Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. It gives us a chance to share with readers what we bought, borrowed, swapped, won or got for review each week. I also decided that since I do a weekly recap, it really is just good sense to link up with The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer!
The Books:
The Jewel by Amy Ewing Thanks so, so much to Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction!! I so desperately wanted a physical copy of this one, and now I have the pretty!!
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas Because sometimes, you just have to splurge and buy the damn book.
For Review
Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone via Netgalley, thanks to Disney-Hyperion
The Edge of Forever by Melissa Hurst via Edelweiss, thanks to Sky Pony Press
Weekly Shenanigans
I read books! Three books, in fact:
I liked Rook and 99 Days. I liked Hit too, even though there are flaws. Like, lots of them. But I still enjoyed it, so that should make a nice, hard review. Also, one of these books contains a new book boyfriend. Just saying. Feel free to guess 😉
I also bought my BEA pass!! EEEP! This is actually happening! For a long time, all I had was a trip to New York with two internet friends, but now, I am actually going to BEA. FOR REAL.
On the Blog:
- On Monday, I reviewed Girl Underwater by Claire Kells. I also posted the sign ups for the April 2015 New Release Giveaway Hop!
- This week’s Top Ten Tuesday was about recent TBR additions but… I just picked some from
- On Wednesday, I posted the link-up and giveaway for the April Discussion Challenge
- On Thursday, my bookshelf (which has stick people features) called to you for assistance.
- And on Friday, I was underwhelmed by Magonia by Maria Dahvana Heady
Fun in the Blogosphere:
- Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction has banned books in her house, and she’ll tell you why (spoiler: her kid might be a Divergent!)
- Kaitlin @ Reading is My Treasure tells us how she organizes her ARCs (and I stole a TON of ideas from her, because this is an awesome post!)
- Jen @ The Bookavid has five great blogging tips to share!
- Kayla @ The Thousand Lives is ready for summer, and has some lovely summery reads to share!
- Amanda @ Of Spectacles and Books shares these hilarious (and true!) Warning Labels that Should Accompany Books
- Val @ The Innocent Smiley posted an amazing review of the epic, sure to be classic, The Innocent Centaur Strikes Back
Up Next:
Reviews. Tags. Becoming Jinn Blog Tour. Discussions of some variety. Likely, ten tops of some list or another. Stuff, basically.
And before you go… some cute kids and a bunny, perhaps?
I really hope you liked Rook! I’ll be reading that soon.
Every Last Word was great! Aj…. <3 <3
The Edge of Forever – veeeery curious about this one. I may be asking for spoilers from you! 😀
Happy reading, babe!
Rook was good! It started off slow, though, so be prepared! I am so excited for Every Last Word!! And I will definitely let you know about The Edge of Forever 😉 Thanks!
I’ve heard excellent things about Rook.
My husband TRIED to fool me on the 1st. I didn’t buy it. 🙂 Have a great week.
Hahhah silly husband! And yes, Rook was good!
Heir of fire, yessss ! I want to read it but I’m biding my time some, after all, we’ll have to wait until september afterward… Enjoy 😉
Yes, that was my thinking too (since I haven’t even read Crown of Midnight yet- oops!) but I had a 20% off coupon, and it was staring at me on the shelf, soooo… hahah
I really enjoyed Heir of Fire. The series is getting better and better. I see some other books in your haul that I really want to read. I have a copy of Every Last Word which I’m looking forward to! I hope you enjoy your books!
Thanks! And that is what everyone is telling me, I still haven’t read Crown of Midnight, BUT I am so excited to get more into the series! Every Last Word does look SO good!
I’ve actually not read anything you mention this week, but Every Last Word and Heir of Fire are on my TBR. I ended up DNFing The Jewel and totally lost interest in 99 Days after hearing more about the relationship(s) in it. BEA! I’m going too! This’ll be my second year and I’m beyond excited. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to meet!
Hope you have a great week!
My StS!
The Jewel is absolutely a “guilty pleasure” book. NO question. There are things that I know were not great, but I was so into it, I didn’t even care. And yeah, 99 Days is going to be polarizing, no question. I liked it, but I think a lot of people will avoid it. And YAY! I hope we do get a chance to meet, I’ll be on the lookout 😀
No april fools joke for me (thank you Lord!) I really loved The Jewel. I found it to be super unique, kinda slow but I loved it. I have the UK cover even though I’m near US (contacted the wrong publisher lol but at least, I’ll be getting The White Rose from them too). I also got Every Last Word!! And well, you know I have Heir of Fire thanks to my friend 😀
Check out my STS
Genesis @ GenGen’s Book Blog
Hahah I know, I am so gullible, I know I’d get hit with one if someone wanted to! And I agree with The Jewel- and I am kind of jealous that you know you’ll be getting The White Rose already!! I want to request it, but then I think maybe I should wait for BEA, but I don’t know! I need it!
