This Week At Midnight (51)


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It gives us a chance to share with readers what we bought, borrowed, swapped, won or got for review each week. I also decided that since I do a weekly recap, it really is just good sense to link up with The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

The Books:


Mockingjay Part 1 (No, this isn’t a book, so sue me. It is important enough to be included!)

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Immaculate by Katelyn Detweiler Huge thanks to Penguin

The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski  I may or may not have an extra copy of this 😉

I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios (yes, I have read this, but it was for my OTSP SS and then she bought it herself before I could mail it so…. I kept it.)

The Body Electric by Beth Revis (signed, limited edition!) Huge thanks to my OTSP SS!


Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt via Netgalley, thanks to Bloomsbury

Material Girls by Elaine Dimopoulos via Netgalley, thanks to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Dare to Dream by Carys Jones, thanks to author Carys Jones

Weekly Shenanigans

I read stuff.

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Things went well. I will recommend all of these when I review them, which shall be soon, at least for the first two. Because they were review books, and I can chat about The Glass Arrow whenever I please.

On the Blog:

There are still a few days to link up if you want to take part in the March New Release Giveaway Hop!

Fun in the Blogosphere (The one with ALL the giveaways and events!):

Up Next:

Goodness, I don’t know, I can hardly keep up with myself! There will be reviews. There will be the final results of the survey discussion. The will be more Snark From the “Holy Shit That Last Episode Did NOT Just Happen” Ark. I am only 24 Twitterites away from a giveaway (just throwing that one out there 😉 )I feel like I am missing something so if you see this section being randomly updated well, I guess I remembered. If not… feel free to provide guesses?

Do you have a “spring break” in whatever you do in life (school, work, etc.)? I do not, so if you do, please share so I can live vicariously!

Posted March 7, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Recaps / 71 Comments


71 responses to “This Week At Midnight (51)

  1. I am so jealous you got approved for Material Girls! I can’t wait to read this one. 🙂 Hold me like a breath sounds pretty cool too.

  2. I really want I’ll Meet You There. I’ve heard AMAZING things from other bloggy friends. Let’s see when I buy it. And spring break in Puerto Rico starts, for this year, the last week of March. For me, it starts since March 27 because I will be going on a retreat where there is no phone signal! Don’t really have anyone to text anymore so I think it will be good for me to forget about my phone. I will still read at night!!! 😀

    • Oh, I’ll Meet You There is magnificent. There are just not enough words, I adore it! Ohhh, spring break in Puerto Rico is like, a knife, right in the heart because two things that would make me VERY happy would be a break, and being in Puerto Rico! And wow, I don’t know what I would do without a phone, but I think it is a good thing to be incommunicado from time to time. Hope you have a great time 🙂

  3. I got the Winner’s Crime this week as well! I’m just absolutely dying to read it, but I need to finish my current read first so that I can completely indulge myself in TWC. I’ve heard that it’s even better than the first one, and I have a bad feeling that at least I’m going to finish the book in a very upset state of mind.. A Darker Shade of Magic is probably going to be amazing as well. I read Vicious last summer and it blew me away. Enjoy your books! 🙂

    • That is exactly how I am! I want to start it, BUT I know I need to finish my current books. But I also want to start ADSOM and I cannot decide which to start next! And I know that whichever one I choose, I will then have to wait a bit to read the other because of review books, so I am torn! Hope you enjoy!!

  4. You got some fantastic books! I need to get my hands on a Darker Shade of Magic because I’ve heard nothing but good things! Also, I’m not caught up on the 100, I’m on season two, episode 3 and it’s already my love, honestly! Bellamy just makes me feel things. LOL. Happy reading and have a lovely week! 😀

    • Thanks! Yes, I have heard basically ALL good things about it too! Ooooh at least you are on Season 2 already- lots of Bellamy this season, so that should make you happy 🙂 Hope you have a great week too!

  5. Great haul! I got Hold Me Like A Breath this week too and I’m excited to read it! I’ve thought about requesting Material Girls, but I’m going to wait on a few reviews first since I’m trying to not to request many since I’ll be studying for exit exams and boards in the next 17 weeks 🙂

    Happy Reading!

    • WHOA, exams and boards sound like serious stuff! I am trying to hold back on the requesting too, especially with BEA coming up, I know I will be way too busy around that time to really read a lot. So I am keeping the requests to a minimum, but… you know how it is 😉

  6. I was wondering whether to get Material Girls. It does look particularly intriguing. I hope that you enjoy all of your new books. I’m not getting a ‘Spring Break’ this year. 🙁 Boo.

    • Thanks! Yeah, I hadn’t been that interested in Material Girls, and then one I day, I really read the synopsis and decided I needed it! And I feel your pain with spring break 🙁

  7. YAY! You liked all the books you read this week!! Doesn’t happen often but when it does… 😀 Anyways, I think I picked up a book of Tiffany Schmidt’s when I went to the library yesterday… Not sure which one, though. Looks like you got some awesome looking books this week. Jealous!

    • I know, that does NOT happen often. Though, on the flip side, I wasn’t blown away by any of them either so… but a pretty good week is definitely better than a BAD week (I have certainly had those!)

