Shock collars for everyone! Kane’s not thrilled by this latest development but honestly, does he blame her? I don’t know if I’d want the enemy just wandering free in my place either. So guess we’ll see where this leads next week!

Song of the Week:

I feel like this is a good choice- not only because it’s appropriate on a lyrical/atmospheric level, but because there was so much talk of family in this episode, so the “Blood // Water” title itself is a perfect one!

Random Thoughts:

  • Memori’s fights seem so mundane and normal, and I’m here for it. I mean, it’s like Emori got a new job and Murphy’s salty, and it’s just all so relatable! Frankly, I am so happy to see this vulnerable side of both of them. 
  • Where the hell is Ethan? Hey O, remember that time you promised to take care of him when “Uncle Theo” bit it? And then the time he promised Five-Year-Old Dad he’d take care of the kid before FYOD was Praimfaya-ed? Don’t let us down here. 
  • Is Diyoza a Hunger Games fan? I mean, she is from our time after all… See why I love her more and more every episode?
  • I ::gasp:: don’t hate Bellamy’s character as much as everyone else? Look- it’s been six years in space with the same few people. Yeah, one of them is Echo, and even though I don’t really buy their relationship, I think I’m supposed to, so. Imagine what you would do for someone who you’ve cared about for so long? I actually like Season 5 Bellamy: he’s more controlled, but still the guy who uses his heart that we’ve come to love.

 Episode 5×07: Acceptable Losses

Another bullshitty hiatus!? I mean I can see a few weeks on, then a week off, but who decided on this fresh nonsense? Anyway, let’s talk about what’s (maybe) up next for our beloveds. 

  • Are Kane and Abby talking about Karina? (the Louwoda Kliron girl who escaped with Echo, and who I think we can all safely assume is dead) The drugs? I feel like we’re supposed to think it’s that Abby failed at the Prisonkru cure, but I don’t think that’s it. Plus Kane wouldn’t be acting salty about that, right? 
  • Monty is always right. I mean seriously, what is with these people!? I think that Monty having doubts is an indication of a much bigger issue: Are the people helping O right now going to continue to help her? Especially those who aren’t actually Wonkru? 
  • Seeing Kane and Echo working together should be a goddamn trip. HA, talk about an unlikely duo that I cannot wait to see more of.
  • Acceptable. Losses. Okay who the hell is an acceptable loss? And also, are you worried about the fact that there haven’t really been any major deaths yet? (Jaha doesn’t count because we knew about it.)
  • Where you at, Raven? I miss Raven. I know it’s only been like, an episode, but when there’s no Raven and then two hiatuses… I need more awesome in my life. 

What did you think of this one? Do you low key love the Kiyoza dynamic? Hate Becho as much as the rest of us?

Posted June 9, 2018 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in The 100 / 31 Comments


31 responses to “The 100 Episode 5×06: Exit Wounds

  1. “Exit Wounds” – such an apt title. 🙂 And thank you for calling out Kara- because yeah she’s a pain. Maybe Indra will kill her at some point. Love the Hunger games reference BTW- so true. Look at all those parachutes- Katniss woulda KILLED for that many floating gifts! lol

    It kills me that Emorphy captured McCreary AND killed a bunch of his guys- are they like wild cards or what? And Murph interacting w/ McCreary should be awesome- whoever thought THAT up in the writers room deserves a medal? Niylah looks SO brainwashed and messed up *sigh* I was not happy to see that. Not Niylah!!!

    Poor Monty and his algae. And I’m liking S5 Bellamy too! I was pissed that the nice couple (or the dude anyway) had to be shot. Jason likes his hidden sniper trope- remember Echo at the Conclave, now Kara? I’m sure I’m forgetting some. And flash drives *sigh*- there’s always a flash drive. 🙂

    Kane and Echo should be golden. Wouldn’t it be awesome if Diyoza won over Echo to her side? Divided loyalties! I mean Echo’s not gonna betray Bell, but she might be like fuck Octavia! I think Echo’s gonna be huge. And I’ll take as much Kiyoza as I can get. Get the tequila back out! War can wait.

