How is this possible? I feel like I just wrote my first blogoversary post like, a few weeks ago. I kind of refuse to believe it! This is going to be a two part post, on account of me turning two. The first part, today, will be looking back at the past two years. And tomorrow, we shall look ahead at (hopefully!) more to come!
The full story about my little journey into blogging is here, if you’re so inclined. But if you want the TL;DR version, here it is:
Girl is bored. Girl starts blog to
force her thoughts uponshare bookish ideas with others. Girl posts a welcome post on October 8. On October 9, girl has small human surgically removed. Blog gets shoved to back burner. Girl is too scared to comment. Girl finally comments, meets bloggers, and falls in love.
Anyway, we can look back on some of the junk that’s happened, shall we. You know, books were read. And reviewed. And things were posted. Friends were made, BEA was attended… let’s look at the numbers, shall we?
- 538 Posts
- 14,643 Comments (holy crap, you guys! Thank you!!)
- 158 Reviews (that’s not even including the “mini” reviews!)
- 1 Challenge Hosted (The Discussion Challenge, which is all Nicole’s brainchild!)
- 1 Giveaway Hop Hosted (Thanks to Suze @ Librarian Lavender for asking me to co-host!)
- 1 Epic Mental Health Event (see below!)
- 1 BEA Success!
- 2 fabulous Secret Sisters
And since we love pictures… two years, in pictures!
My Thoughts…
I don’t even know where I would be without YOU– you lovely people who are the driving force behind every post, whose comments I giddily look forward to, who I love to fangirl with on Twitter. You make it all so damn fun. I have met the most amazing people along the way, people who I genuinely consider to be wonderful friends. I’d be remiss without giving shoutouts to some people who make every day easier. Whether it’s bouncing ideas off them, or just some random chatting to cheer up a bad day, without Holly, Amber, and Val, I don’t know where I’d be. I have had the pleasure to meet and have the most amazing week with Val and Holly, and I can’t wait to see Amber in Chicago! Holly, thanks for being the puppetmaster who brought us all together 🙂 And I must give Holly the specialist of shoutouts, because I can say with absolute certainty that without Holly, I’d have lost my mind much more than I already have. And guys, she puts up with my panic attacks, so she probably deserves sainthood 😉 And a special thanks to Kayla and Inge, who helped me trudge through the fears and the panic, who made the #ShatteringStigmas event not only possible, but an epic success.
But there are so many important people! I couldn’t possibly list them all, BUT I will tell you that you can find a lot of them here. These are the bloggers that I adore and have adored for quite some time. I consider them friends, but I also consider them to be fabulous bloggers. Each of them brings something to the community that is special and worth reading. And I have recently seemed to have met a whole new group of lovely bloggers, so if you’re not on that page, don’t fret! I know and love you all, that I promise! Also, some of my favorite bloggers do not have buttons. I am glaring at you right now, but I also still love you. If you want me to make you a crappy button, hit me up 😉
Thank you to the authors who I have gotten to know (and even the ones I admire from afar!) for writing these gorgeous books, and then putting your babies out there for the whole world to critique. Your books have made my life so much fuller, and without you all, this blog would literally have no purpose. And to the publishers and authors who have trusted me with their books, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. While I can’t love every book, I do love every opportunity to read, and I hope I have done your work justice.
Now, sappiness aside, time for some Shannon Superlatives.
Favorite Positive Review, Fun: Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson
Favorite Positive Review, Serious: (Tie) I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios | Only Ever Yours by Louise O’Neill
Favorite Negative Review: Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt
Favorite Multi-Book Review: Truest by Jackie Lea Sommers and Has to Be Love by Jolene Perry
Favorite Twitter Timesuck: #RQWN (Random Questions with Nori, of course!)
Favorite Feature: Snark From the Ark (Back in January, woo hoo!)
Times goes so fast! I did my first blogoversary post a month ago, but damn! It went like 60 seconds! You’ve achieved so much in these two years, and I’m sure you will achieve more in the years to come! 🙂
Happy Blogoversary!! My blog will be a year old in November. I just can’t believe how fast the time has gone.
Hmm, I have no idea how I came to your blog but it was several months ago and I really like it here! 🙂
Congratulations on your two years, you’ve achieved so much in this time. Happy blogging!
Happy Anniversary, woohoo!! Let’s say we are partners, in books, yay!!
