This Week At Midnight (72)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It gives us a chance to share with readers what we bought, borrowed, swapped, won or got for review each week. I also decided that since I do a weekly recap, it really is just good sense to link up with The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewerbecause that is such a fun link up as well!

The Books 


Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin

The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedgwick

The Unquiet by Mikaela Everett

Hunter by Mercedes Lackey

A Book of Spirit & Thieves by Morgan Rhodes

Thanks to Xander, Lizzie, Fallon, and Avery!

For Review: (pictures=Goodreads)


Via Netgalley, thanks to Hot Key Books and Disney!

(P.S.- Currently reading The Big Lie, and it is really good so far!)

Kindle on the cheap:



Have you been waiting as impatiently as I have? No? Okay, here they are!

IMG_5202 IMG_5192

Go ahead, you may now weep at their beauty. More pictures to come, because of course.

Weekly Shenanigans

I read three books! It was seriously about to only be two again, but I may have stayed up until dawn because I could not put down The Accident Season


This week was kind of freaking amazing. Everything, Everything really is everything. The Accident Season had me absolutely hooked! And Vivian Apple, which I almost expected not to like was a very pleasant surprise! I am scared for next week, because this one was amazing.

On the Blog:



  • The link to the form is here, if you missed it and want to help out, or just shoot me an email, a tweet, whatever! It starts a week from Monday, I cannot even believe it! 

Fun in the Blogosphere:

Random Musings:

I realized I have failed miserably at comments this week, so if you get some random comments on an older post… I’m just catching up 🙂

It is now August, and that means that I have a lot of things coming up, personally and bloggishly! Here’s just a few things on my August schedule:

  • Bookitcon! If you live anywhere near Moorestown, NJ, I expect to see you there on August 9! I am driving almost three hours each way, people!
  • The Hunger Games Exhibition! It is like a life dream come true!
  • #ShatteringStigmas starts August 10! I am so, so excited, but also, ridiculously scared. I have never done anything like this before and well.. it’s daunting! Especially when that pesky anxiety comes into play 😉 Also, if you filled out the form and wanted me to contact you or anything, I will be going through it this weekend!
  • Never Always Sometimes blog tour!
  • The Accident Season blog tour!
  • Potentially two other blog tours (big month for blog tours, no?)
  • ARC August
  • Taking my small humans to an amusement park for the first time!

Do tell: have you anything planned for August? Bookish or otherwise!

Posted August 1, 2015 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Blog Recaps / 59 Comments


59 responses to “This Week At Midnight (72)

  1. Yay. You are going to Book It Con. I’m going as well. I hope to see you there. Always so nice to see some familiar faces. I’m participating in ARC August as well.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Lots of great books! And how pretty are those HG books??? I am so excited to read Everything, Everything and can’t wait until The Accident Season ocmes out becasue I have wanted it since I saw it long, long ago. Glad they were both good. I hope you and your small humans have fun at the amusement park!

  3. I’m glad you had an amazing week! Mine wasn’t so great, but I’m hoping next week will be better. I’m having a lazy moment. Those are some gorgeous Hunger Games editions you have there! I’m looking forward to reading The Unquiet and Hunter. Both sound really interesting. Enjoy your weekend and have a great August (even though it’s going to be busy)!

    Michelle @ Michelle’s Minions

  4. Why, I do have something planned for August, funny that you ask. MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP. Ahem. Yes, I usually assume everyone else shares my excitement. I also assume that they’ll open doors for me and shower me with gifts. What? It happened one time, it might happen again.

    How many editions of The Hunger Games is that now? This one is GORGEOUS though. I’ve seen pictures of it before, and I kinda really want it. Alas, my editions are perfectly fine. And they look good too, these ones just look BETTER. 😀 Also, movie’s coming up soon! Okay, soonish. I didn’t even watch the trailer, so I won’t get spoiled. I mean I DID read the books, but… it’s been a couple of years, who knows what I’ve forgotten. 😀

    Have a great week!

    • YAYYY BIRTHDAY! I am excited about your birthday! I mean, sure, I would be a little more excited if it was MY birthday, but I still have a healthy excitement level for yours 😉

      And like, 452 editions, has to be! This one is just… everything. The editions that all Hunger Games fans aspire to have. Right? Sure. MOVVIIEEE. GUESS WHAT- the movie premieres on the night of my birthday- so you WILL be excited for mine!! 😀

    • Well, it is now my life mission to feature your post on here. So you know, get posting 😉 The real problem is, half the time I don’t check my emails (which is how I subscribe to my favorite blogs, of which you incidentally ARE one of) until AFTER I have written the post. I will make sure I get on the ball! 😀

    • Aww thanks! I am in love also 😉 They are not very grabbable though- you have to order them from Australia! If you want the info I can find the link to the place I bought them from (not all places ship to the US!) so let me know 😉

  5. ERMAGERD I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE ACCIDENT SEASON!!! :DDDD IT is like one of my new favourite books of ever. (Don’t you think it nearly had a Maggie Stiefvater flair??? I loved that. *happy sigh*)

    AWK. Those white deluxe Hunger Games are super beautiful. :’) Now you know how gorgeous they are to stroke and huge and photograph copiously. I’m pretty sure 78% of my instagram feed was just those books when I first got them. <3

    AND I'M SO SAD BECAUSE I GOT REJECTED FOR A THOUSAND NIGHTS. Netgalley hates me. I had, like, 98% ratio and still they hate me. Omg, what is wrong with this universe. *trundles off grumbling*

    • Yes, it was really good! And I agree about the Maggie vibe now that you mention it- it was very atmospheric, and I felt the same way about The Raven Boys!