    I miss Raven too. I think her and Zeke are making out though, so they’re busy.

    • I cannot handle Kara. I think we’re supposed to not like her but WOW is she making it easy haha. I LOVE the idea of Indra killing her. Indra probably has a real hankering to stab someone, and Kara is the perfect option. And yesss except those damn parachutes at the end killed Prim! Hence why O was right to be suspicious!

      See, this new TechEmori will be good for the team! She can not only be ruthless, but super smart and ruthless! Love it. McCreary is going to FREAK though, and it makes me very nervous for Memori. (Especially Emori, let’s be real.) Because we KNOW that McCreary won’t just let that slide. BUT I agree that it was a genius writing move- and I am actually kind of glad that McCreary is getting a taste of his own medicine!

      Niylah is such a WRECK, it’s half sad, half annoying? Like I feel like it makes sense, but I still don’t have to like it hah.

      HA right no one likes Monty’s algae, no matter how hard he tried. He should have just given up and let them eat whatever, he;s too nice! Yeah I do NOT get the Bellamy hate tbh. He seems to have matured so much, but still stayed true to himself? I think they’re just pissed cause of Becho tbh, but want to pretend that isn’t it!

      I mean- if you think about it the Grounders in the trees in S1 were basically hidden snipers! ALIE’s drones who rudely killed Nyko. You ARE right about Jason loving them. I feel like O could have killed fewer of them even though I did understand why she attacked? But it’s O, so. HA right, I love the whole “hey look, we have random flash drives lying around 100+ years after they should even be a thing!” ?

      I could actually see Echo jaunting over to Team Prisonkru! I mean- they DO make more sense? And I also think that Bellamy IS going to have to make a choice between O and Echo at some point, in some way, so… yep, I’d be interested to see that for sure! Especially because Echo is probably going to be RIGHT! HA seriously, Tequila Time > War. And I am here for Kiyoza, which… makes me feel like a Kabby traitor, but ::shrugs::

      NOOOOO I want Raven with MURPHY damn it. Why do they tease us like this?? But you are right, she’s probably getting all snuggly with Zeke, ughhh.

      • Indra vs Kara= I approve. 🙂 You know who else is irritating me? Miller. He was quite rude to Clarke.

        Yes McCreary needs to come down a notch. Getting captured (and let’s face it, outsmarted) by those two should do the trick. Oh who am I kidding, he’ll just go even more ballistic, true. And I COULD maybe like the guy if he were a little more redeemable? I mean, the possiblities of McCrabby continue to entice me…

        I don’t like it either. Niylah needs to be left alone! She’s got a shop to run.

        That could be. Bellamy has come SO far and I’m here for it. And I’m glad to see Monty his usual nice self, kinda understated- they flirted a bit with making him angsty (and justifiably so, given all the shit he went through last season), but I’m glad they didn’t make him Jasper 2.0. I couldn’t take that…

        Yes! Sniper city. Remember the ASSHOLE sniper from S2- the Mt. Weather guy? Ugh. So.many.examples. The drones- ooh good one. And of course Riley …

        I think so! I might even like it? I mean I’d be short term pissed, but frankly last season Echo would absolutely do that shit. I wonder if they will?? And I’ll take a whole episode of Kiyoza drinking and telling each other stories as they slowly get drunk. And it’s not your fault! Kabby IS awesome, it’s just that… Kiyoza is awesomeER!

        Well if Raven’s on the ship with all those psycho dudes maybe Zeke felt he had to “hide” her- you know, in his chambers. *rolls eyes* Although TBH I don’t see the chemistry there, and she’s pissed at him. Still, angry sex? It’s not unknown with her…

        • Um YES what the hell is with Miller!? He blocks Clarke and Bellamy every time they so much as try to speak to O. Like hey asshole, he’s her damn brother, how about you calm down? This is basically S1 Miller, blocking O from seeing Lincoln like he’s in charge or something ?

          YES I feel like if McCreary were like, maybe 5% less stabby he’d be okay? Or if he had a quirk or something that wasn’t murdery? Like “McCreary is a sociopathic killer who also happens to play a mean game of badminton!”, I’d be down. I do kind of like McCrabby too but only as like… a sexual thing? Because I don’t feel like McCreary can do feels? Oh and yes, he is going to lose his SHIT on Memori.

