Waiting on Wednesday: Evidence of Things Not Seen by Lindsey Lane

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Breaking the Spine, which spotlights upcoming releases that we simply cannot wait for! This week, I chose Evidence of Things Not Seen by Lindsey Lane. 

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224 pages

Expected publication: September 16th 2014 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)

From Goodreads:

When high school junior Tommy Smythe goes missing, everyone has a theory about what happened to him. Tommy was adopted, so maybe he ran away to find his birth parents. He was an odd kid, often deeply involved in his own thoughts about particle physics, so maybe he just got distracted and wandered off. He was last seen at a pull-out off the highway, so maybe someone drove up and snatched him. Or maybe he slipped into a parallel universe. Tommy believes that everything is possible, and that until something can be proven false, it is possibly true. So as long as Tommy’s whereabouts are undetermined, he could literally be anywhere. Told in a series of first-person narratives from people who knew Tommy and third-person chapters about people who find the things Tommy left behind—his red motorbike, his driving goggles, pages from his notebook—Particles explores themes of loneliness, connectedness, and the role we play in creating our own realities.

Why I’m waiting: Because I read the synopsis, and promptly needed to know what the hell happened to Tommy. Also, this is why I love Goodreads: This book was not on my radar at all. I was just looking around, wasting time one day, and they introduced this nice shiny object to distract me. I love it.

What are you waiting for this week?

Posted May 21, 2014 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Uncategorized / 11 Comments


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