Blogoversary Celebration: Day 2

Welcome to Day Two, the last day of the Blogoversary fun, but NOT the last of the giveaways! I figured it might be fun to talk about blogging goals, bookish goals in general, things that have happened over the past year that have been exciting, and plans for the future!

When I started the blog, my hopes were basically the following:

  • Gush and/or rant about books.
  • Meet other bookish people.
Yeah. That was kind of it. Of course, as I got into it, I wanted more, as we tend to do.

What was once just a hobby that few people knew about kind of turned into something that I loved, and I of course tried to pour as much as possible into it. In the past year, I have so far exceeded my goals, I can hardly believe it. Now, I know that the stats are just numbers, and I do try not to pay attention (except when I am requesting something, which for me, is rare because I scare easily), but I am absolutely stunned and humbled when I do look up said statistics and numbers. A million times, I thank you. 
You all have pushed me to complete my ultimate “too scared” goal- requesting an ARC! I did, a few months ago, and am actually currently reading it!
I also got my first rejection the other day. That wasn’t fun. At all. (I kind of do not deal with rejection well.)
AND, I even requested a physical ARC! I have exactly zero hopes of getting it, but hey, progress!
And like a person on the eve of a new year, I will make some goals for the year to come:
  • Calm down. Seriously, I freaked out pretty badly when the site went down. I panic if I don’t have a review up by midnight (why midnight? I don’t know, it is my own weird thing), I fret if I don’t return every comment immediately. I need to take a breath, and try to tell myself that the world will not end if I take an extra night to reply to comments. Posting a review at 12:23 isn’t hurting anyone. Anxiety, be gone!
  • More discussions! Because really, they’re fun.
  • BEA! Yes, this has to happen. It is non-negotiable. It is less than two hours away, but it won’t be in 2016.
  • At least request a few ARCs. I have zero control over receiving them, which I should remind myself in the midst of panicked states.
  • Continue forging relationships. Keep up with the ones I have, strengthen them, and meet even more people! Yay, books!

Onto the giveaway! Sorry, but this one is U.S. only, for I am broke and shipping is expensive. No worries, there is yesterday’s giveaway, plus one more still to come that will be international!
This one is for a copy of Dangerous Girls, some swag from all kinds of YA (some authors are super nice, and send multiple copies, which provides me with some to share with YOU!), and whatever random books I find on the cheap between now and when I mail out the package. I’ll include a couple more, mystery books if you will.
And to answer the rafflecopter question: I rate myself a three on the “Danger Scale”. I am pretty much a one most days, but I can have some nasty mood swings. The worst that will happen is the demise of an inanimate object though.

Good luck! As always, check out the terms/policies 🙂  Oh- and the site is still down for me. So I can’t see comments (well, I see them via email, but I can’t reply!) so I promise I will respond ASAP!

Posted October 9, 2014 by Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight in Giveaway / 24 Comments


24 responses to “Blogoversary Celebration: Day 2

  1. Well my brothers would insist I say at least seven…but that’s because they’re my brothers and also they taught me to be mean to them! It’s not my fault!
    This is hard…I’m going to go with 5 because I’m hostile in real life. Sure I smile at old ladies in the grocery store but I also hate kids and constantly yell, like I yell a lot in a mean way, even when I don’t mean to.
    Also because of the way people in the bookstore looked at me yesterday when I went to buy the new Percy Jackson book and was a little…overly excited. =)

    Anyways. Once again happy blogoversary! And good luck on your goals for the next year! =)

  2. Requesting books is always scary, but you get used to it! I hope you will be able to calm down. Keep reminding yourself this is a hobby, something you enjoy doing; not a job you HAVE to do. Relax, sit back and have fun 😀

  3. I love that last gif. I’m giggling. So dangerous, Hermione, terrifyingly dangerous. *nods* (Dang, I know she has a name, but…she’s Hermione.)

    Requesting books IS so scary! I’m pretty lucky (I guess the pond for wanting ARCs is smaller in Australia?) but I still tremble in my boots when I get a “no”. And I get really really sad if I get a no and it’s a book I wanted a lot and I know they just ran out before getting to me. Gah. 1st world problems. I know. >.>

  4. I would say you’ve built a pretty good following in a short amount of time, bravo!
    on the danger scale I would rate myself a four… not going to lie I make some risky moves when I drive because I don’t have the patience to wait or drive slow!