          Oh my goodness, YES, who the hell is running the General Store while Niylah is off drinking the damn kool-aid!? That is a good point!

          Yeah I think Bellamy has developed quite well. I know a lot of stuff I read said that people are pissed because he isn’t standing up for himself when it comes to O, only standing up for Echo, but tbh, I think it’s because he knows (or thinks anyway) that he can hold his own against O and that he doesn’t *need* protection from her, whereas with Echo it’s a very different story? That’s my take anyway. I think he knows O has lost it but I don’t think he even gets how much danger HE is in.

          UGH honestly had they gone that route with Monty I would have been PISSED. But they could find something for Harper to do, instead of giving her ONE line an episode and it being about Monty. So rude!

          OOOOH YES that Sniper Guy from Mt Weather- where he tries to kill Lincoln and Clarke says to him “you ARE my people”, sobs. OMG Riley yessss world’s worst sniper in the history of sniping, how soon I block him out of my memory ?

          I like Echo defecting BUT only if they do it in a way that doesn’t make her look like a traitor? Like- Kane did it in a smart way and as long as Echo does too, I agree, it works. Because why the hell would anyone choose to stay with Octavia unless they had Stockholm Syndrome anyway!? HA I really now need that spinoff of the drunken Kiyoza tails. Can you imagine the stories she has? Hahah it’d be epic. I don’t know if Kiyoza is better forever, but it would sure be more interesting now! And would actually provide an even BETTER Kabby storyline going forward!

          I don’t see the chemistry with Zeke and Raven either! But everyone else seems to looooove it, so maybe we’re missing something? It just doesn’t work for me, not when Murven can be a thing! Plus- you’re right, the ONLY sex Raven seems to have in life is of the angry variety, and I think she deserves more. And Murphy came SO CLOSE to confessing his feelings, until he got scared because he didn’t know he even was capable of feelings.

          • Exactly! S1 asshole Miller- ugh he’s pissin me off. Clearly Jackson needs to set his ass straight! I’m kinda over miller in general though- he’s just too grouchy for my liking. Always scowling about something, always siding with the authoritarians… maybe he’ll get shot. 🙂

            You’re probably right about McCreary, he’s probably not relationship material. Hard to argue. Do you think that Abby’s “treatment” of him (whatever it turns out to be) will make him less homicidal? I mean I know that sounds like a cheap fix, but it would make him perhaps more…suitable? 🙂 Course I may be pushing this McCrabby thing too hard too… ha

            Right! Some rando thieves are probably robbing that place blind while Niylah goes on ninja missions for O or whatever the fuck she’s doing *rolls eyes*

            I totally agree. I don’t know what people’s problem is, Bellamy seems completely reasonable and developed to me at this point. They’re dumb. 🙂 And you have it exactly right. She’s his brother, what ‘s he supposed to do? Maybe their sparring match the other night satisfied all the whiners? No, probs not. Also- yes he does NOT realize how much danger he’s in. Agree w/ that too.

            Harper is totally being ignored.

            Ha you miss Riley- admit it. No? Okay me neither.

            Yes a night at Charmaine’s tiki bar! With ALL the stories. They just seeem to have chemistry, what little of ’em we’ve seen together, so I think it works. And Kabby being damaged makes it (sadly) more plausible. And I agree about Echo- it has to be done right. Even though this feels very 100-esque (and I don’t mean that in a bad way necessarily- the whole Echo has to go there and pretend to be a deserter blah blah) I like the possibilities. 🙂

            Raven needs some lovvveeee (emotional fulfillment ) to go along with her, um, physical needs being met lol so yes- Murven needs to get on the bandwagon here! Just nope to Zeke. Sorry dude but just not feelin it. And in a way since Raven shoves everything aside (much like Clarke) for the good of the team, her and Murph (mr emotionally damaged if there ever was one) would seem to be well suited, no? 🙂 We HAVE to get Murven at this point, I think. I wanna see Bellarke and Murven double dating, last scene of the show- they’re out camping somewhere around a fire. THE END

            • Aw poor Miller. He IS super grouchy. Though to be fair, we’d be grouchy too if we’d been in that bunker for over 6 years with Blodreina. But Jackson doesn’t seem *as* miserable? I feel like he probably got to escape a lot, being a doctor. Always some injured person to tend to, right? Blodreina starts the bullshit, he can just need to “check on a patient” and flee.