Great haul! I really need to get caught up on the Throne of Glass series and I really want to read Every Last Word! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Love the Easter pictures 🙂
I need to get caught up too, I have only read ToG! But now that I have the others, no excuses 😉 And thanks!!
I haven’t read any of these but I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading!
Tsuki’s STS
Oh, my goodness…those bunny pics are awesome! I picked up The Edge of Forever this week. too, and I’m really excited to read it. Oh, I really want to read Rook. I can wait, I guess. I’m drowning in my tbr pile at the moment. I let it get way out of control (again). I tried to keep my upcoming reads somewhat organized, but I started reading too many at once, piling on more, and re-prioritizing. I’m a MESS! I should really be reading now, too. Oh, well. I can’t wait for BEA either! I’m going on Thursday (one day since I’m driving there and Thursday is more a YA day). It’s not far! Enjoy your weekend!
Michelle @ Michelle’s Minions
Hahha thanks! We clearly could not get the small blonde one to stand still 😉 The Edge of Forever does sound really good! And I enjoyed Rook, though there were some slower moments, overall it was good. Ohh I did not know that Thursday was a YA day! This is good information! Hopefully I will see you there 😀
Heir of Fire and The Jewel was amazing. I really enjoyed them immensely. I hope that you love all your new books. They look fantastic. The kids and the bunny is really nice and Stephen King played an April Fools Joke on Walking Dead Fans.
Grace @ Books of Love
I loved The Jewel too! I am excited to keep going with the ToG series too. And ohhh I need to look this Stephen King prank up! I love when famous people are fun 🙂
YOU’RE GOING TO BEA TOO? Yay! I cannot wait. Now if only they’d release the schedule sooner… *grumbles* I have Rook as well, and I’m hoping to read it soon. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed Hit! I wasn’t expecting that. Have a lovely week!
Yep! I am so excited, even though I haven’t a clue what I am doing 😉 I enjoyed Hit too, though I am not sure I was supposed to, if that makes sense? I mean, I had believability problems with it, but I still really liked it, so now I am so confused! Thanks 🙂 Hope you have a great week too!
Heir Of Fire is so so so damn pretty, I really need to finish my collection! I can’t wait to read ACOTAR soon, enjoy!
-Jon from Bookish Antics!
That is why I caved and bought it, because it was seriously too pretty not to. Even though I haven’t read Crown of Midnight yet. And I am excited for ACOTAR too! (Also quite pretty!)
Looks like a nice manageable haul! I went overboard this week, haha. I really need to get round to reading some Sarah J. Maas before my sister kills me, never mind the blogosphere. *grin*
Hahah that is how I ended up reading ToG- threats from bloggers 😉 And yes, I should be happy about the small, manageable haul but… I NEED BOOKS hahah. (This is probably step one in book hoarding rehab- admitting you have a problem 😉 )
Ooh, nice haul – especially Heir of Fire 😉 I adore all of Sarah J. Maas’ books but still haven’t read Heir of Fire… I think I’m just too scared.
I’m pretty excited about Rook and 99 Days so I’m glad to hear you liked them both. One day I will get to BEA! Not this year but eventually. Have a great week and enjoy your new books 🙂
My StS
Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf
I haven’t even read Crown of Midnight hahah. I just… like to buy books, apparently 😉
I did like both books, so I hope you do too! And I definitely hope you do make it to BEA one day!
Great books this week, and several that I am looking forward to reading as well! I am completely in love with your blog layout, too. I love how shiny it is, and how well all of the colors go together. I love when bloggers include a little weekly wrap up and interesting blog posts from other blogs in these STS posts as well!
Tiffany @ Beneath the Jacket Reviews
Awww thank you so much!! Ironically, I am going to be changing the design soon hahhah. BUT you have made me feel MUCH better about it until then, so thank you!!
Huhuhu, I am so jealous that you guys are all going to BEA! I was able to snag a Press Pass, but meh, other things like air fare (1000+ bucks) and visa (blaaah) just hindered me. Hopefully next year I’ll be able to go to Chicago and meet the rest of you!
Aww, I am sorry! 🙁 That has to be so hard. I mean, airfare is a nightmare. The hotels are bad enough, I know there is no WAY I could have gone if I had to spend that kind of money (I mean, my $36 bus ticket was really not a problem!), but I REALLY hope you do make it next year! I adore Chicago, so even though it’d be a plane ride for me, I do want to go!!
Wheeee, Heir of Fire! Love! I wasn’t the biggest fan of The Jewel though. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Have a fabulous weekend, Shannon 🙂
Check out my STS post!
I know, I cannot wait for it! Honestly, The Jewel was SUCH a guilty pleasure book for me. I know it had tons of flaws, and infuriated some people but… I was entertained 😉 Thanks so much, I hope you have a good week too!