    • Of course 🙂 And I know, The Winner’s Crime is one of the prettiest books ever made, I am convinced! And I am so excited to read these books, I seriously don’t know where to start- this is a good problem to have 😉

  8. The 100 love all around! Thanks for the linkage – I love that so many book bloggers are watching the show. 🙂 I SO can’t wait for next weeks episode.

    I guess you could call what I have a spring break since I don’t have to be present at university until April, but I have to write a couple of term papers, so I’m not feeling the holiday mood too much. Looking forward to your review of The Glass Arrow because that’s been on my to-read list for a while now!

    • I seriously don’t know HOW we are supposed to wait until next week. And I agree, I LOVE that the blogging community is so into this show. (True story- I tell myself that we bloggers singlehandedly saved it from cancellation, even though that is kind of ridiculous, I will continue to tell myself this.) Ewww term papers? Do not like. I am sorry, that doesn’t sound fun 🙁

  9. I agree, Mockingjay Part 1 is definitely important enough to be in a book haul. I’m scared to admit it, but I still haven’t seen it yet! I really enjoyed the Body Electric, it’s kind of different but in a good way. I also got Hold Me Like a Breath this week! I can’t wait to read it. Nice haul. 🙂

    • Ohhhh you must see it! Especially now that it is out on DVD/Digital Download. Go, go go 😉 I am glad you enjoyed The Body Electric! I’ve heard mixed things, but it looks good! And I hope you enjoy Hold Me Like a Breath (and Mockingjay, of course) 🙂

  10. First of all, thanks for linking my recap, Shannon! This show just amazed me every episode. It’s so refreshing to watch, finally a dystopian show full of moral questions that are usually there in such a society. I’m so scared to watch the rest of the episodes now :S *bites nails*

    In any case, you got Immaculate!!!! I’m so darn jealous! BUT BUT BUT I am also anticipating your thoughts on it 😉 The premise has a potential to be really controversial, but I hope the author will execute it splendidly.

    • Absolutely, I adore your recaps 🙂 And seriously, be scared! You’d think the thing you saw in the last episode was intense… well… things have somehow gotten MORE insane since then!

      I am SO excited for Immaculate! Partly because of the controversial topic, if I am being honest. That, and it is just so different and unique from pretty much every other book, so I will be sure to share my thoughts!

  11. You got yourself some very good looking books – Dare to dream caught my attention, with the Stonehenge cover and the Welsh author’s name 🙂 I started following you on Bloglovin, it was high time I thought about it (need coffee now). Have a great week 😉

  12. Hold me like a breath sounds so good. I love that edition from A darker shade of magic. I have the other one & she got very lucky with her covers 😀 I fell in love with the world-building and characters. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Happy reading.

    • Oh yay! I am so glad you loved it. I hear such good things, I cannot wait to start it! I agree, the covers are both so lovely, I wasn’t even sure which I liked better! I am going to have to see the US one in person before I decide for sure 😉

  13. A Darker Shade of Magic and I’ll Meet You There are the ones that caught my eye. After reading everyone’s reaction to Material Girls I’m going to have to check that one out. Enjoy your reading – and no, spring break doesn’t happen for me – but then I escape through books all the time so maybe I’m on a continuous spring break 😉

    My STS

    • Aw, a continuous spring break is a lovely way to look at it! I would just love to be able to lay around reading ALL day, that would be a perfect break for me!

      I’ll Meet You There is SO good! And I cannot wait to read ADSOM! I have heard nothing but good things 🙂

  14. It sounds like you have had a very busy week in books! I have been hearing so many things about The Winner’s Crime that I am going to have to give this trilogy a try! I wish I had spring break from work! That would be AMAZING! Although I have had a three day weekend thanks to sick kiddos so maybe I should just be grateful for that 🙂 Have a great week and enjoy your new reads!

    • It was a busy book week (my favorite kind 😉 ) and yes, I am hearing a LOT of great things about TWC too, which is great! Thanks, hope you have a great week too, and I hope the kids are feeling better!

  15. LOL You sound like me. I always have so much going on I’m never sure what’s coming next! I see several I want to read in your book haul. Very nice!

  16. I personally do not have a spring break, my four kids will all be out of school so there’s that. It means no break for me. Nice haul this week. I am trying to control urges to go to netgalley and see what’s new, this post isn’t helpful. *twitch*
    I totally think Mockingjay is approriate for this post. Based on a book and happening in your world, yes I want to hear about it.

    • Yeah, I assume spring break is HARDER for parents with school aged kids. And four… yeah. I am not envying you! I am sorry, I know, the Netgalley struggle is real! I wanted to request 3 more books, but I wouldn’t let myself. SO progress?

      And yay! I love Mockingjay, I am glad you like to hear about this sort of thing too 🙂

  17. What a pretty pile of books! I mostly get ebooks these days which is good for storage reasons but I love seeing peoples piles of books. My kids’ have spring break coming up in a couple of weeks but we’ve missed so much school due to snow and ice lately that it doesn’t really seem to matter. I like not having a schedule for the week but I definitely miss being able to get stuff done around the house. Have a great week!

