Love-A-Thon 2015 : All About ME!

unnamed (4)1. What’s your name?

Shannon. I… don’t even have a cool story about it, sorry!

2. Where in the world are you blogging from?

NEPA (Northeastern Pennsylvania, think Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, for the non-locals, which I assume is everyone. Sidenote: I would LOVE to meet a local book blogger… just saying!)

True story: they had to move this sign into the mall because people kept stopping along the damn road to take pictures. Because of "The Office".
True story: they had to move this sign into the mall because people kept stopping along the damn road to take pictures. Because of “The Office”.

3. How did you get into blogging in the first place?

I was on Goodreads and, well, I didn’t get to say all the things I wanted to say! And I noticed people had links to book blogs and… the rest is history!

4. How did you come up with your blog name?

This was seriously the only name I didn’t abhor, basically. My blog started off as (no joke) “Shannon Hearts Books”. Yeah that was… not great. Anyway, then I decided I needed a name change if I was going to venture out into the Blogosphere so… I asked friends and family for suggestions, but it didn’t go well. So I don’t know, one night I was up ridiculously late reading and such, and it hit me: Combine my love (obsession) of The Hunger Games, and the nonsensical time that I read and/or blog, and boom: It Starts At Midnight. Because basically, it does.

5. What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?

Pretty much anything. I don’t even think there’s one genre that outweighs the rest, in truth. But as for age range, almost exclusively YA.

6. What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?

Um. Discussions, tags, Top Ten Tuesday, A Weekly Recap (This Week At Midnight), Snark From the Ark (with Holly @ The Fox’s Hideaway) random nonsense that I find appealing to my brain at the given moment…

7. Best blogging experience so far?

Wow, I don’t know if I can narrow down just one! I mean, meeting the lovely people I’ve met is hands down number one. As for blogging itself? I am really enjoying co-hosting the Discussion Challenge with Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction, and I am excited to be starting to co-host the New Release Giveaway Hop with Librarian Lavender starting in March!

8. Favorite thing about the blogging community?

Um, that it exists! What the heck would I do without my fellow book bloggers!? grouphug

9. Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2015!

How, Alexa, do you propose I come up with ONLY FIVE? Okay. I am doing two small lists of (not) 5: Five I’ve Read and You Should too, and Five I NEED, now.

(More than)Five I have read and LOVED:

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(More Than) Five I NEED


10. What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?

I don’t know if underrated is the word, but underread at least. These. Go read these:


11. Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?

I think I’d like to be best friends with Johanna Mason. She’s a spitfire, and I think she’d get me into some very interesting shenanigans.

12. Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

Uh. I don’t have time for anything else. Once upon a time I loved swimming. And travelling. Now I just cling to brief moments of sanity 😉

13. Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?

Again, I used to like to travel and such, but now I pretty much just buy books.

14. At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?

Hm. I don’t know what my favorite song at the moment is! (Fine, it’s Hanging Tree, but talk about a downer!) I also like Lorde’s version of “Everybody Wants to Rule the World”, “Flaws” by Bastille”, “Take Me to Church” by Hozier, “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran.. that’s all I can think of right now! None are exactly party songs…

15. Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.

I, um, just kind of want to refilm The Hunger Games. I’m sure everyone would be fine with that. Let’s never, ever move on.

I can’t wait to see everyone else’s answers! And feel free to share thoughts on any of these (or you know, all of them, if you’re really dedicated).

Posted February 21, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Funsies / 17 Comments


17 responses to “Love-A-Thon 2015 : All About ME!

  1. Hello, Shannon. Nice to meet you. I’m from the other end of the state – diagonal from you. Are you a WBS Penguins fan?

    Oh! I just got a copy of City of Savages the other day. I haven’t started it yet, but it looks so good!


    I just want to know, what does It Starts at Midnight have to do with the Hunger Games? AM I JUST IGNORANT? And yes Johanna is awesome hahah.

  3. Hi! 😀

    Seriously, we do have so many books that we NEED to read this year. I love how you included “The Rest of Us Just Lives Here” because I can’t wait for August for this book to come out! It’s the kind of book I’m dying to read for years (and also because I’ve thought of the same idea weeks before I found about it). The Knife of Never Letting Go seems like a very entertaining and good read. I think I’m already loving Mr. Ness.

    • I NEED that book. I mean, I almost pre ordered it the other day. But then I remembered that I was broke. BUT when I am not, I am pre ordering. Also, I am hoping it is at BEA! You MUST read the Chaos Walking series, it is so, so amazing!

      And I want all the books, why can’t we just have ALL the books?

  4. Hi, Shannon!

    First, how did I not know that your blog name was inspired by Hunger Games? Now it seems so obvious! I think Johanna would make a very interesting friend. I don’t think I could answer the DJ question with anything a DJ would actually play, either. I literally have one hobby besides reading and blogging(which isn’t a hobby, but life itself), and that’s cooking! =)

  5. Great post! Love your story about the name of your blog. It took me so crazy long to pick out a name and I am still unsure about it. And All the bright places and I’ll meet you there were both amazing books! Loved them.

  6. Hi Shannon!
    I love your blog name.It’s so great,though I really don’t have an idea what it has do with Hunger Games:)
    I love Johanna!She’s my favourite character in the series after Finnick.
    Ed Sheeran is so cute:)I love his songs.

    • Aw thanks! It is from Catching Fire, when Plutarch shows Katniss the watch with the Mockingjay, and tells her that the meeting starts at midnight, and she thinks it’s weird that he says it. And then in the arena, it hits her, with the clock shape, and that he’d said “It Starts At Midnight”, just like the arena!

      Ed Sheeran is adorable 😉

  7. My favorite thing about the book blogging community is that I get to hear about new books people are excited about. I feel like I am usually out of the loop when it comes to new things, but all you book bloggers let me know what is coming out to be excited about.
    I love Valentine’s Day, I am such a sap. Even when I was single I just love the idea of a day for love.

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