Great haul! I am really excited for Every Last Word because Tamara Ireland Stone’s Time Between Us is one of my all time favorites! I’m definitely glad that she’s written something knew. I hope you have a great week! 😀
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Aw thanks! I haven’t read anything by her before, but I am very excited for this one! Hope you have a great week too 🙂
I just got Every Last Word today… I am so looking forward to reading it. Great picks this week!
Shannon @ The Tale Temptress’ StS
Oh yay! I hope you love it!
My teacher did this thing where she was like “pop quiz” and then handed out sheets of paper with tests on things we didn’t know. Midway through the test, someone screams april fools and it was bad. But she was a teacher, how was I supposed to know this was a joke?
I also have Every Last Word and I’m going to be reading it soon! WHOO!
Well that is just mean of the teacher! I would have been in full-on panic mode. Hope you enjoy Every Last Word too 🙂
I am excited to read Every Last Word. I hope you enjoy that one.
My husband took my dog on a walk. My dog hates cats and barks and growls when she sees one. When he brought her back from the walk, he said she got in a physical fight with a cat and bit her neck. Despite the fact, that my dog has never bit any animal or person, I still bought it for a minute. But my husband couldn’t keep a straight face. Ha
Thanks! Oh my goodness, that is SO mean of your husband! At least he didn’t try to pull it off for too long 😉 HE’D have ended up bitten in the neck!
WOOT FOR HEIR OF FIRE! I have the pretty white paperback myself. 😉 HAVE FUN AT BEA, SHANNON! So jealous that you’re going. Plane tickets are way too expensive for me, but hopefully in the coming years, I can go at least once. 😉
I was torn between the white paperback and the green HC. The PB would have been a LOT easier to read but… I just loved the green! And I do hope you can go to BEA sometime! I would never be able to if I’d had to fly, airfare is just insane!
What cute photos:) No pranks at my house thank goodness! lol Have a great week!
Aw thanks! I agree, I am not good with pranks myself 😉 Hope you have a great week too!
So I have seen Rook around and I am really curious about it, so I will need to check out your review. 🙂
I enjoyed Rook! It started off a little slow for me, but I got really into it by the end!
Congrats on getting your BEA pass! Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures, and am sure you’ll have a blast! I’ve been eyeing Hit but have been on the fence about buying a copy. And I need to catch up on the Throne of Glass series.
Love the bunny pictures! Too cute!
Thanks so much!! I am excited for it, and of course, will share my adventures! And Hit… well, it had pros and cons. My review is scheduled for tomorrow, so maybe that will help you decide? And I need to catch up too- I still haven’t read Crown of Midnight, but I go out and buy things! And thanks, I thought the bunny pictures were extra funny this year 😉
OMG I SEE MY LINK. It is beyond HILARIOUS seeing how many people I fooled with that post. I EVEN MADE IT SO RIDICULOUS hahahahha.
Can’t wait to see your review of Rook <3
I know, right? I am such a mess- buying books whose predecessors I have yet to read. And that book is everything. People need to erm… read it? Imagine it? Let Holly write it? And yes, Rook’s review shall be coming in a couple weeks! I liked it though!
I just looked up The Jewel, and wow, that definitely sounds like an interesting storyline! I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED ROOK. I can’t wait for it to come out, and I get more and more excited every time I see that someone liked it.
The Jewel is hit or miss with a lot of people, but I just loved it! And yes, Rook was quite good- I loved the characters! And really, the whole thing 🙂
I totally forgot about April Fool’s until I went online (which is what happens with most days like that that aren’t Christmas or my birthday). I didn’t fool anyone, but I did for a second wonder whether the dating app thing Goodreads introduced as a joke was a real thing. 😀 Enjoy your new books!
Hahahha how did I miss this Goodreads dating app?! That sounds pretty funny. I also am going to assume that like, a ton of people actually wanted to join 😉
RE: Heir of Fire – DAMN STRAIGHT. Perfect book is perfect <3
How was 99 Days? I’m trying to decide if I should fit it into the book budget this month or wait a bit and ask for it for the birthday haha. Make the decision for me Shannon 😛 #nopressure
And yes I was April Fooled by a patient at work, actually. She’s blind so I was helping her into her regular room, and before she sits down she’s like, “I can’t be in this room.” Totally deadpan! It tripped me out because that’s the only separate room we have and I didn’t have other options. Then she gets this big grin on her face… and yeah. She got me haha. But that was the biggest “prank” I experienced.
I am so excited for HoF, though I am scared too!
99 Days is… controversial. I really liked it, but I also know that a lot of people were mad about some of the content (cheating, love triangle-ish), but I thought it was good. So… I am useless 😉
And thanks! I think they’re cute too, when they aren’t driving me nuts 😉 Oh my goodness, that patient sounds like she’s a lot of fun! Hahahha, I love that!! I am always up for a good-natured prank, nothing too out there!
great books this week. and super cute easter pictures
I hope you enjoy 🙂 Happy Reading!
Here’s my Weekly Wrap Up
Michelle @ Book Briefs
Aw thanks so much!!