    • Aw thanks! I used to get ebooks mainly for the sake of money, but um, I think I have a book hoarding problem now. And yeah, kids out of school does NOT sound like much of a vacation at all! Hope you have a great week too 🙂

  18. Damn girl! You got a pretty enviable haul going there. I’ve heard nothing but good things about The Winner’s Crime, A Darker Side of Magic and I’ll Meet You There. Hope you end up enjoying them, and that I get the chance to read them soon [; I’ve actually read the Body Electric, didn’t hate it but ended up feeling fairly meh about it. But signed??? Limited edition?! That’s awesome (:

    I got Hold Me Like a Breath from Netgalley too! (: I haven’t really started it yet but can’t wait to see our experiences compare/contrast. I was really tempted to also request Material Girls but was feeling a little wary idk. I’m quite a fan of fashion so that part seemed appealing, but something was holding me back from requesting. Can’t wait for you to read and review that one so I can get some perspective on it. Maybe then I’ll just have to read it [;

    Hope this new week ends up going well for you <33 lovely haul/recap post!

    • Aw thanks! I have heard really great things about TWC too, so I am extra excited! Same for ADSOM! And I’ll Meet You There is AMAZING. I have heard mixed reviews on The Body Electric, but like you said, a signed limited edition is amazing, even if I don’t end up loving the book!

      And I was wary of Material Girls for awhile too, and then I read the synopsis one day and like… needed it? I have no idea why, but I did, so I will for sure let you know how it is! Hope you have a great week too 🙂

  19. I can’t wait to see your thoughts on Glass Arrow, I keep almost buying it and then deciding I should be good and not buy another book, but I mean, I could easily be convinced(I’ve been avoiding reviews so I don’t rush out and buy more books!) Great haul this week, I hope enjoy your books. Also, confession, even though I love Hunger Games I have yet to see or buy Mockingjay pt 1, I understand if you feel you can’t talk to me for awhile. =)

    I don’t think I’ve ever had a spring break…when I was in school(which was only through 5th grade) I was in a track school where each track has different breaks so I had a longer winter break and a fall break, shorter summer and no spring. Then I was homeschooled and we were not organized enough to actually have spring break! Now, I “work” from home so, you know, I just take a break whenever I feel like it. However, I love living vicariously through others!

    • I am torn about my thoughts! On one hand, I liked it. It was a good story, I loved the characters, and I would recommend it for sure. But it didn’t like, jump out at me as I’d hoped. Maybe that’s just on me, because I couldn’t really find any actual flaws with it, it just… wasn’t a 5 star for me. Probably a solid 4 though.

      We didn’t have spring breaks in school either, just a couple days off around Easter. How does homeschool work with breaks anyway? You don’t have to do it in the summer, right? (Considering doing it with my kids, so I love to ask people who have been through it!)

      • I know what you mean about Glass Arrow, those are always the hardest books to review too, because you know it’s good but you didn’t quite love it!

        My mom winged a lot of our homeschooling, cause I know you can do it online and then it’s probably different, for us though, if we’d been doing really good then she’d give us a week or a couple days off every once in a while. And as long as we’d finished all our work then we got a full summer break. =)

  20. What is OTSP? I’m curious.

    I can’t believe I haven’t seen the first part of Mockingjay yet. I don’t even have a good reason for it, I just haven’t gotten around to it. I guess that’s part of the reason I dislike sequels. By the time they wrap-up, I’ve lost interest.

    • Ah, On the Same Page. I think it is a thing that a bunch of bloggers got together to do, like a feature? But now they do the Secret Sister thing too, and it is SO fun!

      GAH, see Mockingjay!! Go! I actually like sequels too much, and freak out about them and then when the series is over… I feel like I’ve lost my best friend 😉

  21. Congrats on all the books! (And movie based on a book) I debated requesting Hold Me Like A Breath. I hope it’s good. I’m so jealous that you got A Darker Shade of Magic! I can’t wait to read the rest of it. (I got the Netgalley sample) I will actually have a spring break this year! For the first time in I think ever. 🙂

    • Aw thanks! I am excited for Hold Me Like a Breath, I think it was one of my WoWs actually? I don’t remember hahah. And I am so excited for ADSOM, and you know, maybe some time to read it one of these days 😉 YAY for your spring break! I am jealous, but also happy for you!

  22. I’ve been seeing I’ll Meet You There almost everywhere I go. I hadn’t added it to my list because I didn’t like the cover. I know… I’m horrible for judging a book by its cover. LOL… but I have to admit covers play a factor. But because everyone seems to want to read this book, I’m going to have to check it out. 🙂

    • I almost didn’t read it because of the cover too! But I am so glad I did. It was amazing! And, if it helps any, the cover looks much better in person 😉 It’s seriously one of the best books I’ve ever read, so I do hope you enjoy it if you decide to read it!

  23. So many interesting books o.O Great haul! Hoping to hear your thoughts on some of them, The Body Electric and Hold Me Like A Breath have very pretty covers – I hope they’re as good as they sound.

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