
Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is: Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn’t

Yeah, we aren’t doing that. I feel like I did that a few weeks ago, with my post about my poor, sad pre-orders that I never got around to. Basically, my list of 2015 books would be those books. So. I figured these are the series that I’d hoped to start, or finish, or catch up on, or some combination of those things. Pretty much, I swore that I was going to get to these, and then absolutely did not.

The finished series that I wanted to, you know, finish

#11 (1)

Still scared of this one. Length + Maybe not great last book = Wimping out.

#10 (1)

Holly and I were going to read this one. “We have 10 months”, we told ourselves. Go ahead, ask Holly how much progress she has made too.

#1 (1)

Just… time. And the fact that these books just keep getting longer and longer. Notice a trend? 

#3 (1)

I legitimately can come up with zero reasons for not having read this. 

#8 (1)

In fairness, Queen did just come out like, six weeks ago… 

#7 (1)

I’ve got nothing. No excuses. Especially because look at those covers!

#6 (1)

The first book was so fantastically twisted, I was super eager to get to the next one. So… yeah. I fail. 

The Ones I Wanted to Catch Up On Before the Series Ended/Continued

#2 (1)

This is just outright cowardice. 

#9 (1)

Umm. Time? Children! Let’s blame those guys! 

#5 (1)

I am just out of excuses at this point. Not even sorry.

#4 (1)

I was a bit bored by the beginning. So there’s that.

So: Which books and/or series did you really want to get to in 2015 that you simply did not? Was time your enemy also? Which of these must I read in 2016? 

Posted January 12, 2016 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Top Ten Tuesday / 47 Comments


47 responses to “Series Lies I Told Myself

  1. There are so many series on here I need to read as well! Throne of Glass and The Raven Cycle are actually incredible though! I’m planning on read The 5th Wave like this month! Great list! 🙂

  2. Their Fractured Light and Queen are next up in my tbr pile (sequel wise). I’m really looking forward to both of them. I could have done a second top ten just for sequels. Hopefully I’ll get more time to read and I can ease back into the blog. Millie Lou is a pretty good baby, so I think she’ll let me get some stuff done. We’re finally settling into a routine.

    Michelle @ Michelle’s Minions


  4. I DEMAND that you finish The Lunar Chronicles. YES. DEMAND. Also, The Starbound books only got better and better for me! Definitely a favorite series of all-time!
    I need to read Queen as well. I have plans to read The Raven Boys only depending on how the last book ends. 5th Wave and Red Rising are also on my list.

  5. SO HECK YES I AM HERE TO REPRESENT THE RAVEN CYCLE. *gets out raveny pom poms and starts hollering* They are soooooo good Shannon. I SWEAR. Plus they’re marvellous. Plus the writing = delicious. Plus Blue. PLUS THE BOYS. *pauses to hyperventilate*
    I actually finished off a lot of series last year and I’m kind of proud. :’) I do want to start the 5th Wave books soon though. And of course Morning Star *nods* But I feel like I need to reread that series? And idek when THAT will happen. xD

  6. I just bought Daughter of Smoke and Bone, so I will be starting that series soon. I have heard great things about that one. I also just read Throne of Glass. While I did enjoy it (especially the ending), I wasn’t completely in love with it. I am hoping that the next one gets better. You must finish Lunar Chronicles soon. I loved every single book and they didn’t even feel long to me. And Red Rising . . . yeah, I’ll start that one eventually. Maybe.

  7. Funny, I mentioned series I need to finish in my post too. Actually it is kinda sad.
    You NEED to finish The Lunar Chronicles and get caught up on Throne of Glass series. I haven’t even started the other ones you mentioned. #thestruggleisreal

  8. Sam

    I am up to date with The Raven Boys and Throne of Glass. Series I really want to finish (I have one book to read of each) Starbound, Mara Dyer, The Network Series, Finishing School, Parasol Protectorate, Gemma Doyle, The Pledge, Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, Fire and Thorns. That’s my reading goal! Finish the series that I started and the author has completed.

  9. I’ve only read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, so don’t feel too bad, however I am starting the Red Rising trilogy. With the exception of the Raven cycle series and the Lunar Chronicles series, I hadn’t heard of most of these books, thanks for bringing them to my attention

  10. The 100 series ha ha. I haven’t read ANY of those even though I love the show. Someone told me the books weren’t as good, but I’m curious… I know they’re different and the show kinda did their own thing. Hmm… and the Blackcoat Rebellion covers are awesome. I have no idea if the books are any good (I’m sure they are), but the covers…

  11. I’m trying so hard not to post as much this year, but this top 10 is one that I could really do. More than 10 books I could come up with for sure! And I love your series theme, that is one I fall under as well! Great post!