CONGRATS on two years!!! That is awesome and it looks like a great two years at that. Love all the pics. Can’t wait for part two!
Happy Blogversary! Your blog is like a daily dose of sunshine. So glad I found your blog <3
YEAY, two years already! Now on to 3, 4, 5, etc 😀
Congrats on your blogoversary Shannon! I’m so happy I found you and your blog! you’re one of the amazing bloggers. 🙂
Congratulations! I started blogging about 18 and yours was one of the first I started following as our book tastes are so simular. Keep on doing what you’re doing I love it.
Happy blogoversary to one of the most loveliest people in the blogosphere <3 I have absolutely loved talking to you about all sorts of things, from anxiety to hosting our wonderful event, and I honestly think you are so lovely and kind and STRONG (like Katniss strong, seriously). I love you <3
meant to say 18 months! 🙂
YAY for turning 2!!! *throws confetti* You and your blog has become a favorite of mine <3333
I’m not actually sure how we met Shannon, I think I discovered you through someone else’s blog one day and then we became friends through Twitter! Thank you so much for having my blog linked on that page. Happy 2 year blogoversary, this is such an amazing achievement and I totally adore every post that you write!
I’ve not absolutely no idea how I first found your blog, but I love it!
It’s so pretty 🙂
Happy blogiversary! Thank you for all the lovely content you’ve given us over the past few years!x
Happy Blogoversary! I have been following you be e-mail and Twitter for a while! Love your reviews and giveaways! Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win 🙂
I think I found your blog when Cait linked up in one of her wrap ups. I’ve been around since. Happy 2 year blogoversary! Quite the milestone. My blog turned 2 in July. I wish It Starts At Midnight to be around and successful for many more years to come!
Gosh, I know what you mean about time flying. It’s just TOO FUN — I can’t believe it’s been half a year since I wrote my last blogoversary post. And It Starts At Midnight is one of my fav book blogs ever, so congratulations SO MUCH on this incredible milestone!
How we first met? I think chances are either I commented on your blog and you commented back; or the other way round; but anyways I started commenting on your blog, and just loved everything you wrote.
Great big squishy congrats on your 2 year anniversary, Shannon! 🙂 I’ve only been around for the last 6 months or so but you were one of the first blogs that truly wowed me. That made me want to comment. That provided a fantastic example of what a book blog could/should be. And I quickly subscribed, enjoyed every post, started commenting, and was so moved by the warm welcome. From the very start you were friendly and funny and encouraging and that’s why you and your blog are so very special to me. ♥ (And I don’t know if I was included in that glare, but I may be hitting you up for a not-so-crappy blog button. LOL)
Happy blogoversary! I don’t remember how we first met, but I feel like you’ve been around for longer than 2 years! I’ve been following you for a long time! Hope you have at least two more wonderful years!
While i’m shy and not commenting a lot i’m here since a long long time, really somehow i thought it was more than 2 year with teh quality of your blog and i’m really happy to keep following you
happy blogoversary! a lot of reading pleasure
Happy blogiversary! Your blog is great Keep up the great work 😀
Holy crap do we all have a blogoversary in October??? Mine is coming up too! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It’s crazy how fast the time passes and how fast comments, blog posts and blog friends add up 🙂 I was just looking at mine the other day and was just awed by how many close friends I have made over the last few months and it’s only been a year for me! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for It Starts At Midnight in the coming year!
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! It’s so exciting, isn’t it? My blog “turned” 1 last month and it made me so happy. I’m so glad I discovered this community, and your blog. May there be many more amazing years! And I don’t really remember how I found your blog, but I loved it and obviously started commenting! 🙂
I think that I came to your blog from a link from another book blog, but it’s hard to remember because I’ve been with you a long time.
We “technically” met when I entered a giveaway on your site and randomly followed by email (which I never do). I loved your blog so much, I kept coming back! But the first major interaction I remember (soon after I found your blog) was when you commented on a post on my blog about followers. Your comment was long and awesome and I knew at once that we would be fast friends! 🙂 (Yay for being right!)