              Hm no, I think the only correlation would be that he could see Abby (and maybe some of Skaikru as an extension?) as useful since she fixed him and be less likely to kill her and her people. But no- I think he was awful BEFORE they sent him into space- actually it’s probably WHY he was sent- and then the disease just made him extra stabby. If McCrabby does happen, it’s just going to be because they’re both suuuuper pissed off about Kiyoza.

              Um, seriously, what IS Niylah doing exactly? Like- she’s not running the store or selling Susan Jerky or whatever, so… what the hell is her purpose? Spying on Clarke? That seems like not a full time job tbh.

              I think the sparring made the whiners even angrier, from what I’ve seen? Because again, he didn’t talk about himself, only Echo. Which… so? She isn’t banishing HIM! So why WOULD he fight her about himself? Logic seems to be lost on some of the fandom, it seems. I think people are really just salty about Becho and bitching about anything involving it as a reaction. But yeah I think he thinks the whole “you will be an enemy of Wonkru” thing is O just being dramatic but… NOPE I think she means it.

              Seriously where the hell is Harper’s story!? And Riley… NO I do not miss him hah. He’s like, the one character whose death I actually coldly laughed at. (And okay, maybe Cage Wallace a little too “the first dose is the worst ??)

              They DO have chemistry! It really would work, and I think they’re both smart and appreciate talking to like-minded people, so… it could happen. I wonder what will happen when we get back to Echo. Because I don’t think that Charmaine is going to buy her as a deserter- though she DID see O banish her, so that could hold some weight. Maybe Kane will convince her to join the band!

              YES Raven really, really does. Like- someone who loves her for ALL of her- the good and the bad. And that sounds like Murphy for sure. Zeke has a schoolboy crush based on her awesomeness, which okay, I GET, but it won’t last. And I would fully understand Raven reciprocating, because Zeke is a good catch too, I just don’t think they’re a good match either. Um that is the most perfect end to the series EVER. With Kabby watching all the babies and drinking tequila with Auntie Charmaine.

              • Maybe Miller’s just naturally grouchy. I mean at least he’s consistent! But he can’t be all bad if Jackson’s with him, so there’s that. 🙂

                Yea probably right.

                They clearly haven’t given enough thought to Niylah and are using her mainly as a placeholder (unless I’m wrong and future episodes reveal otherwise). I feel the same way about Harps though- she’s a valuable member of the crew but… they don’t really have anything for her to do??

                I think you’re right. They could have had pizza together and someone would bitch.

                The first dose is the worst ha that was awesome. 🙂

                Kane’s gotta be sick of fighting Abbs and her pills for 6 years, which is sad because I still don’t like that they went that way w/ her character. It does give him an opportunity to Kiyoza though! I think Kane and Echo could be interesting- like Kane wants to get in Diyoza’s good graces but also help Echo any way he can, which will make Charmaine suspicious, so… drama! Will Echo tear Kiyoza apart?

                YES! Kabby friends with Charmie… it’s so fucking adorable, the seven of them it HAS to happen (maybe eight of them if we can find Charmie someone suitable). Maybe *gulp* Niylah??? Or a suddenly nice McCreary? *smirk*

                • HA true, true! But he CAN be fun- remember when he was telling spooky stories in the cave before Emerson kidnapped him? That must be the kind of shit Jackson appreciates ha.

                  You’re right about Niylah- she seems like almost an oversight. You know, while I generally like the 13 episode seasons, it DOES take storylines away from characters like Niylah and Harper. Poor Harper. No Niylah in the next episode either, ugh. But Ethan makes his return, probs to become Madi’s new crush and/or enemy.

                  HA seriously I think at this point, people just want something to bitch about. Like can’t they just enjoy it? Do they not remember when we had to deal with ALIE and just be grateful?