  5. Mary DeBorde
    lol On the danger scale, it is possible I *might* be an actual 2, but probably more like a 1.5! The older I’ve gotten the more *Zen* I’ve become to where I no longer sweat the small stuff. More like a hippy marshmallow than a sword welding ninja ;D

  6. I am a danger level of 4 now adays, but might have been a 6 or7 back in the day. Yep, I have a lowkey life now. Congratulations on your blogaversary!

  7. This can vary. Usually I am a 2-4 on average. I can have a bit of an edge of a temper at times. However hurt my family and a 10 can look kind… 🙂 That rule applies to torturing animals, or hurting any children. I can go on a vengeance kick over that. So I guess all this depends on the word dangerous.
    If its more a “living on the edge” aspect then I would say a 1-3 average with a 7 at the highest.

  8. I always assume I’ll get denied for an arc, then I’m surprised and happy when I’m accepted. Requesting arcs (is oddly one of the few things that) doesn’t scare me. (Digital ones, ‘real’ ones is very scary, why I haven’t done it.) Good luck getting your arc! 🙂 Oooh mystery books! Thanks for another Giveaway! Yeah on a danger scale I’m probably a one, unless it comes to speaking up to doctors or something for someone else, then I’m a 8.

  9. I remember when I started bloging it was mostly to have a place to publish my reviews and I thought it was cool to have my own space on the blog. It took a long time until I got were I am now with my blog, with more discussion posts and more personal.

    I’ve been blogging for about 2 years now and I don’t think I’ve ever requested a book ARC, unless you count netgalley. I am not sure why, but the popular books I buy those and I believe I am too small a blogger to warrant an ARC. And I live in the Netherlands so really who’s going to send me a hardcopy. And to be honest the idea of going to an author and asking for copy just freaks me out.

    Considering the danger style question I am probably about a 1 on most days. I hardly ever get angry or vent my frustrations at all. I hardly ever get annoyed enough to actualy show it. I bottle it all up and even then it takes a lot to get me to vent any of that frustration. Although the explosion can be a bit unexpected. I do get angry in my dreams sometimes, so maybe that’s were I vent my frustrations.

  10. HAHAHA WHAT? WHAT IS WITH THAT COMMENT QUESTION?? Well if I’m not being honest, I’ll rate myself a 10. But to be honest, I’ll rate myself a 1 because I am adorable and not evil at all. I’m a 20 year old in a 15 year old body yep. With chubby cheeks. Have I mentioned that I’m not evil. Yeah.

    Ok. HAPPY DAY 2 OF YOUR BLOGOVERSARY! To be honest, I’m nervous about emailing publishers about print ARCS, so I’m just going to wait on it until I have better ish stats. Plus there’s so many books I want to read from the library, so it’s not a big deal 😀 Maybe I can try some small publishers? (suggesting that to you too)

    • Hi, well I’m 22 almost 23 (B-Day in Nov.) and most people like I’m 12 to 15…. Hummm I don’t know what to do about it. I’m just like nope 22. Yup I’m oldish. haha

  11. I like safety, but I have a serious fear of never DOING anything big… so I force myself out of the zone more often than I am typically comfortable with. I’m not sure where that puts me on the scale… maybe an M.

  12. haha, I’m only “dangerous” if there’s a helmet and a ridiculous amount of safety precautions in place! So maybe a 5?

    Happy day 2 of your blogoversary!!!!!!! – meghann

  13. It really depends on the situation. I’ll give myself a 4 on a day to day basis since I am fairly sleep from being a toddler mom and working.

  14. Great Giveaway. I’ve heard a lot about Dangerous Girls but sadly haven’t gotten my hands on a copy. Congrats on Blogoversary I just had my weeks ago. Time goes by fast. Danger Level from 1-10 for me would have to be 1. I never do anything. Just tea, books and blogging. I hate spiders, roller-coasters and much more. So, my Danger Level is quite low. Haha
    Happy Blogoversary!

  15. Amber Terry

    My danger level is just SO low! I would rate myself at maybe a 4 because I’m such a docile, non-dangerous person, but I feel that maybe deep down I could be a little dangerous if absolutely necessary :p

    Thanks for the chance to win!

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