13 responses to “May 2018 New Release Giveaway Hop Sign Ups- and Update/Announcement!

  1. I’m sorry things have been rough- I’m happy to help, but I’m not sure what the specific help you need is. Let me know and I’ll be there. 🙂

      • Well, hells, let’s make it a rotating feature- you could share it among a small group, so each month is a different host, or you could back off from monthly to quarterly. But if you share it, I’m down to host it every 3+ months. I’m not as amazing of a blogger as you are, but I co-hosted swaps with Angie for years with success, so I’m certain I could handle it.

        • That is an awesome idea!! Love love love- kind of like how Nicole and I split the hosting for the discussion challenge! That works out SO well because I don’t have to worry every single month! I definitely love this idea- that way I don’t have to give it up completely, but I can back off a bit! I will see who else is interested and let you know when I have more info- THANK YOU!!

  2. So sorry to hear life has been tough lately, Shannon. Sending you all the happy thoughts and good wishes.

    …if you ever need help, I echo everyone else’s comments, just let me know. 🙂

  3. Hi Shannon, I’m happy to help. As you know I participated in your giveaway for over a year and then branched out to start my own. It’s funny, but I’m also looking for a bit of help. Perhaps we can join both our giveaway hops? Please let me know. XOXO, Lonna

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