                  Yeah I mean- no matter HOW much you love someone, that has to take a toll. I mean, by the end Kane seriously considered death the better option! I don’t actually hate this choice for Abby? I mean- throughout the series Abby has consistently been a “good guy” you know? She was always the voice of reason, the one who could do the right thing for the sake of what was right. And so for her to now have some flaws… I don’t know, I think it actually makes her more believable, more relatable. Okay if Echo tears Kiyoza apart, we’re officially allowed to hate her again, right?

                  Seriously I feel like Charmaine deserves some happiness too. McCreary could calm down eventually, if there’s no one left to fight? I feel like Diyoza could just keep him really, really stoned all the time and that could work out just fine. Monty and Harper still get to be around, right? I am picturing this adorable little rustic town and I am so here for this!

                  • True, he can be fun. 🙂

                    I’m not sure how I feel about Ethan. Was there a pressing need to have little kids on the show? I mean between him and Madi… and we were just talking about how they don’t have time to do anything with Niylah or Harper, but now we got these frickin kids around *sigh*

                    Ha ALIE oh my gosh right? Be THANKFUL people!!!

                    I get that, but I think Abby was already flawed? Like obviously she turned her husband in, thus alienating Clarke, and she then had a relationship w/ Kane, who was previously an enemy- another tough pill for Clarke to swallow, probably. So I think there was already fuel there for a fire, so to speak? But still, I see your point too. And it certainly HAS caused conflict between her and Kane, so yeah. And Echo… I imagine she will find a way to make me hate her again, just when I’m starting to like her. 🙂

                    Yeah! We can’t leave Marper out! You’re right. And Niylah/ Echo? That could work. I like this town idea…

                    • I mean, I kind of agree? I don’t really think of it as a show that “needs” kids. Or at least, needs them in the foreground. Madi is tough enough to take sometimes, when she’s making super dumb decisions. At least she has a driver’s license though. Ethan, I don’t see HOW he is useful, plus he’s the spawn of FYO Dad which automatically makes him at least halfway crappy as a human.

                      Well- but she DID think Jaha would help Jake, not float him, in fairness. And I feel like Clarke doesn’t really get a say in Abby’s love life? I mean- okay if Kane were abusive or something, sure, but a decent dude is courting Mom, I think it’s not even almost a bad thing! I saw in a headline that Echo and Raven are going to be arguing in the next episode so what does THAT mean? Has one of them switched sides for real?

                      Well, to be fair, the WRITERS have left Marper out hah so we wouldn’t be the only ones? Poor Marper. Monty gets one or two stupid computer lines per episode, and Harper gets a “Monty has an idea!” in the background like some kind of 1950s housewife ? But I still like Octylah! Though not as much if Niylah drank the kool-aid. She was supposed to bring O BACK from the brink, not push her over the edge! Damn it Niylah! I don’t even know who I see Echo with? Dead, actually, I think I see her as dead, sorry.

  2. – FYOD? I was wondering about Ethan, too. He’s nowhere.
    – Niylah was, at first, promising, but then it seems like Octavia really made sure her people stuck together and “got in line”, so to speak. Niylah was a bit of a rebel back when she aided and abetted Clarke when she was Wanheda, but she also seemed to be a bit the type of a follower. I love how she’s her own person, but I’m not surprised at what has come of her—just…saddened.
    – Echo and Bellamy will likely be all ~epic~ and whatnot like Clexa, but when Clexa had sex, Lexa died. So I really feel like Echo is gonna die soon.
    – I think maybe Madi was not only worried about Clarke, but also still so hung up on the Octavia she heard in her stories. They were both girls under the floor, and maybe she thought O would understand her more than Clarke…or maybe she’s just tired of hiding. But it seems that she loves Clarke more than anything, and so protecting her took over what little rationality she had in her. On the other hand, aside from what she learned by hunting with Clarke, I don’t think Clarke ever could have prepared Madi for this. Plus, Clarke mentioned her dying and finding Abby in the event of her death, and that seemed to really throw Madi off the rails. UGH. I’M JUST SO WORRIED ABOUT HER.

