Top Ten Tuesday is a feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is: Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels For 2015
I love a debut. I don’t know why, maybe it is because the authors are so extra excited and happy, but something about a debut really gets me interested. I love not knowing what to expect, the unknown is half the fun. And seeing an author so happy that their “baby” is out in the world makes me smile from ear to ear. Debuts are just good, okay? So, of course I am looking forward to some! I am going to be honest, I didn’t even bother to count them, so good luck, it probably isn’t ten. I organized these, my “most-wanted”, by release date (all pictures link to Goodreads!):
August-December/Dates Unknown
Debuts I’ve Read (and So Should You):
Well, there you have it! I don’t know how many there are here, but it’s more than 10. Aw hell, it’s more than 20, isn’t it? Which debut is atop your wishlist? Did any of these make your cut?
Love how you organized this post! Totally saving it for future reference! So many great books are coming out this year it’s actually making me a little anxious because my TBR list is just getting bigger and bigger! (That’s definitely a problem only book lovers would understand)
Aw thanks! And yes, my TBR is out of control. The number of books I have pre ordered is out of control. I mean, this year just seems so amazing for books, what is a book lover to do!?
I love how you arranged your list. 🙂 I’ll probably add some of these books to my TBR.
Thanks 🙂
Oh GOSH. Denton’s Little Deathdate? I don’t even know what that is and I haven’t heard of it till now but I NEED IT I THINK.
I love this list! I’m so pleased too, because I’ve heard of most of them! I was kind of worried when 2015 rolled round, because I literally had zero debuts on my list. Everything was from famous authors. My bad. 😉 Noooow I have a whopping big TBR full of books in 2015 and it’s totally squashing my goal of reading more old series. But whatever. They are beautiful.
Yes, you do. It is dark humor, and it is AMAZING. I won an ARC a long time ago, and the author drew pictures in it and wrote such a nice message and said I was one of the very first people to read it (which, let’s be honest, is so exciting!) and I LOVED IT. Seriously, it was such a perfect blend of dark humor, and entertaining plot. I will review it, of course, a bit closer to the release. But it’s just fun!
Yay, I am glad you have heard of them! I have such a massive TBR for 2015. At last count, 240. Of 2015 books alone! How!? We need four years just to read ONE year worth of books.
Ha. I love that you didn’t stick to 10. I could have easily done that as well. I’ve spotted some books here that I really want to check out. It seems like there are many good debuts coming out this year. I hope you enjoy them!
I really didn’t even try. Like, I looked at my TBR and actually laughed at the 10, and moved along. TOO MANY good books. How is that possible!?
I have Everything That Makes You on my list too! Hope we both get to read it soon 🙂
Top Ten Tuesday
Thanks, hope you love it when you get the chance!
I’m so happy to see that you recommend Denton Little’s Deathdate!! That’s on my TTT. It sounds amazing. 🙂 So does The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly and More Happy Than Not and Ember and The Sin Eater’s Daughter and . . . okay, all of them. There are so many great looking 2015 debuts that I’m wondering how many I’m NOT excited for. It seems like a small number. 😀
I know, I think there is like, one book I might be on the fence about, and otherwise, I will be needing every single 2015 debut hahha. But seriously, I think authors have really been so creative lately with so many new ideas! They’re too good to resist!
I cannot wait for An Ember in the Ashes! It sounds so good. I love everything about Rome. And City of Savages also sounds awesome!
It really does sound so amazing. And the cover?! I want to frame it and hang it up! I just want to lock myself in a room and read all the debuts, basically 😉
Awesome list!! Almost everyone of them are on my wishlist 🙂 I have The Way We Bared Our Souls preordered and I can’t wait to read it! I’m super excited for Denton and Sin Eater’s Daughter and I Am Her Revenge also!
YES I have it pre ordered too! I would say I have pre ordered at least half of these. And that is probably being conservative 😉
Yes to An Ember in the Ashes and The Sin Eater’s Daughter. And I’m so envious that you already got to read Denton Little’s Deathdate. I didn’t get approved on Netgalley so I’ll just wait patiently for release day. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I probably wouldn’t have gotten approved either (Netgalley and I don’t get along that well it seems), but I won an ARC like, last spring. One of the first ones, I was SO excited. Still am, honestly. It was really good, I hope you love it too 🙂
Awesome list!
I love the layout :]
Going to add some of these to my TBR, not that i don’t already have enough, but hey, pretty covers :]
Aw thanks! And I know what you mean, these lists wreak havoc on my TBR 😉
OH yes I wanna read ALL OF THESE! No really you have chosen such a fabulous selection and I just happen to want to read several of these too. I am so freaking excited about Mosquitoland and Under A Painted Sky. Larissa read and loved both–which has me very pleased >.<
Lovely list here, Shannon! <33
Aw thank you! I am glad Larissa enjoyed them, and I hope we do too 🙂
I can’t wait for City of Savages and The Edge of Forever! Great choices!
Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday.
Thanks, hope you enjoy them 🙂
I just checked out The Edge of Forever and it sounds awesome! Thanks for spotlighting it, it’s now on my radar. I pretty much want to read all of these. There are so many books to look forward to this year! Yay! Great list!
Michelle @ Michelle’s Minions
Aw yay, I am glad! I hope you enjoy it! And you are right- so, so many great books coming out this year!
I can’t wait to read More happy than not. Also, Holly Black’s new one The Darkest Part of the Forest comes out soon and I intend to read that one ASAP!