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I would be nowhere without any of you guys either. And just all the fabulous bloggers. I’m so happy for you Shannon, I seriously hope you continue blogging for the next 500 years. And if you don’t, at least I’ll STILL be able to talk to you. Unless Twitter dies, which in that case I will find another way.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
A friend of mine RTs some of your tweet but this is the first time I officially visit your blog. 🙂
HAPPY, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY, SHANNON!!! I’m so glad that I discovered you, you amazing lady! You have so many brilliant ideas and gorgeous thoughts. We’re not as close as Holly, Val and Amber, but ONE DAY. We just have to find the right common ground, yes? ;D Don’t stop being awesome! I’m sure you have more amazing bookish years ahead of you. <3
Happy Blogoversary! I can’t believe it’s only been two years! Congrats on all of your hard work! Thanks for linking to me in the page. I really need to make a new image thing.
HAPPY 2 YEARS OLD TO IT STARTS AT MIDNIGHT! I just discovered this blog a few weeks ago and I’m already adoring it. You did a fine job running the blog. Your readers love you! Just look at all those achievements! What a milestone, Shannon 🙂 here’s to many many more years to come!
Congratulations on two years! I’m so glad I found your blog this year through twitter magic 🙂
Congrats on two years!!!! I always think people have been blogging longer than they actually have – you’re a pro! 🙂 What a fantastic two years you’ve had!! Such a success. Your blog is one of my faves, and I’m so happy to have found you this year. ♥ Here’s to many more! Cheers!
Congrats on the anniversary! I’m coming up on mine in December but I’m terrible at doing anything for it. I usually remember a few weeks before. Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Blogoversary ^_^ I’ve been following your blog since maybe four months? I’m not really sure but I started my blog in February and yours was among the first book blogs I started following 🙂 I really enjoy your posts. Your reviews are really cool too, so keep them coming 😉
AHH! Happy blogoversery Shannon! You know how much I absolutely love you and your blog – your posts and your amazing sense of humor never fail to make my day. Thank you for being such a strong light in the blogosphere and for being such an amazing friend on top of that. ♥
Happy Blogoversary and your blog has been on my favorites list for a while now!! Thanks for the great giveaway!! 😀
Happy blogoversary! I love your blog, and I love the pictures. It looks like it’s been a fun two years.
congrats on two years of blogging! That’s awesome. I’m sort of new to your blog? I don’t know…like half a year or more now, though, so that’s not too bad! I think I found through Nicole at Feed Your Fiction Addiction, but it’s hard to remember sometimes! haha
I have been following this lovely blog for quite some time now!!
Congratulations, Shannon! I wish you many more years of blogging. It’s hard for me to answer your question. Gosh, I have such a bad memory. I think I stumbled upon your blog one day and it was love at first site ;). I believe I first talked to you during a Twitter chat about The 100, and then shortly after I discovered our mutual hatred for the ending of The Sookie Stackhouse series XD. Thank you for the giveaway!
Congrats in two years 🙂 I have been following your blog for a while now and I love it 🙂 here’s to many more.
OMG HAPPY BLOGVERSARY SHANNON!!! *tosses cake of happiness everywhere* And I HAVE NO IDEA HOW WE MET. Seriously. I don’t have the faintest?? I’ve like known you for 9305839 years I think??? (I’m going to assume you visited my blog and then I found yours. XD) AFJDLSKA BUT YOU ARE THE MOST WONDERFUL KIND AND FUNNY BEING OF EVER AND I HOPE THIS IS THE FIRST OF MANY MANY BLOGVERSARIES. IDEK WHY I’M YELLING. I’M HAPPY.
Congratulations on two years! I’ve only recently found your blog, but it always makes me smile when I visit 😀
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! Two years? That’s awesome, Shannon! Your blog is one of my top three favorites and it honestly pains me when I don’t have time to comment on all your awesome posts. So I hope you have another amazing year with even more awesome and fun things. =)
Congratulations on your Blogoversary!! I’ve been a fan of your blog for a good while now. (I recently had to change twitter username & email) But I appreciate everything you have always shared. You always have great reviews and that’s how I usually find my next book. Thank you and I hope you continue blogging for a while to come.
Holy awesome! Congrats congrats congrats on your second blogoversary! Your blog is absolutely darling and I’ll be super excited for your upcoming reviews, discussions posts, giveaways, recaps, and the all-around fun your blog shall definitely bring for us! 😀
Happy Blogaversary! We met about two years ago, I think. I don’t remember how we met, but I’m pretty sure it was either via a hop, or through a giveaway event. I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished. I love your blog and all that you bring to the reading world.