    • AH, Five-Year-Old Dad. Because in We Will Rise, he kept yelling about how his son was 5. Like over and over again, like we didn’t hear him the first 93 times? So that has been his name ever since, and Ethan is his son as it turns out ha. BUT Ethan will be back next week! I had a feeling when O started talking about novitiates with Madi that Ethan would be making a return!

      You have a good point about Niylah. And I wasn’t exactly shocked either, because she just doesn’t seem to have that bravery that some of the others have- not even that it’s a bad thing, I don’t know that I’d be brave enough either! But you’re right, sad.

      UGH I mean- Clexa had chemistry though! Like craaaaazzzyyy chemistry. I mean, I still love Bellarke the most, but Clexa was believable, you know? I just don’t *get* Becho. But I assume you’re right, and then Bellamy is going to be all… salty. We don’t need another Gina repeat, do we? Ughhh.

      Oh I agree that Madi was VERY upset about the possibility of Clarke’s death but… you’d think if Clarke warned her that O was NOT the person from the stories, Madi would have shown at least SOME restraint? I think that’s where it lost me a little. Like I get her wanting to protect Clarke, but to go SO off in the opposite direction of Clarke’s warnings… I mean, I know she’s just a kid, but you can tell that Octavia is unhinged I think.

      • Yeah, and I’m nervous for [O’s] fall, too. I mean, I really hope she doesn’t go through all this that she has endured thus far just to die at the end, but I feel like her fall is going to be really harsh and she’s going to be tortured super bad. She’s really lost herself. I felt it during her “You are Wonkru, or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose” ritual.

        • Yeah I agree- it would be really sad for her to go out like that. I worry about it too though! I honestly just hope that if she DOES have to die, she finds peace before she does, you know? And maybe her death can have some kind of healing value, not just for everyone else, but for her too in a way?

          • Yes! Agreed. <3

            And I just want to say, on an unrelated note, how happy I am to have stumbled across your site, re: these recaps! Talking about The 100 in a rational manner, as opposed to running into younger fans on Twitter and Tumblr (I’m 27, so there is quite a different level of maturity there) really makes a difference. I really enjoy these discussions, even though I found you not too long ago!

            • Awww thank you!! You don’t know how happy that makes me! And I feel you- I am 35, so even more of a difference, and sometimes I cannot handle the nonsense on social media. I am all for disagreements even, obviously we’re not going to all love the same stuff, but people can be so vicious! You totally made my day 😀 😀 😀

  3. I don’t necessarily hate Becho, but I’m very over it. I predicted they would get together when they all went up to the ARC a the season finale, so I’m just waiting for them to break up. Also, I’m a massive Bellarke shipper (aren’t we all), and they’re just getting in my way. But I also don’t hate Bellamy. I go through the tweets as I’m watching, and I really don’t understand why everyone is hating him. Is it just because he is in a relationship with Echo? And while I’m not agreeing with Octavia a lot these days, I did love what she had to say about Echo. Like you, I loved the fight between Emori and Murphy. Even though she said they weren’t back together, I’m hoping that she’s wrong. 😀

    • Oh definitely, I agree that it was VERY much hinted at- honestly, since the cages in Mt Weather, it was hinted at. But I didn’t like it then, and I don’t like it now. I just don’t FEEL any chemistry! Like- I am a huge Bellarke fan too, but at least with Clexa, they had chemistry, it made sense, etc. I know we aren’t getting Bellarke until the bitter, bitter end hah, so I get that there will be other relationships, I am just NOT a fan of these two at all.

      YES like what is with the Bellamy hate!? I feel like people are all salty because he is defending Echo but “not standing up for himself” with O but like… O is his sister, and he probably feels like he doesn’t HAVE to defend himself with her, whereas with Echo… well, we know their history! And yeah, I do think that Bellamy needs to get where O is coming from- I mean their last few meetings were kind of a disaster?

      I love Murphy and Emori and their dynamic, but… I think I love Murven more? EEP I know, I know. But I can’t help it!