      I am afraid to touch them! And I need some natural light for good pictures and… I don’t want to move them anywhere! Damn you Australians and your gorgeous books 😉

      WHAT!? How were YOU rejected for a book!? I had requested it like, five months ago- then got a copy at BEA. And then they approved me, last week so it was weird. No one should really EVER reject you for a book- maybe it was just a location thing? I mean, let’s say I was trying to market books. I would literally be sending you boxes full, every week. Like, ALL the books even if I didn’t HAVE to sell those books. I am sorry 🙁

  6. You are going to absolutely love The Ghosts of Heaven Shannon. It is such an intelligently written story and is almost kind of a puzzle more than anything – in the best possible way. I hope you end up enjoying it as much as I did!

    And OMG – so jealous of your THG box set. ? You lucky duck!

    Thanks for sharing and, as always, great recap! ♥

    • YAYY I am so, so excited for The Ghosts of Heaven! I LOVE that you say it is like a puzzle- that’s kind of what I was hoping for it to be, especially after reading reviews! I can’t wait to read it.

      Also- The Luxury Editions are amazing, and gorgeous, but I am afraid to touch them. ALSO, the only thing more exciting than them are basically a Hunger Games ARC, so… I guess I’ll be offering up my organs to anyone with an ARC 😉

  7. OMG YOU HAVE SUCH BEAUTIFUL BOOKS THIS WEEK. I’d seen the HG edition before in a bookstore, and I’m so happy for you that you have the set 😀 😀 And A Thousand Nights and A Magic Dark and Bright sound lovely too, and I hope you enjoy reading them too.

    • Aww thank you! And OH! They have them there too!? I know they only have them on the opposite side of the world, but I didn’t know how many places! I know they’re in Australia and New Zealand! Australia was kind enough to send me a copy, in exchange for lots of money 😉

  8. Those Hunger Games books look pretty sweet. I need to check out some of your links, especially the rebellion one. Have a super week!

  9. So much good stuff about The Accident Seasons and Everything Everything lately – I have them both and cannot wait to read them! I’m also currently reading A Thousand Nights, and it’s pretty good, and that cover is GORGEOUS! You sound as though you’ve had a right good week, and you’ve been so busy, so keep it up Shannon, it’s impressive! 😀

  10. Okay, I kind of want that set of The Hunger Games now that I’ve seen them. They’re so pretty! I got approved for an egalley of Wolf by Wolf this week, very excited. I think I traded with someone for Hunter, but can’t remember who, and it hasn’t arrived, so now I’m not sure! Hoping that trade works out. I need to go see who it was in my emails or on Twitter. You can check out my post in the link below.

    • Right? They make you NEED them- I saw Cait’s and HAD to have them (granted, I’d wanted them for ages, but SEEING them made it a need!) I hope you love Wolf by Wolf too- I am excited for it! And I really hope your copy of Hunter arrives, that is frustrating! Trades, sometimes they’re awesome (as above!) and sometimes… well, you know those times 😉

  11. Justin

    I want that edition of The Hunger Games series so badly! It is absolutely gorgeous. I can’t even imagine a good way to display them though, to show off all the great things about them without risking them being damaged. I hope you enjoy everything you got!

    Here is my StS

    Justin @ Justin’s Book Blog

    • That is my exact problem! I mean, sure, I can throw them on a shelf, but then all I see is the white case. I am torn, I want to take them out BUT I don’t want them to get ruined. Such a conundrum! If I ever think up a good plan, I will let you know 😉

  12. This post is full of amazing. THAT HUNGER GAMES SET OMG WOW. I am just sitting here drool and patting my screen. Looks like you got some great stuff off Books for Trade, and I’ve heard good things about bone gap. Thanks for sharing my post as well Shannon!

  13. That Hunger Games box set looks amazing, especially that picture from the side where you see the coloured pages, so pretty! Sounds like you had a great reading week, that’s so awesome when you really enjoy all your books in a week. Oh and the cover for A Thousands Nights looks pretty amazing! I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  14. Oh wow, those are definitely some beautiful editions of the Hunger Games! I just love it when the page tips are coloured <3 Oh, and I have Bone Gap on my TBR so I hope you enjoy that one as well!

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