I’ve been following you for a few months now and I’m quite happy with my decision! You’ve introduced me to many new books, and helped me find opinions on so many others!!!
Yay yay yay yay.
Two two two two.
Happy Blogoversary! This is exciting.
I love the TL;DR version, that was basically me, minus the October mentions, the small human, shoving the blog back, and being too scared too comment. 😉 Everying else though? Totally me.
You’ve gotten so many comments! <3 Because you and your blog are so amazing. I love everything you do with your blog and that was such an epic mental health event. I loved it.
I love all the pictures! So precious<3
Holly is pretty great, so is Val and you, of course.Yay, it's been so fun knowing you and them, I don't know where I'd be without you guys either. 🙂 This is such a sweet post. We will have all the fun in Chicago. I need to read your review for IMYT! I (still) haven't reviewed that book yet.
You have to blog foreverrrr, you're never allowed to stop. Well, you can, but in short amounts, like, a few days, but other than that, always blog! (As long as you want, I mean…) Happy Blogoversary! <333
happy Blogiversary . more power .
congratulations on your second year!!! I know I’ve said this before but I am such a HUGE fan of your blog! You are such a nice person and thanks for your support! More years of blogging, more books, and more reviews!
Wow! 2 years?? I thought it was more than that! I’ve been a follower of your blog since May of last year through the new releases giveaway hop (i think) and I’m really glad I found your blog because yours is one of the YA blogs where I get recommendations when I’m in the mood for a YA read. So, yeah, thank you so,so,so much for the book recommendations, giveaways, reviews and a lot more book stuff.. I hope your blog will continue as long as the internet exist and will have lots and lots of followers and friends. Thank you. Congratulations and Good luck!
Happy blogoversary!! I can’t believe you’ve only been blogging for two years but I’m so glad you started because I love your blog 😀 I hope the years to come are just as wonderful 🙂
Happy Blogoversary!and more to come!!! 🙂 i think i found your by one os those giveaway hop where a lot of bloggers participate, i like those giveaway hop bc i can find so many great blogs that i didnt know, and i found you, i dont know which giveaway hop was it and when tho :c thank you again for this chance!! u have reviewed the book i want *.* alive by scott singler
Happy Blogversary! My memory is quite terrible so I’m not 100% sure how I found you but I’m pretty sure I stumbled upon your blog through another one I was checking out. Congrats on a wonderful 2 years and here’s to many, many more wonderful years to come. 😀
Happy Blogversary!
I’m not sure how I found your blog, but I love your reviews!
Happy blogiversary! Two years is a long time. We “met” when I found your blog through Inge’s. 🙂 This reminds me, I keep forgetting to ask if you know how to subscribe to your blog on Feedly. I can only find comments, which I’m sure are great, but I’d rather read your actual posts, haha. I also need to respond to your email, eek.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Snark from the Ark is totes my fave feature (also, I probably can’t use totes and fave without sound like a 60-year-old trying to appear cool, can I?). You work SO HARD on your blog, you make the rest of us look bad. Okay, maybe just me, but seriously my deepest respect. You leave the BEST comments, and you’re funny and I can’t aaaaactually remember how I found your blog exactly, but the important thing is I found it! Apart from Snark from the Ark my favorite thing is probably when you read exactly three books each week for several weeks in a row. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who finds this hilarious for no particular reason at all other than your frustration when it happens, but there ya go.
Thanks for putting me in your Bookish Lovelies category BTW! I can’t be bothered to make and maintain one, but i’m going to break my I don’t tweet about give-aways rule because of you, so I hope that makes up for it. Especially since there is a severe lack of e-lawn mowers in this post.
Keep being awesome, and may we meet again. 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS on the two year anniversary Shannon! You have definitely built up a wonderful place for yourself here, and I just love reading your blog so much. I might not be the most consistent commenter ever, but I do love discussing with you because you’re always up for it and work so hard at trying to reply to as many as you can! Continue doing the wonderful job you already are <3
Happy Blogversary.i am just one of your many followers.?
HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY SHANNON!!! I adore you and your blog so much, and I am so happy to see how much you’ve achieved in two years! Here’s to more and keep being awesome!!!
YAY!! I’m so happy for you and your two. You don’t look a day over 1! I can always count on for a giggle. I do not know how or when we met but I am so glad we did!
<3 Britt
I believe that I met you in a Twitter chat! I don’t remember which one but I am glad that we did meet :). I love your blog design and all the things you do, Shannon <3.