  4. Is it awful that I read this recap before watching the episode, and may not even watch the episode now? I feel like I lost my zest for watching with the small hiatus, and your recap is enough for me. UGH Madi. How ungrateful! Madi was strong and a bit of badass before Clarke found her, but I really don’t think she would have survived those 6 years without Clarke. I can’t believe that Madi would completely ignore Clarke’s warning and choose Octavia over her.

    • Oh no! I mean. This was definitely my least favorite of the season so far if that helps? The hiatus is SUCH a bad call by The CW- even Jason and the rest of the production crew is pissed from what I can gather. Because it is a lot- two out of three weeks off- and right in the middle AND with their weakest episode in the middle!

      Oh I agree, Madi would have been toast! It didn’t make SENSE to me that she ran to Octavia and told her everything. Like- I get that she was worried for Clarke’s life and everything, but that move seemed… unnecessary? She could have just run and hidden, she didn’t have to turn to O when it was SO clear that Clarke no longer trusted her! Kids hah.

  5. “drivers license” ha- love it. Right? FYO Kid is just… baggage at this point? And yes- let’s hope he doesn’t take after FYO Dad *rolls eyes* We have enough problems as it is!

    Yeah I agree about Clarke not having a say in Abby’s love life- very true- I just meant she might not have been CRAZY about it, given the history. And Abby’s own reactions at times have indicated she feels guilt over how she handled Jake. I mean Jaha’s track record seemed to be float everybody? But at any rate… whether I like it or not, the pills thing is part f her story now, and I can’t wait to see where it goes! And Echo vs Raven- ooh! Echo frankly can be abrasive (ha ha understatement?) and Raven doesn’t take any crap, so yeah… I can see those two clashing. And is there chemistry hmmm???? lol

    Harper is totally a housewife at this point. I feel like every time she has a thought she opens her mouth and then someone cuts her off, and eventually she’s like fuck it and goes to get a coffee. Or a beer. Her and Monty deserve better! And wow- you’re kinda over Echo huh? 🙂

    • Right, he isn’t even 5 anymore so like, even the sadness factor has kind of worn off because now he’s just a murdery teenager and no one likes those. Though interesting question that poses: If someone were to incite a riot against Blodreina… are they awful, or smart? A little different than trying to kill Ilian, or rioting against Kane’s lotto…

      Oh true, I can see how she’d have mixed feelings especially with their history! It does kind of bring an interesting point though, to what extent DO parents have to give a shit what their kids think? Because maybe that all gets harder when they are older and have somewhat logical opinions? Oh you are definitely right about her having guilt over Jake, but I think she was SO desperate at the time that she doesn’t even deserve the guilt she’s imposing on herself? Like- what the hell does she do? If she stands WITH Jake, Clarke’s an orphan. She kind of was at Jaha’s mercy, and I think she probably figured that since they were besties, there might be *some* room for leniency? She was obviously super wrong, but I honestly don’t know what other decision she could have made. Like- when she finally went public, it only worked BECAUSE they were in such a dire state- when Jake died, it wouldn’t have been so bad, people wouldn’t have been suffering oxygen deprivation, and I don’t think the plan would have worked.

      HA I love how Raven has no love interests to now ALL the love interests! I feel like they ARE both really tough and I like the idea of them clashing a little- especially because they tried to build up this whole “Spacekru family” thing, and to have them at odds, yeah I like it.

      You know, I would be totally FINE with them showing her doing that? Like everyone is ignoring her, so we see her rolling her eyes and grabbing a drink! THAT is a plotline in itself! (Again, this is why we should be writers!) And then finally, at the end of the season, SHE can have the answer to some HUGE problem and she can tell everyone where they can shove their ignoring ways! Monty DOES deserve better, they’re playing him like a Poor Man’s Raven and that is NOT the Monty we know and love. And I mean. I guess I AM over Echo? Not just because of Becho even, just… what the hell are they going to do with her? Maybe they’ll prove me wrong, I could like her after Tuesday, who knows! But today… meh?