  12. I can’t say I’m much better, but you really need to read these (I know you’ve heard it a million times, but I am just adding a little more motivation(?). The Throne of Glass series is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! A must read…

  13. I just recently finished The Lunar Chronicles – I also started it in, like, August of last year, so I totally understand not getting around to them for a while. I’m so glad to see you’re reading The Raven Cycle books! <3 I need to finish the Throne of Glass books too.

  14. Go read The Lunar Chronicles. Like someone said, they don’t feel long when you’re reading them.

    I usually do best on series that are already finished. If I have to remember the first one or two long enough for the author to write the next one, I lose track of the plot, and thus lose all sense of urgency to see what happens next. The only exception I can think of is Harry Potter, and frankly, having movies come out helped keep everything straight in my mind.

    I need someone to talk me into continuing with the Raven Boys series. I liked the first book, but it felt so slow.

  15. I didn’t do the set topic today either (since i’d already done it ?)

    I, too, wimped out on reading Throne of Glass. Queen of Shadows is a mahoosive chunk of book and I tend to shy away from length sometimes. I’m currently reading The Assassins Blade but I haven’t picked it up for about 2 months *goes to corner of shame* I’m also currently reading Winter and it definitely doesn’t feel as long as you would think (I’m just… not reading it because I’m scared of the ending?)
    Don’t worry about the conclusion of Daughter and Smoke and Bone! The trilogy is so so good. Definitely didn’t like Dreams of Gods and Monsters as much as I loved Days of Blood and Starlight BUT it’s still a good solid conclusion to the trilogy.

    Great list!

  16. I’m curious for you to read The 100 series. I actually didn’t mind it. It was much better than I thought it would be. It was completely different than the show. No Finn. No Abby. Wells has a POV. Sadly, no Lincoln. But maybe he pops up later in the series? I was about to say I haven’t heard of The Nocte Trilogy, but my Goodreads’ TBR says I’m lying. I also thought Red Rising was boring in the beginning, which is why I DNF’d it XD. I do want to try again, though… someday.

  17. I haven’t read the final book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series yet – I don’t want it to end!

    I’d save yourself the annoyance of The 100 series – I read the first one and was so mad after…

    Check out my TTT.

  18. I finally caught up with the Raven Cycle but that’s only because I got them on audio book xD THAT MADE THINGS GO SO MUCH FASTER! As for the rest of these… I’ve never finished any of them either xD BUT TO BE FAIR I’VE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF THE BLACKCOAT REBELLION! Tho it looks cool ^_^ I’ll need to add that to my list. GOOD LUCK THIS YEAR WITH FINISHING THESE SERIES! You can pull off at LEAST three 😛

  19. Ok so before I even start commenting on your picks, I have to tell you that I love your graphics .<

    As for the rest here, well ToG is one of my all-time favourite series and The Assassin's Blade and Queen of Shadows are among my favourites in the series so I DEFINITELY recommend those <3 Ditto on The Raven Cycle <3 I'm reading Winter atm but because it's so huge I'm not even halfway through…it's really good though!! As for Daughter of Smoke & Bone? Well, I'll admit that for me the third book didn't quite live up to the first two, but I still really loved it! That series should be experienced if only for the swoon-worthy prose 😀 I hope you get to ALL of these this year Shannon!!

  20. I don’t even want to think about how long the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy has been on my shelf. The Lunar Chronicles – hasn’t happened yet. The Nocte trilogy? 100% intrigued but haven’t even started yet (and yes they are sitting on my shelves). The Throne of Glass series. I’ll get there. For reals. The 5th Wave – have heard iffy things about the second one so I haven’t past the first book yet. Dare I say better luck this year… or are we fooling ourselves? =P

  21. Okay so most of these series as some of my all time favourites. Everyone basically knows where I stand on the Red Rising trilogy haha. The Starbound Trilogy is a must; I mean just look at those gorgeous covers. The Raven Cycle and The Lunar Chronicles are both epic series as well; the characters well and truly steal the show.
    I understand your hesitation with the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy because it took me until the end of 2015 to actually finish the series. I love the books but the third one did have me conflicted.
    I’m hearing a lot of talk about The 100. I’m told that the TV series is epic and it wasn’t until recently that I found out that there was a book series haha.