WE MET AT BEA AND IT WAS GLORIOUS hahah. Although we did know each other from around the blogosphere it was great to actually meet you in person! Happy 2 year blogoversary! The time goes by SO FAST! But it’s amazing how much happens in that time. Here’s to many more 😉
Oh my goodness TWO YEARS?! Congratulations Shannon!!! It’s been such a blessing to get to know you and to be able to do Shattering Stigmas with you <3 <3 <3 I absolutely loved how we were able to get to know each other and support each other through that and afterward!
We first met when I stopped by your blog around the first week in October, 2015,
I found your blog via the Discussion Challenge which I learned about via I love your site and am so happy that I discovered it!!
Hi! Happy blogiversary! I’m lostbraincell on Twitter. We’ve talked on there some. We haven’t known each other too long though. Congrats on the two year milestone. I look forward to continuing to read your blog and getting to know you better!
I can’t remember how we met, and it hasn’t been that long. But, I’m glad we did, and congrats to you on the big 2!
Congrats on turning two!! I don’t remember exactly how I ended up on your blog… maybe you were part of a blog tour I was following–either way, I grew to love your reviews and your style!
Congrats on turning two! I don’t remember quite how we met…I think I found you because of something you did with Nicole from FYFA….I think.
Happy Blogoversary! This is my first visit but not the last!
Happy Blogoversary! I think I found your blog a few months ago, I’m not sure how, but I’m glad I did.
Happy Blogoversary! I so enjoy popping on to you blog and I love your comments when you stop by mine! Heres to many more years blogging!
You are such an important part of the book blogging community, at least in my eyes, that it’s difficult to believe you’ve only been doing this for 2 years. You know so many people are are involved in so many important events.
Aw, happy two years! How exciting. I love what you say about the readers too. I’m so grateful for every one who readers my little blog and comments; they’re what make it fun to blog. Or at least a HUGE part of the reason why it is. Hope you enjoy many more years, Shannon. 🙂 Congrats!
I usually come here at least once a month for the new release hop, so maybe it’s been a year? Congratulations!
Happy blogoversary!!! I’ve been following your blog for well over an year now and love it!!!
Happy 2 Years to your blog (and your spawn)! I am pretty sure I found you on The Sunday Post, and then I subscribed and started stalking you from then on. I want to say it was about a year ago, but I’m not sure. I can’t believe how awesome you are and how young this site is.
…and many more!
Congrats on two years! I’m new to your blog but have loved the few posts I have read so far! Can’t wait to read more and learn how to grow my own!
Congratulations on Two years! That is an awesome feat.. I have known OF you, and your awesome blog, since it’s beginning. I don’t know you that well, but I do know that your blog is one of my favorites to come visit! Thank you so much for the giveaway, and congrats again!
Happy blogoversary!! I think I have found your blog about a year ago through a giveaway hop and since then I’m reading your posts and I love them. 🙂
Ummm I don’t really remember exactly how I found your blog — oops. But when I did I’ve been coming back bc I absolutely love reading your posts! Also I see you quite a lot on my twitter timeline during the #RQWN chats ;D Happy blogversary!!! Congratulations on this milestone! <3
I’ve been reading your blog occasionally for several months.
I found you on FB 🙂
Happy Blogoversary! I have been reading your blog for a while now (maybe a few months, maybe a year or longer). I am not sure which one, but I found you through a blog hop!
Oh goodness.. How we met? I can’t remember! I was probably visiting Lost In Lit (since that’s how I found many other blogs) and I must have seen you in the comments or something like that. It led me to subscribe to your blog 🙂
I do not remember how I stumbled across your fantastic blog, but I am so happy that I did! I love reading your reviews and posts.
I would love to start up an actual blog but the start-up is just so not encouraging! Lol. You’ve came such a long way!
Happy Blogoversary!!! Congrats! I’m a long time lurker…so we haven’t “officially” met. I just sit and ogle and your beautiful site 😀
I believe we met through a blog tour over a year ago
Happy Happy on turning 2!
I’ve actually no idea how we met but I do love reading your posts. Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve been following your blog for a long time now, and I’m thrilled for your Blogoversary! I always look forward to your posts 🙂
Happy Blogoversary! I’m not sure how I found your blog but I think I’ve been following you for about a year. 🙂
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