The Crystal Tour: Review & Giveaway

CT-BannerWelcome to the ::incoherent tears and uncontrollable sobs:: tour for the final book in the amazing and epic Air Awakens series, Crystal Crowned!! 

The Crystal Tour: Review & Giveaway Crystal Crowned by Elise Kova
Series: Air Awakens #5
Published by Silver Wing Press on July 12th 2016
Pages: 432

Long live Solaris.

One bloodthirsty ruler has been overthrown by another, casting the shadow of death over the Solaris Empire. Vhalla Yarl stands upon the stage of fate, prepared to do battle one final time. Fragile alliances will be tested and new bonds will be formed as the world is reshaped. She fights as the champion of peace, but when the night is darkest will she be able to pay the price of a new dawn?


This is so damn bittersweet, guys. On one hand, I am happy with the way it ended, so yayyyyy! But on the other, it is over, and I am not good with endings.
Since this is the end of the series, I am not going to say too much about this book. Of course because of spoilers from the first four books, but also because no one wants details on how a series ends! If you’re anything like me, you basically want to know if I loved it, if it made me stabby, or somewhere in between.
Good news, I did love it! And I will tell you why:
  • I think it ended at a good place for the story, anything more would have been overkill and anything less would have been unfinished. And it was satisfying, which is huge in a series end.
  • The characters developed beautifully, as I had very little doubt that they would! I miss them, I do. It’s hard to let go, especially when I was so, so invested in them. But I let them go at least feeling like their stories had been told, and I can’t ask for anything more than that.
  • I had lots of feelings. As usual with this series, I laughed, I cried, I swooned. There was a great mix of emotions, which has always been one of the best parts of the Air Awakens series for me, and Crystal Crowned was no different.
  • The focus on family and friendship was definitely at an all time high, and I loved it.
  • The romance was on point, as usual. I won’t tell you any more than that, because spoilers!

The only real thing keeping me from giving it a full five stars is that its predecessor (Water’s Wrath) was so incredibly emotional and powerful, that this one perhaps paled a bit in comparison. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, necessarily, because I would not have been happy if the series had ended at the point Water’s Wrath did. In fact, I really think I would have been unhappy if Crystal Crowned had been done any differently. I think it was the perfect wrap up for the series, even if I did find Water’s Wrath to be a bit stronger.

Bottom Line: Look, if you haven’t read this series, do it. There is no reason not to, now that the series is complete and no one has to worry about Finale Fright! I really loved every single minute of this series and Vhalla and company will always have a place in my heart. The writing was gorgeous, the characters were incredibly well developed, and I enjoyed the world tremendously. I really can’t think of any reason not to read this series and about a million reasons to read it, so there you have it.4h

In case you missed them: The first four epic adventures!!!






About Elise Kova

Elise Kova has always had a profound love of fantastical worlds. Somehow, she managed to focus on the real world long enough to graduate with a Master’s in Business Administration before crawling back under her favorite writing blanket to conceptualize her next magic system. She currently lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, and when she's not writing can be found playing video games, watching anime, or talking with readers on social media. She is the author of the Air Awakens Series as well as the upcoming Loom Saga (Keymaster, 2017).

Crystal Crowned Release Events!

Facebook Release Party – July 12, 7:00-10:00pm EST

  • URL:
  • About: Join Elise Kova and friends, Michelle Madow, Susan Dennard, Rachel E. Carter, Leia Stone, C.M. Lucas, Laura Thalassa, and Danielle L. Jensen for the Crystal Crowned release party on Facebook! It will be an evening of fun, games, discussion, giveaways, and more!

Goodreads Fan Club Discussion/AMA – July 30, 7:00-9:00pm EST

Extra! Extra!

I think I have posted this before, but I love a quiz- and also, Elise has updated this one, so you can most accurately determine which of the elements you are! 


So, DO take the quiz, and I will share which element (unsurprisingly) I am!


thegiv (1)
I have two giveaways for you today! The first is the tour-wide giveaway, from Elise! It is epic and I am super jealous of whoever wins this- unless it’s me, in which case I am very happy for me.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The second is from me, because well, I love to shove this series at people basically! International also! And I will be sending bookmarks from Crystal Crowned to the winners as well! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, did you take the quiz? Which affinity do you belong with? 

Posted July 11, 2016 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Tour, Giveaway, Review / 42 Comments


42 responses to “The Crystal Tour: Review & Giveaway

  1. I’m happy to see that the series has been consistently strong for you, Shannon. I can finally binge read the books now and I genuinely can’t wait. I love that there’s a focus on family and friendship especially. And the character growths sound great too.
    Wonderful review, Shannon! 🙂

  2. AAAH NOW I’M JUST REALLY EXCITED FOR CC’S RELEASE! T_T I’ve been (im)patiently waiting for it and ugh a lot of people have been saying it’s good and I just I CANNOT WAIT. Great review, Shannon! Glad to hear that even you think the final book’s pretty good. :’)

    Oh and I also got Waterrunner as my affinity as well! <3

  3. Great review! I can’t wait to start this series but I totally know what you mean re: series endings being so bittersweet — that’s how I felt about TRK regardless of how good it was!! Glad you loved this and think how fun it will be to re-read the whole series!!

  4. Shai Villanueva

    I’m not ready to read CC yet!! ? Awesome review, btw! I also think WW is the best in the series. Oh, and I got Windwalker!! No surprise there, since I related a lot to Vhalla ❤❤

  5. Lily M.

    Hi!! Thank you so much for this giveaway ?? I still haven’t read these books ? but I do want to. In the quiz I got Windwalker, i think that’s funny cus a big gust of wind can blow me away hehe

  6. Cyndi Flores

    So this series looks amazing, I have not read it, but it caught my eye right off, I love the covers, I love the blurb, and everything about it. I am a waterrunner and would love this series. Thank you for the great giveaway

  7. Okay… so I don’t want to read the review or the synopsis for this book because I haven’t read any of the books in the Air Awakens series, but I think I kind of want to. I’m always seeing people go nuts over them, so I’m more than a little curious. 🙂

  8. Anna

    I have this series on need to read ASAP series… and that mostly has to do with you and all your positive tweets and blog posts about the series!

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