Oh, The Darkest Part of the Forest was SO good, definitely grab that one!
Wow thank you for organizing them by release months! You have so many and I’m definitely going to look into the ones I don’t know yet 😀
Absolutely! I wanted to do some for each month, but then there were some months with none, so I kind of grouped some together, for the sake of aesthetics.
I’ve heard of a few of these. I really need to read more debuts this year. sometimes I just don’t pay enough attention!!
My problem is the opposite- I pay *too* much attention, then end up needing ALL the books. I think your way is better 😉
HAHAHHA I see there are more than 10. HOW DID YOU DO THAT. Honestly I was struggling with this one. But I think my most anticipated debuts are definitely An Ember in the Ashes, and also Red Queen (though I don’t know about this one anymore, might just take it out of the library). I LITERALLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT BOOKS BEING RELEASED THIS YEAR, I just pick books to read based on cover and other blogger’s reviews. Blah.
Let me go add all these to the TBR
I am with you on Red Queen. I had been so excited, but now… I am not so sure, the reviews have been only okay. I think I will hold off on it for a bit.
Hahah I know way TOO much about the new books, so maybe you can calm me down a bit, and then I can tell you which ones you MUST know about 🙂
Whoa that’s a lot!! Mosquitoland, An Ember in The Ashes, City Of Savages, and More Happy than Not. I’ve seen a lot of these picks EVERYWHERE. Everyone is anticipating the same things! AMAZING. Wonderful list!
Check out my TTT! (it’s in my recently posted… at least that what it says.)
Hahah it is SO true! I love that you and I have a LOT of the same books on our list 🙂
Lots of books I need to check out in there. Thanks for the list.
You’re quite welcome! I hope you end up finding some you’ll enjoy 🙂
Yessss, City of Savages!!!!! It’s FANTASTIC. So excited for Sin Eater, Under a Painted Sky, We All Looked Up, Ember, Minnow Bly, and so many more. Awesome picks!!
Thanks 🙂 I want, nay, NEED, City of Savages! Oh, I need them all, who am I kidding? The books this year… just wow.
Your title made me giggle! I cant wait for sin Eaters daughter, City of Savages (Rachel made me do it), and Blood and salt. also Ember and under the painted sky! Is tehre always this many amazing books coming out!??!
~ Britt @ please feed the bookworm
Hahha thanks! And seriously, this year seems extra ridiculous for ALL the books, doesn’t it? We need more time, and more money 😉
Hmmm, hadn’t heard of The Cost of All Things till now but the premise sounds very interesting! Reviews are mixed so far though.
And I hadn’t heard of Immaculate either but I just had a look at the blurb and ??? WOW. OKAY. I really don’t know which direction that’s going to go in. I can’t wait to hear more about that book!
Aside from the ones our lists share in common, I’m really excited for The Sin Eater’s Daughter, The Way We Bared Our Souls, Skyscraping, and We All Looked Up as well! GOD SO MANY BOOKS I CAN’T WAIT TO READ.
I know, I am a bit nervous about the reviews, but it sounded so, so interesting that I had to have it anyway 😉
And YES, that is how I feel about Immaculate too! It was my WoW awhile back, and it just basically will be SO unique and amazing OR preachy and awful. Fingers crossed for Option #1!
Seriously, TOO many good books this year, if that is possible!
We have a few books in common! The Distance Between Lost and Found is one I really want to read, so I might buy it. If I buy it with a giftcard, that doesn’t break any of my “read the books you already own” challenges…right? 😀
Yes! I think gift cards are fair game. I mean, if I came to your house with the book, you wouldn’t *NOT* read it, so it’s the same thing 😉
Oohhh I love how you split this up! Definitely agree with The Sin Eater’s Daughter, An Ember in the Ashes, and Everything Everything. I actually haven’t heard of the rest though… OH WAIT I think I’ve seen Immaculate before! I’m not so sure about that one… but I shall add it to keep an eye on it 😉
I had Immaculate as my WoW awhile back, it sounds so different, as long as it doesn’t end up being preachy or something! I don’t *think* it will, and if someone would just give me the damn ARC, I could tell you for sure 😉
Love debuts! I think it says something really refreshing. 😀
I agree, I love that there are so many to look forward to this year!
There are tons of books I’m eagerly waiting to be released.
Here they are: My Heart and Other Black Holes, The Secrets We Keep, Everything That Makes You, The Alex Crow, All The Bright Places, and last but not the least, Asking For It (the Louise O’Neill I’m talking about few months back. Coming August/September 2015).
AH! I am heading to Goodreads RIGHT NOW to check out Asking For It! IT. Isn’t. There. Boo 🙁 I shall have to pine for it in my mind, I suppose. Thanks for the heads up though, at least now I know it is happening soon!!
Also, definitely get The Secrets We Keep! I loved it, and I think Trisha Leaver is fantastic!
I really can’t wait for it! The first time I saw the blurb of The Secrets We Keep, I know I have to read it right after its release. I hope all the hype are right. 😀
We only have a few in common, which is GOOD actually because I haven’t heard of some of these! Like Skyscraping and The Edge of Forever and Immaculate. …well, looks like I’m adding even more books to the TBR list. Nice job, Shannon. And also nice title.
Yay! And thank you 🙂 I do love finding new books. It may be one of my favorite and least lucrative pastimes 😉