      • I would KILL to see Harper do that! Just tell their asses off for not listening to her. And yeah Monty’s not getting much love this season- maybe that’ll change though, there’s so much going on they don’t have time for everybody, sadly. Wouldn’t it be funny though if Harper became an alcoholic because- she has nothing else to do? Although I guess that would mirror the Abby pills thing, and we have enough of that! I guess it’s hard because they haven’t really given Harper a niche. Oh well… maybe after tonight we’ll have a better take on how Echo and Raven are gonna get along. I keep forgetting they were in Spacekru together though, so maybe they won’t clash so much? Although if Echo changes sides their clash is gonna be EPIC.

        • YESS. I am so MAD that everyone got an awesome space story except Harper. She just got all… wifey. And no one asked for that. NO. ONE. I am SO happy that Monty finally got the story he deserved- when Raven called his plan brilliant, my heart swelled, because if the queen of awesome is dolling out compliments… you’ve done well. HA I love the idea of Harper doing something REALLY random though- not necessarily substance abuse (ha, since you are right, we DO have that) but maybe like… crafting? Stamp collecting? Like something TOTALLY useless in the world, you know? And I guess we know how Echo and Raven will get along- I wonder what happens to their relationship from here though?

          I am so sad because I definitely do not have time to get my post together before I go- and I don’t want to half ass it but… Idk. It sucks because I won’t even have time to do it before NEXT week’s episode so… I don’t know what to doooo. I *could* spend all night doing it I guess. Maybe just a mostly GIF-less post?

          • Harper needs… something. I like cratfing. Maybe scrapbooking? She could be the chronicler, the historian of their saga. I mean I hope someone is keeping track of all this shit, but in between Praimfaya’s and wars and genocides I’m sure no one has had time? Maybe she found Jaha’s iPad (he certainly won’t be needing it) and she’ll find more goodies on it. You know, more cult stuff and shit.

            Yes Raven acknowledging Monty’s badassery was awesome!

            Aww well I hear that. Why do our best/ favoritest posts take so damn long to do? lol we should have computers that just do what we want- like tell it we need this and it does it, and we can post the shit. We should have AI’s that can do our GIF’s for us and format our posts and all that shit. I really feel like future tech needs to get a move on? I mean besides badass phones what are they really providing us??? Anyway… have fun!!!!!

            • Scrapbooking isn”t a bad idea actually. I mean- she could use all those pictures Clarke draws, someone can find Lincoln’s old book, really she could be busy for weeks! Then maybe she can take up the flute or something. Seriously, girl needs a storyline.

              I tried so very hard to get it done but… well, it didn’t happen. So I got home and did it because it was irritating me to have an episode NOT done. I know no one cares but me but… I can’t not do it, it seems unfinished! But I WILL take AIs that make GIFs for me because this is annoying. It used to be so much easier when I could find clips on YouTube to use but now I have to find my own videos AND make the GIF and it is a nightmare!

  6. Beth W

    OK, super ill today so I’m bingeing again, which of course means I’m also reading your recap for the giggles and insight. I feel like the old Echo is back- ruthless and brilliant. I agree that I like her, I just don’t like her with Bellamy. And Diyoza….yeah, the more I see of her the more I like her. If she didn’t have a crew of crazy ex-cons, and if O wasn’t culty leader blodreina, she might actually negotiate a good peace. Meanwhile, Madi’s long-distance hero worship of O ruins everything. Ugh. And am I the only one who thought “thruple?” when Memori had a spat that revolved around spending time with Raven? I mean, I’m sure there’s polyamory in the future, right?

    • Aw no, I am so sorry, I hope you feel better! I will say, it is making my day to be able to chat about The 100 though! And SAME- I like Echo as a character, i HATE Echo with Bellamy. It’s creepy- like cousins making out, blech.

      I think you’re right about Diyoza- she would have been able to do a LOT more good stuff had she not been in the situation she was given. Talk about a mess! Madi eventually gets less ridiculous, thank goodness- because I was SO sick of her by this point. Like trust that Clarke maybe knows a little more about these people than you do girl! (Until like two episodes from now hahha.) And DYING @ a thruple with Memori and Raven ??? I am still 100% here for Team Murven, and Team “Emori is a badass science bitch who doesn’t need Murphy, or also, she could just have Shaw. Or Echo, I am not choosy”.

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