  22. I am awful at finishing series! The ones I really want to try to finish this year are the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, The Lunar Chronicles, The Mortal Instruments, The Knife of Never Letting Go, Boy Nobody and Talon. ASDFGHJKL SO MANY BOOKS, SO LITTLE TIME. Also: I really need to start the Throne of Glass series and The Raven Cycle URGENTLY. Heard such good things!

  23. It’s so sad that I haven’t even started any of these yet! They’re all on my TBR list but I’m terrible when it comes to series…I like to have the whole series on my shelf before I start reading!

  24. Great list (and topic), Shannon! If it makes you feel any better, I was also rubbish at finishing series in 2015 – The Lunar Chronicles was the only one I finished, and I still haven’t started The Raven Cycle. I hope you manage to cross some of these series off your TBR this year!

  25. These are all series that I definitely want to get into as well. It sucks because I find it so hard to keep track of all of them! I think I’ve only read some of the first books in the ones you’ve shown, like The 5th Wave and Throne of Glass. Great list and I hope that you get to these this year!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  26. I DID read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy in 2015, which I was proud of…I read the first three in the Lunar Chronicles too, but I still need to read Fairest and then Winter (I own both though, so I’m getting there, right?) haha I’m so bad with series. I tend to not start them because I can’t keep up. There are a lot of series that are finished or almost finished that I really want to finally get to though! I did a bit of this last year.


  27. I DEFINITELY need to read the rest of the Nocte series this year. I really enjoyed the first book – what a crazy ride that was!! I’m also looking forward to continuing the Throne of Glass Series this year, as well as The Raven Boys. I did read The Raven Boys back before it was originally released, but I plan to re-read it and continue on with the series. 🙂 Good luck, chickie!

  28. Hey look! I see a familiar series! Thanks for adding my books to your list, even if it means you didn’t get to them. They’re in good company though (many of which I have yet to get to too!).

  29. Oh you have some good ones up there! I totally understand your hesitation with DoSaB – the books were getting “worse” for me (I LOVED the first book, really liked the second, and thought the third could have used quite a bit of editing)
    You definitely need to finish Raven Cycle, Starbound, and Lunar Chronicles! All these series have amazing sequels!

  30. Oh goodness, pre-ordering a book then not having time to read it is the worst! Hope 2016 gives you some good reading time AND lots of fun time with the kids.

  31. This is absolutely NOT me leaving a comment on my own blog to see if this Twitter handle plugin works. NOPE, not even a little. Hey, jerkface, read those series!

  32. I love that you always have a twist on these TTT posts! We share so many unfinished series *hides in shame with you* I read basically the first book of everything and then kind of forget the rest exist? Case in point: DoSaB, TRC, TLC, 5th Wave, the list goes on XD Buutttt you need to read Red Rising, mainly because Golden Son is SO amazing, wait for it to finish though because that cliffhanger in book 2 still gives me hives D:

  33. I need to finish the Nocte trilogy as well! But now I need to reread the other books because I kind of forget all the details. And in that series, its important!

  34. I used to have Daughter of Smoke & Bone, but I gave it away in high school without finishing it. The Lunar Chronicles. YES. I make an official-ish to add it to my TBR as well because the whole series sounds phenomenal and the covers are the prettiest! I heard, These Broken Stars was kinda disappointing tho. The covers of the 100 series are so creepy gorgeous, especially the middle one, like omg. Great list! 😀

  35. So many of these are series I wanted to start! I’ve read Cinder, but never continued with the series. I’ve read These Broken Stars, but never finished. I’ve read Pawn, Nocte and Verum, and all the ToG books up to QoS. So I suck at continuing series too. I think what happens for me is that a lot of the other books hasn’t released yet, so I just never went back and continued. I hope I can finish alot of those this year though!

  36. First, you MUST read the Raven Cycle. I may be biased but it is unparalleled and so beautiful.

    I really want to read the Lunar Chronicles. Now that all the books are out, I should give it a go! But I agree, it is hard to start a new (and lengthy) series when there are so many books out there! I always worry what will happen if I don’t immediately love the first book.

    Great post, as always!!

  37. This makes me feel so much better about being so terrible at finishing series. I’m such a wimp when it comes to final books, so I’ve got like 200 series that I’ve started and never finished. Is there a support group for this kind of thing?

  38. I loved seeing how far you got with these! You need to finish those Lunar Chronicle ones up ;.; But you have made progress! And yes, those books do just keep getting longer and longer. I mean, just look at the last one xD Which… I also need to finish. So who am I to be telling you to read them all like this? 😛 And most of these series I have yet to start! I did read book one in the 100 series but it didn’t really impress me much 🙁

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